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Hot Scots (1948)

metaldams · 23 · 11590

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Offline metaldams

Watch HOT SCOTS in the link above

      Like SQUAREHEADS OF THE ROUNDTABLE, HOT SCOTS is a film released long after its filming date.  Indeed, it's only the fourth Shemp filmed but eleventh released.  A lot transpired in between the filming and release date of this film, most importantly the death of Ted Lorch, who plays MacPhereson in this film (Elle he ain't).  Released eight months after his death, but filmed eleven months before.  He's fine here, as he is in all of his Stooge roles, so we say goodbye to him at this point in the story. Very under appreciated, and interestingly enough, when the remake SCOTCHED IN SCOTLAND was made years later, his role was reprised with a very obvious double in the new footage, no doubt inspiring Ed Wood with his future Bela Lugosi problem.

      As far as the film itself, there's not a single thing I can think of to criticize.  All Three Stooges are in fine form here, but I'm going to give extra props to Moe.  First off, any scene that involves extended slapstick like the paper cleaning scene is Moe in his true element - bossing around and abusing Stooges.  One of the simple pleasures in life.  The "shoe filled with dollar bills or two socks of fives" is one of his all-time great set ups for a punch, and using the hedge clippers on Shemp's nose to drag his face through the bush is also pretty darn funny.  Oh, and when Larry is trying to sweep paper under a clip of grass and Moe's legs are the only thing showing, that cracks me up.  The mere insinuation of Moe's presence by showing his legs is funny enough for me.  Funny, last Laurel and Hardy film I reviewed with HABEAS CORPUS, I appreciated a shot of just their hands. 

      The castle has some great stuff too.  Love hearing the boys, as well as Christine McIntyre, do their Scottish accents.  Back to Moe, he gets a wonderful scene flirting with Christine and doing a goofy little dance with just as goofy bagpipe music!  Really fun stuff, can't stress enough how good Moe is in this one.  Love Ted Lorch hovering over the proceedings inside that painting as well.  I love the whole atmosphere of the castle, and also appreciate the business with the 150 year old Scotch, and how they get to sniff the bottle and cork.  Really like Shemp's response that he can't have another sniff because he has to drive.  The Stooges themselves also are likable go getters in this one, but of course a bit hapless.

      Overall, a great short.  The rating itself contains two socks of fives.


- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Well, I've always looked at this short as being good, but not great--there's some funny stuff here, no doubt and almost all of it happens in the first several minutes. The yard cleaning scenes are great and the stooges in the Earl's office is good stuff too--love that mostly incomprehensible Scottish talk Shemp does (McYowser that's what the man said, he said yowser up) and Moe clocking him with his walking stick.

Where this short loses points with me is after they leave the Earl's office. Instead of going on about the stooges and "spookhouse " antics again, I'll just say those scenes don't do a whole lot for me.

7 out of 10...
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline metaldams

Well, I've always looked at this short as being good, but not great--there's some funny stuff here, no doubt and almost all of it happens in the first several minutes. The yard cleaning scenes are great and the stooges in the Earl's office is good stuff too--love that mostly incomprehensible Scottish talk Shemp does (McYowser that's what the man said, he said yowser up) and Moe clocking him with his walking stick.

Where this short loses points with me is after they leave the Earl's office. Instead of going on about the stooges and "spookhouse " antics again, I'll just say those scenes don't do a whole lot for me.

7 out of 10...

There were a few scare things, but it wasn't overwhelming.  Moe's stuff with Christine I think transcends scare comedy quite easily.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Lefty

"Glenheather Castle -- on the bonny banks of Scotland -- but 'tis late, and the bonny banks are closed."  Maybe the Stooges should have gone there on a Friday.  Glenheather Castle is about 60 miles up from Lower Uncton.

The Hot Scots is a good short, with the yard scenes, Christine McIntyre looking fabamundo, the Stooges' Scottish gibberish, Moe giving Larry and Shemp a lot of physical grief, and the bed that goes from one room to the other.  The main problem is the sped-up 78-rpm fight scene in the bedroom that is unfortunately repeated via stock footage in Scotched in Scotland.

The Scotch Broth is now 217 years old.  How about a wee snifter?

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

This short does not bring me a lot of laughs, but it has some decent head-conking action. The best, in my opinion, happens when Larry and Shemp join in attacking a figure concealed under a blanket on the bed that slides into their room. Shemp conks it on the head first, using a rifle butt--pook!--followed by Larry, wielding an enormous mace--clang! Of course, the recipient of the blows turns out to be Moe, who is not only unharmed but not even momentarily dizzied, just very sour about it.

The only part of the assumed Scotch identities of the boys that gives me a laugh is MacShemp's sample of speech from "southern Scotland," which Moe very properly terminates with a knock in the face.

Isn't it rum how much Glenheather Castle looks like the castle of King Vernon Dent in Fiddlers Three and in Squareheads of the Round Table.

It would be nice if the plot included some explanation of how the boys happen to be living in London, looking for work as police detectives.

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

Another of the type that doesn't need to be enhanced with any backstory or behind-the-scenes incidents.  There it is: meet MacLarry, MacShemp and I'm MacMoe.  If you don't get this one, you don't get the Three Stooges.  The only trouble I ever had with this one was cutting through the butler's accent in the sentence which sends the laird rocketing out the front door to the taxi.  After many years I finally figured out that what he says is " beg pardon, sir, but it's tuppence a minute for waiting time ".  Tuppence being an absurdly small sum even then.

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident meteorologist
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I have little to say here.  It's a reel of plot-driving gags.  It's a very funny short, but one cannot just put it in words while battling the crud.
#1 fire kibitzer

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident meteorologist
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • The heartthrob of millions!
Yes, the profile pic change was deliberate.
#1 fire kibitzer

Offline metaldams

I have little to say here.  It's a reel of plot-driving gags.  It's a very funny short, but one cannot just put it in words while battling the crud.

You had me consulting the urban dictionary to figure out what "the crud" is.  Not as bad as my 16 year old cousin having me search "Alabama hot pocket" on the same website. Darn whippersnappers these days!  Hope you'll feel better next week, your avatar is coming up.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

Yes, the profile pic change was deliberate.

How is it that you guys (you and Metaldams) are able to upload or change profile pics? I have been unable to restore my old photo for years, and when I try now, I still get the message "The attachments upload directory is not writable. Your attachment or avatar cannot be saved."

Offline metaldams

How is it that you guys (you and Metaldams) are able to upload or change profile pics? I have been unable to restore my old photo for years, and when I try now, I still get the message "The attachments upload directory is not writable. Your attachment or avatar cannot be saved."

I too am unable to upload an avatar pic if it's a pic I've saved on my computer.  That wasn't always the case.  However, when it's one of the pre-programmed pics on this site, it allows me to do it.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

I too am unable to upload an avatar pic if it's a pic I've saved on my computer.  That wasn't always the case.  However, when it's one of the pre-programmed pics on this site, it allows me to do it.

That is very disappointing, but better than nothing. Given the limited choices, I've adopted the picture of Uncle Mortimer. I was hoping that there might be a photo of Barbara Slater in there, but no such luck.

Edited to add: OOPS! That's PaulPayne's photo! No wonder it grabbed my attention. Have to take another.

Any explanation about the erratic release schedule on this?  Did they just not want to release three castle settings in a row?

Offline metaldams

Any explanation about the erratic release schedule on this?  Did they just not want to release three castle settings in a row?

Officially, I don't know.  As a guess, I'm going to say because the original film that used the sets for HOT SCOTS and SQUAREHEADS OF THE ROUNDTABLE, BANDITS OF SHEERWOOD FOREST, was released in December of 1946, the same month the two shorts were filmed.  Columbia likely viewed the feature as a much higher priority than the shorts, and probably wanted the feature to fade from the public consciousness before releasing shorts that obviously use the same sets.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline luke795

Does any have a list of the order the Three Stooges shorts were filmed in?

Offline metaldams

Does any have a list of the order the Three Stooges shorts were filmed in?

Not all the filming dates are known, though these days, a good majority of them are.  The dates of the known films are listed later on on each short's page.  Some interesting info concerning the Shemp era much later on as far as that goes.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline MrsMorganMorgan

  • Applehead
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  • I used to do toe work until I broke both ankles
I'll say this; the best part of this short for me is Moe's awesome dance; especially when he turns his back on "Lorna", runs over to the entryway area and just goes to town; heel kicks; knee-dancing....

This was one of my favorites when I was a kid; Shemp was my favorite Stooge back when I was a child. And now after having immersed myself exclusively in Curly for 10 years and going back to Shemp, for the most part I see how poor the Shemps are; how old Larry is; how tired Moe's scenes seem; just the life is out of everything. But in this one Shemp is just my beloved Shemp; just perfect.
You hear that? The old lady's a crook. Let's give her the razzle-dazzle!

It's my guess that Moe turns his back because that's his stunt double dancing

Offline Kopfy2013

 Shemp was the star.   However I was a little bored with the short.    I had a couple of Snickers but that's it.

I'm going to give it a six.
Niagara Falls

Offline MrsMorganMorgan

  • Applehead
  • *
  • I used to do toe work until I broke both ankles
It's my guess that Moe turns his back because that's his stunt double dancing

I'm sure. But it was still awesome; the knee-dancing just sends it into the stratosphere for me.
You hear that? The old lady's a crook. Let's give her the razzle-dazzle!

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

This one was always one of my favorites as a kid.  Thru the years, though I still enjoy it, it has dropped down my list.  As of now, it's #79.

Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

8/10, I thought this was a very good short, I especially love the angry, pissed off look Moe gives to the other stooges after getting clobbered by them, to me that scene features one of Moe's meanest, angriest facial reactions I've ever seen, he looked like he wanted to wring their necks, I also loved Larry's "Train leaving" line only for Moe to punish him, the ending was hilarious and clever, there are a couple of minor slow scenes but not enough to hinder my enjoyment

I wish the underrated Ted Lorch had gotten to appear in more stooge shorts with Shemp.