Considering the 40 talkie shorts the boys made, this one is just average -- maybe a bit below. As I've said before regarding ratings, that doesn't mean it's a bad comedy; it's just not as good as many of their other shorts.
I've always felt that it is missing something -- perhaps not having one of their top-notch co-stars. Frank Terry/Natt Clifford (who shows up briefly in THREE LITTLE BEERS), is funny enough, though. This was his biggest role in a Laurel and Hardy film. His appearances with them seem to be limited to 1933, although he was also in HUSTLING FOR HEALTH, a Stan Laurel silent short. He was also a member of their gag team, but I don't have the specific years.
To me, this short never really "takes off", although their attempts to break into a house to stop it from being broken into are amusing. The boys were never averse to morbid or freak endings, so I've never really given the ending much thought other than characterizing it as fairly typical for them.
While this is the only film where they play police officers, they did play private detectives in DO DETECTIVE THINK?, and were bogus private detectives in THE BIG NOISE.
If I didn't know better, this one could fool me into thinking it was made a few years earlier. It just kind of has that "feel" for me.
BTW, there is a possible goof in the film. Earlier, they talk about where they spent their day off, yet at the end of the film they say they just started "this morning." Perhaps they were talking about a day off on their previous job. Rumor has it that their next job was for the Secret Service.