I doubt I could choose a favorite character, not from the silent and not from the talkies. I enjoy seeing each child for different reasons, although there are some things about one or another character which I find especially amusing or appealing or entertaining.
I like to see the children most when they are at their most natural. Of course, some of them were pros at portraying natural characters. They're all so cute, and they're so funny, too. When I was little, I had a hard time with the poor quality sound on many of the shorts. I watch the Rascals about once a week now, the first time I've seen them since I was a child, and I notice that they sound quality is often not good, and other times, the dialogue is almost drowned out by the soundtrack. That's probably what bothered me when I was young.
Yet I think I enjoy the Rascals much more now than I did then. I think it's because I know more about human nature than I did then. I watched a *lot* of TV when I was growing up, and there were many things, in TV shows and in old movies, which I assumed were just to keep the plot moving. But now I can see that many of those things are representative of human nature - - *and* to keep the plot moving.