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Our Gang/The Little Rascals thread

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Offline Signor Spumoni

R.I.P. to both Jean Darling and Dickie Moore.

Speaking of Dickie Moore, SIA, have you read his autobiography?  I requested it from the library.  If you've read it, let me know what you think.  All others who have read are welcome to opine, too.

Offline Tony Bensley

Yes, that is a pretty good picture. If I'll go ahead and be the one that will name the people in the picture from left to right: Robert " Wheezer " Hutchins, Mary Ann Jackson, Harry Spear ( used to think it was Jackie Cooper, except now I realize it's Spear), Allen "Farina" Hoskins, and ( the remarkably talented performer who was capable of taking pies to the face) Norman "Chubby" Chaney. ( See if you can guess which film I was referencing to in that remark about Norman.)
Hi Shemp_is_Awesome78!

Please kindly allow me to weigh in regarding the debate of the Jackie Cooper/Harry Spear identity.

You were right the first time, as that is most certainly Jackie Cooper, and NOT Harry Spear!

A Photo of Harry Spear can be found on his Bio Page at Dave Lord Heath's excellent Another Nice Mess Website, which includes the Hal Roach Stars and much more:

Sorry about not directly uploading the photo, but I seem to have zero luck with the upload method used on this site!  It could be my choice of browser?  Who knows?



P.S. It's just a thought, but seeing the 'Our Gang' members in St. Patrick's Day type garb, I'd hazard a guess that this photo was taken in the early part of 1930.  This would account for Jackie Cooper being in the photo, as Harry Spear had indeed, departed from the Gang, by that time!

Offline Signor Spumoni

Thank you for your opinion, Tony.  I agree with you; it looks like Jackie to me.  He had distinctive eyes, for one thing. 

I'll take your word it's 1930 here.  That would be make sense, seeing how much older and more mature Wheezer and Mary Ann look compared to when they debuted in the silents.  Certainly Farina is much taller here, too.

Offline Tony Bensley

Thank you for your opinion, Tony.  I agree with you; it looks like Jackie to me.  He had distinctive eyes, for one thing. 

I'll take your word it's 1930 here.  That would be make sense, seeing how much older and more mature Wheezer and Mary Ann look compared to when they debuted in the silents.  Certainly Farina is much taller here, too.
Hi Signor Spumoni!

Why I site 1930, rather than 1931 as the likely year the photo was taken is, by that time, the five still present 'Our Gang' members appear noticeably older to me in the films that were released during the fall 1930 to spring 1931 cinematic season (At the end of which Jackie Cooper; Norm "Chubby Chaney" and Al "Farina" Hoskins departed!), especially in that season's 2nd half!



Offline CurlyFan1934

Hello, Little Rascals/Our Gang fans! Don't mean to comment on an old thread, but I just thought that I would mention that I am ShempIsAwesome just under a new nickname. I couldn't remember my password to the old account, so I had to create a new one. If anybody wants to talk Rascals with me, I'd be delighted!

Offline Signor Spumoni

Hello, Little Rascals/Our Gang fans! Don't mean to comment on an old thread, but I just thought that I would mention that I am ShempIsAwesome just under a new nickname. I couldn't remember my password to the old account, so I had to create a new one. If anybody wants to talk Rascals with me, I'd be delighted!

Hey, CF!  I wondered what became of you.  It's nice to hear from you again.  Have you had any LR/OG parties lately?

Offline CurlyFan1934

No, haven't had any... I got around to watching General Spanky, however. It was an alright feature. It was very interesting, considering the limited amount of kids that are in it. I heard that Jean Darling and Dickie Moore passed away, which made me very sad. I haven't seen much of Jean Darling but I have seen most of Dickie Moore's shorts. From what I've seen, they were very great child actors.

I am also a member of a Laurel and Hardy society, and I recently got an email that Jerry Tucker isn't doing so well, either. He is recovering from what I heard at the last meeting of the society, so that is very good news.

Also, I've been meaning to ask you this, Signor, but all the time away from the forum has prompted me to almost forget about the question. Anyways, what are your thoughts on the MGM Little Rascals shorts?

Offline Signor Spumoni

No, haven't had any... I got around to watching General Spanky, however. It was an alright feature. It was very interesting, considering the limited amount of kids that are in it. I heard that Jean Darling and Dickie Moore passed away, which made me very sad. I haven't seen much of Jean Darling but I have seen most of Dickie Moore's shorts. From what I've seen, they were very great child actors.

I am also a member of a Laurel and Hardy society, and I recently got an email that Jerry Tucker isn't doing so well, either. He is recovering from what I heard at the last meeting of the society, so that is very good news.  Gosh, he'd have to be in his 90s.

Also, I've been meaning to ask you this, Signor, but all the time away from the forum has prompted me to almost forget about the question. Anyways, what are your thoughts on the MGM Little Rascals shorts?  Now that's a good topic.  I'll have to watch those again before I answer.  I can't even remember the last time I saw the MGM shorts.  It could have been when I was growing up.  I'll get back to you.  In the meantime, what do you think of the MGM shorts?

Offline Signor Spumoni

7Stooges, are you still around?  I know StoogesRascals fan is still here.  What do you two think of the MGM shorts?  Everyone else is welcome to opine, too.

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident meteorologist
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I am also a member of a Laurel and Hardy society, and I recently got an email that Jerry Tucker isn't doing so well, either. He is recovering from what I heard at the last meeting of the society, so that is very good news.

I must know... what is the name of your tent?  :)
#1 fire kibitzer

Offline CurlyFan1934

I must know... what is the name of your tent?  :)
The Night Owls Tent.  :) It was one of the first.

Offline CurlyFan1934

Replying to Signor, I don't really like the MGM shorts. Considering that there are so many fantastic Roaches' and so little MGM's, it's really not hard to compare the two. I remember that I bought a big set of them on my phone, and ended up only watching about 10 of them...

I remember there was one where Alfalfa dreamed of being a big football player, but his dad objected because Alfalfa had to pay more attention to schoolwork or something or other. It was really that bad. Of course, there are a few hidden MGM gems. I think that the public domain MGM short (Waldo's Last Stand) was really one of the best MGM's. It showed the kids being kids, rather than being forced to do stuff that MGM deemed necessary.

Offline Tony Bensley

I ordered a used DVD-R set of the MGM 'Our Gang' shorts a couple years back.  They definitely aren't as good as the Hal Roach shorts, although there are a few gems in the first few theatrical seasons.  In my opinion, the post Spanky entries are the hardest to watch!

For anyone who might be interested, my short reviews of all 52 MGM one reelers are posted on Dave Lord Heath's "Another Nice Mess" website under "THE 52 OUR GANG MGM SHORTS" heading.  These may be coming down soon, as the webmaster is considering a change in format, which would include only the Hal Roach films.

CHEERS!  [pie]

Offline Signor Spumoni

I ordered a used DVD-R set of the MGM 'Our Gang' shorts a couple years back.  They definitely aren't as good as the Hal Roach shorts, although there are a few gems in the first few theatrical seasons.  In my opinion, the post Spanky entries are the hardest to watch!

For anyone who might be interested, my short reviews of all 52 MGM one reelers are posted on Dave Lord Heath's "Another Nice Mess" website under "THE 52 OUR GANG MGM SHORTS" heading.  These may be coming down soon, as the webmaster is considering a change in format, which would include only the Hal Roach films.

CHEERS!  [pie]

Why, Tony Bensley, I haven't seen you 'round these parts in donkey's years.  :)  It's nice to have your excellent contribution!  I'll head over to Lord Heath's for your reviews.

The short answer to your question, CF, regarding my opinion of the MGM shorts is that I recall disliking them.  But that's unfair, I believe, because it's been so long since I saw any of them, so I'd like to look them over before replying. 
« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 02:42:37 PM by metaldams »

Offline CurlyFan1934

Why, Tony Bensley, I haven't seen you 'round these parts in donkey's years.  :)  It's nice to have your excellent contribution!  I'll head over to Lord Heath's for your reviews.

The short answer to your question, CF, regarding my opinion of the MGM shorts is that I recall disliking them.  But that's unfair, I believe, because it's been so long since I saw any of them, so I'd like to look them over before replying.
Ah. I would definitely recommend the first few seasons of them, as Tony Bensley did. Today, I watched a compilation video called Little Rascals Varieties. It had most of the "putting on a show" episodes. It had Our Gang Follies of 1935, Our Gang Follies of 1936, Reunion in Rhythm and Our Gang Follies of 1938.

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident meteorologist
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  • The heartthrob of millions!
Quote from: metaldams
« Last Edit: Today at 03:42:37 PM by metaldams »

I wonder what that was about...
#1 fire kibitzer

Offline metaldams

I wonder what that was about...

Signor's post was all in quotes, even the part he wrote.  I just, as a moderator, separated what he wrote from Tony.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline CurlyFan1934

Signor's post was all in quotes, even the part he wrote.  I just, as a moderator, separated what he wrote from Tony.
I was wondering what that was all about, too. :) Thanks for clearing up the confusion.

Offline Signor Spumoni

Signor's post was all in quotes, even the part he wrote.  I just, as a moderator, separated what he wrote from Tony.

Yikes!  ::) What a goof I made.  Thank you, Metal.

Offline Tony Bensley

Yeah, thanks for separating Signor and I, Metal!  Felt like Siamese Twins for a bit, there!  ;)

Offline CurlyFan1934

 Hey, SS. Did you ever get around to watching that documentary called The Our Gang Story? I forget if it's in YouTube, but you can find it for very cheap on Amazon. I got a "set" with The Our Gang Story, two compilation videos, and some silent and sound shorts for only about 5.00.

Offline stoogerascalfan62

I have a documentary on the OG/LR troupe myself. Wonder how many docs on the Gang have been done.

Offline CurlyFan1934

I have a documentary on the OG/LR troupe myself. Wonder how many docs on the Gang have been done.
What documentary is it? I like gaining new knowledge on the Rascals and since books about them are so hard to find, usually the best resource for doing so are videos and documentaries.

Offline stoogerascalfan62

Regarding the MGMs, they were in the beginning well-intentioned, but are mostly as unwatchable as many of the Joe Stooges shorts.