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Crash Goes the Hash (1944)

metaldams · 35 · 27383

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Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

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I actually care very little for this short. I am sad about losing Bud; Curly seems ever so slightly off-ish to me, and the dinner table bit just goes on FOREVER and it's not even that good. "Jeepers creepers; what a night!" Ugh. I do like Moe's bit about the turkey "taking a bath at 7:30 and will be well-cooked by 8 o'clock..." Makes me wonder if every woman (and some men) in the audience in the 40s laughed when he sang this? We WISH a turkey was done in a half hour! I do like some of the awesome dresses in the dinner party scene though. One blond is wearing one that I would definitely wear. But I don't get the Wonder Woman dress of the woman that Curly squirts with lemonade. Ugly, odd, and not really right for her body type.

Symone always looks good; even in just her slip. And I didn't use to like Dick Curtis because of his looks but as I've aged I've come to appreciate the oily con man performances he gives. Anyway, I'll give this one a 5.
Where have you been, Mrs. Morgan Morgan? There was a question about clothes in an episode discussion a few weeks ago that nobody could answer because you weren't there.  :(

Offline MrsMorganMorgan

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Where have you been, Mrs. Morgan Morgan? There was a question about clothes in an episode discussion a few weeks ago that nobody could answer because you weren't there.  :(

OMG where? Just tell me the episode and I'm on it!
You hear that? The old lady's a crook. Let's give her the razzle-dazzle!

Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

The last Curly short that gets a 10/10 from me (although No Dough Boys & Idiots Deluxe do come close), I always feel this short feels more at home during the 1942 period instead of 1944 because Curly seems more lively and energetic here than he did in most of the 1944 shorts (especially the upcoming three shorts he did), plus this is the last time we see Bud Jamison in a Stooge short (if you don't count his screams heard in "Monkey Businessmen", "Rhythm And Weep" or his Hammond Egger photo in "Three Dark Horses", I also loved the slapping scene with Moe & Curly at the end of the episode along with Moe slapping Larry just for being there! Other great scenes was the fight scene, Curly trying to peddle the lemonade, the boys trying to carve the turkey only to find that a bird was inside of it and Symona Bynoface's character kissing Curly.

Offline TwoOunceBrain

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Crash Goes the Hash is actually a remake of an earlier Columbia short, 1937's New News starring Monte Collins and Tom Kennedy. I found the original to be more funny and straightforward, but the Stooges remake is equally funny.

I have a photocopy of the shooting script that was pretty much a scene-by-scene remake of New News, but the final cut of the remake deleted some sequences that were originally written.

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

O K,  Two-ounce, enlighten me: first you say The Tom Kennedy one is funnier, then five words later you say they're equally funny.  Help.

Offline TwoOunceBrain

  • Grapehead
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Offline Dr. Mabuse

The last four-star Curly Classic directed by Jules White and a memorable Stooge farewell for the great Bud Jamison. "Crash Goes the Hash" has everything you want from Moe, Larry and Curly — including a wild finish with Symona Boniface.  Easily the best 1944 outing.

Thanks for the laughs, Bud.


Offline Dr. Mabuse

Released posthumously, "Nob Hill" (1945) was Bud Jamison's final film. He briefly appears with Vernon Dent at the 2:20 mark.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2024, 11:53:13 PM by Dr. Mabuse »

Offline metaldams

If Wikipedia is to be trusted, Jamison died a day after finishing his scene, according to his page.

Wikipedia states NOB HILL started filming June 1944, according to the film’s page.  Jamison died 9/30/1944.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Larrys#1

I was watching this short the other day with my family (who aren't even stooge fans, btw) because it was Thanksgiving and well.... it had a turkey in it! This short brought nothing but smiles and laughter to all of us! This really hit me how I've taken this short for granted. I've always loved this one but it never really occurred to me how absolutely great and perfect this short is!

First, the jokes and gags here are really funny. Bud telling the stooges that he reminds him of The Three Stooges is a rather unique and shocking joke! Not something you hear in any other short.

Also, like metaldams said, the stooges become high society men. And Curly delivers an amazing performance here. The lemonade bit was absolutely hilarious.. from obliviously spilling the lemonade on the woman, then handling the ice with his hands and then using a huge ice tong which is meant for a big block of ice; not for ice cubes! And Larry, although his part is rather small in the short, gives one of his finest performances where he tries to take a picture of the Prince and then falls into the piano, and just comes up and says, "it fall down!." After that bit, he accidentally steps on Van Bustle's skirt causing it tear off. Then she pulls it from Larry's foot causing Larry to fall smack on his back! I wonder how Larry pulled off that stunt without a stuntman! He must be more talented than I thought!

And I agree with metaldams,  Victor Travers' reaction to the masked potatoes in his face and also the peas and crackers getting thrown at him were priceless!

And of course, the whole turkey scene was hilarious as well!