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Calling All Curs (1939)

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Offline metaldams

The Charley Chase era is over, and now the Jules White era has begun.  The Jules White era pretty much goes until now until the end of our story, as he directs more Stooge shorts than any other man, women, or beast in the history of the known universe.  Yes, true, he had a one off about a year back with THREE MISSING LINKS, but now we consistently gets Jules telling other actors how to act, God bless him.  Also, for the next few years, we now have nothing but Jules and Del directing the boys, which to me is the greatest run of Stooge shorts ever.

Funny enough, CALLING ALL CURS, the short that starts this run, is not one of the better ones of this era.  It almost feels like a Jules White test run.  Oh, don't get me wrong, it's a fine short, I like it, but compared to what follows?  Not quite up there.  I've never been a fan of sped up fight scenes, as this short has one, it just feels like a cheat.  Dummies falling down don't bother me in Stooge shorts, but sped up scenes do.  Don't ask me why I find one cheat humorous and the other stupid, I have no clue.  Just the way I feel.

Most of the shorts of this era also have iconic scenes, like Curly with the maze of pipes, or Curly being launched up an oil spray, but nothing of the kind here.  Still, this short does have a lot of energy, and it's appropriate the Stooge short that uses animals the best is an early Jules short, considering his history with the Dogville shorts.  The close up of the kitten and the dog sitting at the table are easily the two cutest shots in all of Stoogedom.  You know what they say about working with children and animals.

Also, last week Big Chief made a good observation about the different ways Charley Chase and Jules White handled the boys interacting with women.  It's something I never noticed before, but he's correct.  The relationship Curly had with Seniorita Rita, while I don't wanna say adult (this is the Stooges, after all, not IT HAPPENNED ONE NIGHT), is sophomore in high school level vs. the sixth grade flirtations Curly has with the nurses throughout this short.  Hey, I don't mind Curly acting like a sixth grader, but it is a good observation.  There are a lot of pretty nurses in this short, and just about any scene they're in, Curly's either tickling their chin, finger waving, or giggling like an overgrown schoolboy. 

A good short, but a warm up act for what begins next week.  Man, I can't wait.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 09:16:43 PM by metaldams »
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Shemp_Diesel

I think I'm with you Metal as far as all your observations about Curs. I always thought this was just a good short, followed by 2 great ones, which means next week will be the start of the "golden age" of stooge shorts.

Can't wait for that, but getting back to Curs, I think my favorite scenes & one that may rank as one of the better stooge images is when Moe punches Curly through the intercom then that shot of Moe's scowling face in the speaker box before he realizes he's stuck & Curly's abuse to him after that. Definitely the highlight of this short for me.

7 out of 10....

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Paul Pain

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We struck paydirt!  The only flop for the next three years or so is "Nutty But Nice."

Something about Curly is precious in this one.  Unlike Moe and Larry, Jerry seems really at home with the animals and seems to get pleasure out of the relationship his character has with them in this episode.  When they serve the pets lunch, Curly just dives in with the rest of them!  My favorite moment though is when Cy Schindell goes "Arrrrrrrrrrrrg!" and the guard dog jumps in the drawer and closes it.  That dog WAS a cur!
#1 fire kibitzer

Offline JazzBill

I consider this short slightly above average. Like diesel, I think the bit with Moe stuck in the intercom is the highlight of this short. I like all the dogs sitting at the dinner table acting civilized while the boys are acting up. I wonder how they got all them dogs to sit there and behave like that? The arm getting caught in someones sleeve in the middle of a fight is always good for a laugh. On a sad note I am old enough to remember when my mattress was filled with horsehair. [cry] I rate this short a 8.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Lefty

I like this short, to say the least if not less.
Moe in the intercom -- that's one scary look he had.
"That noisse must have eaten catnip!"
The dogs behaving in the dining room -- no German shleppers or pit bulls -- what a coincidence.
"Fricaseed bone!  It's delicious!"
The water squirting out of the garbage can.
The maid's vacuum cleaner sucking the "hair" off the faux Garcon.
The "point-setter" dialogue.
The Stooges actually winning, even though Curly cried at the end.

Yeah, not a great one, Moe stuck in the speaker box is definitely the highlight.  How dumb does EVERYONE concerned have to be that a dog named Garcon ( French for Boy, for any imbeciles out there ) has puppies at the end?  Cy Schindell is, as always, great.  Thank you, Metaldams, for your compliment about my perspicacity - IMHO, the situation gets worse:  Curly here is Sir Laurence Olivier compared to how Jules White makes the guys act around pretty women in the fifties.


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Even though I understand this was one of Curly's favorite shorts because he was such a dog lover, I tend to jump this short when I watch the DVD. None of it feels entirely “right”. From the Stooges washing up (the sleeveless style was not kind to any of them) it just seems lackluster. As an animal person, I consider the high point when they do the close-up on the grey kitten. Otherwise, it’s just blah…Cy Schindell is usually better than this. While the idea of the dog made up like a poodle sounds funny, it’s not really funny onscreen. Mrs. Bedford’s overacting when she’s ringing her hands for some reason drives me nuts, and that ugly satin dress she’s wearing upsets me even more. The two guys in one jacket fight routine, while overused, is the high point of the high jinx in this short. But I guess the payoff are those fat puppies at the end. Overall, I give this a 4!

Offline Kopfy2013

I love this short.  For some reason growing up it was rarely shown on TV.  Then when shorts started to come out on VHS I bought the one that included this.

I think Curly is on top of his game both physically and mentally.  He seems to be right on cue with his lines. 

You get a barage of puns and sight gags ... some fail, that might be why some do not feel this is a great short. I will plagiarize Jon Solomon. He states comedy depends heavily on the mood of the viewer. If one 'bad joke' sours the the viewers mood, even another dozen good jokes might not restore the mood fully.

I love the way Curly interacts with the nurses ... how they operate (Men In Black) ... the fight is great, it looks like Larry really gets knocked by Moe.... I love the dogs all racing to dinner and then at the dining room table with their napkins at their neck ... The Saint Bernard scene ... 

There is also an outside location that I will have to hunt down soon.

I give this a 9.  Why not a 10? As Metal points out there is no iconic scene.... still a strong 9.
Niagara Falls


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There is also an outside location that I will have to hunt down soon.

Which location are you looking for? I just got the book "Three Stooges Hollywood Filming Locations" and this short is in there; I'll look it up and post it.

Offline Kopfy2013

Which location are you looking for? I just got the book "Three Stooges Hollywood Filming Locations" and this short is in there; I'll look it up and post it.

I have the book also... I meant I have to physically go there.... there meaning the outside location of this short.  It is the big white building where the dog is directing the stooges to 'Come', 'Get Back', 'Come', 'Get Back', Question Mark....
Niagara Falls


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I have the book also... I meant I have to physically go there....

Awesome; you're close and can go there! I'm in New Jersey and can only dream; but I can go have lunch at Larry Fine's childhood house on South Street in Philly as a consolation.  ;D

Offline Larrys#1

I didn't care for this episode when I first saw it, but I've grown to like it over the years. Now, it's one of the episodes I watch all the time. I don't particularly care for the plot, but the stooges are top notch here, especially Curly. And I don't know about everyone else, but I was shocked when I first saw Curly whip Larry in the face with his socks. This is one of the very rare times you see Curly acting like the boss here. It's typical of Larry, but never Curly. So, that was a bit out of character.

Curly is so energetic and funny in this one and he is the main reason why this episode turned out so well.


Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

9/10, great stooge film I feel is underrated/overlooked, I thought Cy Schindell and Lynton Brent gave great performances as the dognappers and this short has lots of classic scenes like Moe getting his face stuck in the wall, Moe dumping ice down Larry's shirt along with Moe & Curly dancing to Larry's pain, them disguising another dog as Garson (sp) and the two men in the jacket fight scene.

To me this short marks the beginning of the classic stooge era that lasts all the way to "Dizzy Pilots".

Offline Dr. Mabuse

A childhood favorite with Curly at his energetic best. "Calling All Curs" has everything you want from a Stooge two-reeler . . . and a Jules White two-reeler. In fact, the 1939-40 shorts from "Calling All Curs" to "Rockin' Thru the Rockies" represent White's best hot streak.
