No, I enjoy rock and roll. Come to think of it, I don't remember/know when Kiss came on the musical scene. I was aware of them to an extent, but - - for some reason - - I was under the impression they were like The Monkees, not real. I was wrong, obviously.
For the record, what really did me in was...disco. Had to turn off the radio around then.
So, you're a fan, tell me a little Kiss history.
A little history? Well, first off, the proper terminology is KISSTORY.

That would be like asking me to sum up The Three Stooges. You'd need a novel. Let's just say they've been around for 40 years. They wear make up, took it off in the mid 80's - mid 90's, have had two consistent main members with revolving lead guitarists and drummers, and they divide rocks fans. Some people view them strictly as a marketing gimmick with awful music. While nobody denies the former, the latter is up for debate. I happen to like their music, I literally have every studio album and their classic live albums on CD, even THE ELDER! That said, a ton of hard rock and metal bands claim them as an influence.
As for disco, their debut came out in 1974 just when disco was starting, but they're a rock band who had one big disco themed hit in 1979, "I Was Made For Loving You," the same way the Stones and Rod Stewart had their token disco hit. Ironically, they were on Casablanca Records in the 70's, a rock band on a, wait for it......disco label.