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Who's the Mystery Actor?

Svengarlic · 361 · 97045

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Offline Signor Spumoni

Offline Svengarlic

To borrow a reply, "Doh!"  Now I get it.   :laugh: didn't answer the question. Ignorant eh?  :)

Offline hiramhorwitz

The book just arrived today.  I can't wait to read it (although I have to wait a little while till I'm free).  I looked for your chapter right away.  :)

Wow -- that was quick -- only about two weeks.  My library takes six weeks to take hold of a new acquisition and place it into my hands.

Hope the book meets your expectations!

Offline Signor Spumoni

Wow -- that was quick -- only about two weeks.  My library takes six weeks to take hold of a new acquisition and place it into my hands.

Hope the book meets your expectations!

You're right, this request arrived fast.  Ordinarily, an interlibrary loan/purchase request here takes about six weeks, as it does for you.  A few times my requests took so long to arrive that not only did I forget what I requested, I forgot that I requested any!  :)

I truly enjoyed your section of Stooges Among Us.  Fellow Stoogeaphiles, read this book!  I'm still reading, but so far each section details the search for Stooges in the 1970s, eventual location of them, the correspondence and eventual meeting.  Larry and Moe were unfailingly courteous to and interested in their fans.  Their appreciation of having fans is obvious.  It's heartwarming, too, to read about the interactions between Stooges and HH.

I like the way your father helped you, HiramHorwitz.  He sounds like a good egg.  I enjoyed seeing all your photos.  I like the way you found Joe Besser, Joe DeRita and Emil Sitka, too, It was interesting to read how Diana Serra Cary liked Ted Healy but not The Stooges.  I'm guessing TH was always sober when he talked with her.  Rose Marie had an interesting story about the name, Curly.  It was new to me.

It was very enjoyable and well-written, HH.  Thank you for telling us about the book.  I rate this book four out of four pies in the face.   [pie]

Offline hiramhorwitz

I truly enjoyed your section of Stooges Among Us.  Fellow Stoogeaphiles, read this book!  I'm still reading, but so far each section details the search for Stooges in the 1970s, eventual location of them, the correspondence and eventual meeting.  Larry and Moe were unfailingly courteous to and interested in their fans.  Their appreciation of having fans is obvious.  It's heartwarming, too, to read about the interactions between Stooges and HH.

I like the way your father helped you, HiramHorwitz.  He sounds like a good egg.  I enjoyed seeing all your photos.  I like the way you found Joe Besser, Joe DeRita and Emil Sitka, too, It was interesting to read how Diana Serra Cary liked Ted Healy but not The Stooges.  I'm guessing TH was always sober when he talked with her.  Rose Marie had an interesting story about the name, Curly.  It was new to me.

It was very enjoyable and well-written, HH.  Thank you for telling us about the book.  I rate this book four out of four pies in the face.   [pie]

SS:  Your kind words are much appreciated -- so glad you're enjoying the book!  My search for the Stooges was one of the few times in life when everything worked out perfectly -- and for that, I'm still thankful and amazed.

Yes, my dad is definitely a good egg.  I just visited him for his 92nd birthday -- I took him out for crabs and filet mignon -- and while there, we talked about our 1974 bus drive across the country to visit the Stooges.  In many ways, our bus ride seems like it occurred just yesterday.

My chapter in Stooges Among Us is the narrative portion of my multi-media presentation entitled Searching Out the Stooges.  I've given the presentation several times at the Stoogeum, various educational institutions, historical clubs, and miscellaneous local events.  On November 8th, I'll be giving the presentation at the St. Louis Three Stooges Convention.  As you might guess, the big difference between the narrative in Stooges Among Us and the multi-media presentation is the audio clips, video coverage, and large number of photographs that complement the oral presentation.  I only wish there were an effective way of integrating everything into the hard copy book.   

I can't agree with you more that Larry and Moe treated their fans with unflagging hospitality and generosity.  Obviously, that's what paved the way for so many fans (like myself) to step into their world and meet them face to face. 

Thank you for the four pies!

Offline Svengarlic

That interesting Hiram: November 8th in St. Louis! I'm overdue to visit my brother, who still lives there. I've never been to a convention of any kind. Can you give me an idea of what it will be like?

Offline hiramhorwitz

That interesting Hiram: November 8th in St. Louis! I'm overdue to visit my brother, who still lives there. I've never been to a convention of any kind. Can you give me an idea of what it will be like?

S'garlic:  I've got to admit, I don't know all the details of this convention -- but I'll tell you what I know.  I believe this is a "one time" convention -- it hasn't happened before and probably won't happen again.  From what I've been told, there will be films, a trivia contest, a couple of call-in guests (Stooge relatives and possibly, one of the later Stooge supporting players), and one or two special guests in attendance (one of the later supporting players and one Stooge relative).  I believe this is the first attempt of the organizers to hold such an event -- these are different organizers than those holding past Stooges conventions -- so I'm guessing that the program is still evolving as we speak and thus subject to change. 

The meeting place is the Columns Banquet Center in St. Charles, MO; the time is 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; and the cost of admission is $15 for adults and $5 for children.  From what I've been told, my presentation will occur in the middle of the afternoon, probably at around 2:00 or 3:00.   

Offline Signor Spumoni

Sven, if you can give another subtle hint on each actor, I'd appreciate it.  It drives me crazy when I almost know an actor, but not quite.  But understand - - it's fun!

Offline Signor Spumoni

HiramHorwitz, best wishes to you at the convention.  It sounds like it will be a smash!

Your dad is 92?  God bless him.  It sounds like he's doing well if he tucked in to crabs and filet.   :laugh:  How nice that you were reminiscing about that '74 bus trip. 

Thank you for telling us about Stooges Among Us and about your chapter in it.  I thoroughly enjoyed both.

Offline Svengarlic

Sven, if you can give another subtle hint on each actor, I'd appreciate it.  It drives me crazy when I almost know an actor, but not quite.  But understand - - it's fun!
OK Siggy. You deserve a break today. The Sicilian in question co-starred as a gangster in a black and white movie of some note with the woman pictured below. An extremely iconic title went with this film that drew loosely on the  Infamous Gangster Louis 'Lepke' Buchalter. But Lepke's was a minor role. Our guy, tho' the second male lead fairly stole the picture.

To possibly further confound you, one of the regular panelist's from I've Got a Secret had a substantial part in the movie!

Offline Signor Spumoni

All right, I have it now:  your Sicilian is Peter Falk, a very young Peter Falk.  I'm embarrassed to admit that you handed that to me on a platter.  That's Mai Britt pictured with her erstwhile husband, Sammy Davis, Jr.  The movie, of course, is "Murder, Inc."  When you referred to the regular "I've Got A Secret" panelist the only one I could recall was Henry Morgan.  Then it hit me:  it was Henry Morgan! 

I confess to being baffled by the other man in the trio of mystery actors. 

Offline Signor Spumoni

Sven, here's one for you:  silent comedy star, very famous.  If anyone besides Sven knows who this is, you are welcome to contribute hints which will baffle him.   :laugh:

Offline metaldams

Sven, here's one for you:  silent comedy star, very famous.  If anyone besides Sven knows who this is, you are welcome to contribute hints which will baffle him.   :laugh:

I know exactly who that is.  The first clue - British.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline BeAStooge

  • Birdbrain
  • Master Stooge
  • Bunionhead
  • ******

Offline Signor Spumoni

A-ha, it's Phil Silvers!  Wow, a Technicolor hint, BeAStooge!

Offline Svengarlic

I know exactly who that is.  The first clue - British.
Aha! I thought it was a man, but the "British" clue clenched it! A second or fifth look and I noticed the ample jaw too.  ;)

Offline Svengarlic

You know, BeA, I asked that if anyone knew right off or peeked to add a subtle clue. I'll play by your rules if and when you start a thread.

Offline Svengarlic

I added this one with Diesel and Metal in mind as this lady is horror related. Also because she's incredibly beautiful.  ;)

The actress below, who is known by everyone on the site illustrates how a wig can alter one's appearance.

You surely recognize Barrymore here, but who's the raven haired fox? Once again it's a wig that's the rub.

Offline Signor Spumoni

Sven, is the middle one MTM?  And the bottom one, is it Mary Pickford?

Offline Svengarlic

Sven, is the middle one MTM?  And the bottom one, is it Mary Pickford?
Nope, not Mary, but now that you mention it there's a definate resemblance. And she would only be a couple of years younger than the woman pictured. (If she was still living ;))

The bottom is not a 'Mary' either. This gal's career was predominately talkie's.

Offline Svengarlic

Sven, is the middle one MTM?  And the bottom one, is it Mary Pickford?
I'll have to modify my last answer as it just hit me that the third woman with JB is in fact a Mary. Here's a closer look at her as she was about 15 years before she landed the role that she's most remembered for. It was a Warner Bros. production, and a big money maker.

Offline metaldams

The top one is definitely Simone Simon from CAT PEOPLE.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

The bottom is Mary Astor.  The movie the picture is from is DON JUAN, a film I've seen and the first Warner Bros. Feature to use a synchronized music score.  Honestly, Barrymore was the giveaway for me, and I connected the dots for Mary Astor, especially after the second clue.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Svengarlic

The bottom is Mary Astor.  The movie the picture is from is DON JUAN, a film I've seen and the first Warner Bros. Feature to use a synchronized music score.  Honestly, Barrymore was the giveaway for me, and I connected the dots for Mary Astor, especially after the second clue.
Both correct, of course. And you are right: you reminded me that it was Warner that pushed hardest for talkies. But how're you doing on Miss Middle?