Well, I am going to have to offer an I was wrong to Luke795. I said in last week's thread I'll watch this short again to see if I like it better, and while I will not call it an all-time classic, it's better than EVEN AS IOU and enjoyable in its own right.
First off, a couple of World War 2 references in that Curly made a comment disparinging of the Japanese and Moe called an uncooperative onion a "Nazi onion." It fascinates me how World War 2 appears in the background in some of these shorts that are not otherwise war themed. Of course, next week we will be in total war mode.
I also think Larry got some good footage in this one, which is a bit refreshing. The whole nipple bit is one of those wonderfully bizarre moments, and I love the line about the meal being, "fit for a king, even an airplane worker." Also, check out when he gets the white powder splattered over him. When he takes the hat off, you can see where the powder ends on that wild hair and where the hat was previously covering him. Quite a funny image.
Oh, and does anybody else find the ending really weird? Think about it. A young couple gets in an argument, the mother reacts by leaving their infant on some stranger's doorstep, and the father forgives the mother like it's no big deal. If a wife of mine were ever to do that to our child, I'd raise Hell as I'm sure most normal men would. Seriously, I think the kid would've been better off with the Stooges than those two.
Overall a pretty good short, much better than I remembered. Just want to throw this out there as well, but does anybody watch this short and perhaps see the first very subtle signs of Curly slowing down? He's fine for the most part, especially compared to later on, but there's little bits where his voice is deeper and like I said earlier, Larry is given more to do. Am I imagining things, or does anyone else see it? Again, this isn't IF A BODY MEETS A BODY Curly by a long shot, but he's not WE WANT OUR MUMMY Curly either.