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Name the Film

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Offline Svengarlic

 I think you will recognize this actor, but can you name the '60s film?

Offline Svengarlic

The film is noteworthy because it featured what would become three iconic characters: the Green Hornet, Billy Jack and Norman Bates. (Five if you consider Barbarella and My favorite Martian to be icons)

The movie was "Tall Story", a film I have not been able to catch for many years. In spite of it being a very funny and intelligent film it just does not get shown on TV. TCM airs it once every couple of years but I miss it every time.

Offline Svengarlic

Well, there was absolutely no interest in Van Williams, but I'll give it one last shot. The man pictured below is not Scott Brady. I saw him in a film recently and went crazy trying to figure out just who he was. He looked SO familiar, but there was something wrong with his voice.

After a little digging I found out why. The answer is in the following post.

Offline Svengarlic

By a wierd coincidence Tierny is on TCM right now and Giff me that Fillum is a co star! "The Hoodlum"

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

  • Oh, Vici Kid!
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  • Vici Kid
Being a Star Trek Next Gen fan also, Tierny appeared in an episode as a Holodeck character named Cyrus Redblock - it would be interesting to hear what his voice sounded like so many years ago in those photos you posted
(Oh, by the way, Giff me that Fillum is Gene Roth - I only chose this handle because deep down I'm a Shemp fan)
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline Svengarlic

Being a Star Trek Next Gen fan also, Tierny appeared in an episode as a Holodeck character named Cyrus Redblock - it would be interesting to hear what his voice sounded like so many years ago in those photos you posted
(Oh, by the way, Giff me that Fillum is Gene Roth - I only chose this handle because deep down I'm a Shemp fan)
His voice back then was quite unremarkable. He was an RKO player. He was loaned out to Monogram for Dillinger. A cheaply made film with an awful script and stiff actors that was a box office smash. I have to figure that theater goers were hungry for anything "Dillinger" at the time.

BTW Fillum, I THOUGHT I had seen him on Trek, but could not pull up the memory. (still can't) I can't shake the image of the actor that played the first Captian Kirk in the series pilot.

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

  • Oh, Vici Kid!
  • Team Stooge
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • Vici Kid
The actor in the series pilot (the original pilot) was Jeffrey Hunter - a gifted actor
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline Svengarlic

The actor in the series pilot (the original pilot) was Jeffrey Hunter - a gifted actor
Of course. Didn't he play Jesus in one of those bible movies?