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Cookoo Cavaliers (1940)

metaldams · 34 · 32853

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Offline Tony Bensley

(1) That guy is with four ADULT ladies; (2) he is too worried about how pleasing they are; (3) he wants them to be gorgeous blondes; (4) etc. etc. etc.
This doesn't seem to leave much room for interpretation, does it?  ;)

I need to get to viewing this short sometime soon!  :)

CHEERS!  [3stooges]

Offline Hollister56

This short is Hilarious, every scene is a 10/10,

Okay except for the cut on the dog, but the hair remover, the mallet scene with it bouncing off her head.  The babes, fish song, Curly saying any sap knows you spell Saloon with a C. 

I am going to kill you for what you did to my Rosita, oh that was a mistake, wait to you see what we did to these girls.  Presto, Change-o, Domino..............

The bottles on the head he gets at the end.

It's all fun and games and anyone who doesn't see it that way, well................ [pie]

This is the 3 Stooges at their finest. 

Great Short.

Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

A good short that is sandwiched in between so many great shorts from the wonderful 1940-41 era (which I've thought was the Stooges' best era), I do agree with many that the scenes where the stooges were selling the fish were funnier than the scenes where the stooges were working at a salon, I consider this to be the second weakest of the 1940 shorts with "Nutty But Nice" being slightly weaker than this short, overall I give this short a 7.5/10

Offline Dr. Mabuse

Two shorts for the price of one — which accounts for the rather generic title. A solid Jules White effort highlighted by some of Curly's best pantomime. Though she appeared in only a half-dozen shorts, Dorothy Appleby was a memorable addition to the Stooges stock company.  Except for Moe, Larry and Curly, I cannot think of any vintage comedians who garnered laughs from operating a beauty salon. However, the vanishing dog is a major continuity error.  One of those rare Stooge two-reelers in which the hilarious parts are better than the whole.


Offline Paul Pain

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In watching this short, I noticed so many things I missed 7 years ago.  One of the things I noticed is something not mentioned before in this thread, namely Curly saying the dog fainted from "tarpon monoxide poisoning."  I also never had noticed Curly saying "my last wife used to bleach her hair" and had to watch to hear him say after reading it hear this evening.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

I feel this short is pretty under-rated.  I love it start to finish!  It ranks at #21 on my list.

Offline Samurai

I'm watching Cookoo Cavs (on MeTv+) as I type this. Two things immediately struck me as noteworthy.

One, Curly's bartender mime-o-rama. This bit must have been edited out of every version I've ever seen on tv until MeTv and MeTv+ began showing entire shorts without commercial interruption (they run 5 minutes of ads between shorts). I think this may only be the second time I've seen it...and I'm frickin' old! It's short, but wonderful.

Two, I always wondered how Dorothy A didn't smother to death during her 'mud pack' ordeal. Well, this time I watched closely in slow motion. I finally noticed she was wearing a mask (or a stunt Dorothy was wearing a Dorothy mask). I have a strange feeling I may be the only person here who didn't know that until now. :\

Bottom line, I've always enjoyed this short. Now I enjoy it a little bit more. Glad to meet me!

Offline NoahYoung

Two, I always wondered how Dorothy A didn't smother to death during her 'mud pack' ordeal. Well, this time I watched closely in slow motion. I finally noticed she was wearing a mask (or a stunt Dorothy was wearing a Dorothy mask). I have a strange feeling I may be the only person here who didn't know that until now. :\

I've long been a Dorothy Appleby fan. She was in a few shorts with Charley Chase and Buster Keaton, too. I just looked her up and am surprised she lived all the way to 1990! I wish we had more interviews (both in-print and on film/video) with these actors and actresses who lived relatively long lives into the era where their films had a sort of revival with folks like us. That's why those filmed interviews with Anita Garvin from the 80s are so fascinating!

I wonder if the film's title was inspired by COCKEYED CAVALIERS with Wheeler and Woolsey.

Burt Lancaster was too short!
- The Birdman of Alcatraz

Offline Samurai

Most of us have likely seen this photo before, but I don't remember one this large.

(Also, it's good to see Dorothy all smiley after the beating she took).  [pie]