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Yes, We Have No Bonanza (1939)

metaldams · 30 · 20145

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Offline Shempitude

Looks to me like he was played was Ned Glass.

Seeing that he had a walk-on in THREE LITTE SEW AND SEWS that would make a lot of sense.

Offline Tony Bensley

I do admittedly, have a bit of extra sentimental attachment to this Three Stooges short subject, since for many years, it was one of only 3 that I had, via the late 1980's VHS release PHONY EXPRESS & OTHER NYUKS (The other nyuk, being UNCIVIL WARRIORS.) under the Columbia Home Video banner.  YES, WE HAVE NO BONANZA was my favorite of the three, and for me, hasn't really lost much luster over the years!  In hindsight, I honestly think it was seeing Curly Howard at his near peak 1939 form that for me, really put this one over the other two included Stooge entries, and he became my favorite Stooge through my viewing of this short!

The one thing that is for me, much more noticeable on the Sony DVD issue, is the more obvious rear projection (Imagine this on Blu-ray!), that seems to veer off into the countryside, even when town buildings should appear.  As has been mentioned in previous reviews, these are thankfully, fairly brief.


CHEERS!  [3stooges]

Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

9/10 for me, this was IMO the best stooge western themed short, Curly seems to be at the top of his game in this short, I also like that Moe dishes and receives a good amount of abuse, the digging scenes along with Moe smacking Curly in the head with the pickaxe were hilarious!

Offline Dr. Mabuse

My favorite Stooge western after "Goofs and Saddles," with everyone at the top of their game (a pity that Shemp and Edward Bernds never enjoyed the production values of early Del Lord). Curly has one helluva throw when he nails Moe with that rock — it never fails to crack me up.  The obvious stunt double for Curly during the climactic chase was regrettable but not ruinous. Another two-reel classic from 1939.


Offline Daddy Dewdrop

I'm usually not a fan of the western themed shorts, but I really like this one.  Curly again at the top his game.

I rank this #37 overall.