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Hey Moe, Hey Dad

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Offline Kopfy2013

I was at the Alex Theatre Saturday night for the West Coast "re-premiere" of Hello Pop.

It was a good time. Moe's daughter was there as well as Shemp's granddaughter and great granddaughter.

There was a flier there talking about a project that Paul Howard is doing on his dad.  However they need money (pledges) for some reason.

Can ones view www.heymoeheydad   and give me your take on this.

My take is they need money so that "ones" will release footage for this.

Can this be true?  The son of Moe Howard does not have the rights to the Stooges? ... I know this is going to be a C3 production... I thought they won the rights to the Stooges.

Any help and/or opinions are welcomed.
Niagara Falls

Offline metaldams

Can this be true?  The son of Moe Howard does not have the rights to the Stooges? ... I know this is going to be a C3 production... I thought they won the rights to the Stooges.

There are plenty of articles about this on the Internet if you want to research it, and admittedly it's a subject I choose not to be an expert on (I'm more a Jules vs Del type dork myself), but yeah, C3, at least as I understand it, is run by Curly Joe Derita's adopted sons.  There was a huge court case in the 90's, Bela Lugosi's lawyer son got involved, just do the research and don't take my word for it, there's plenty out there.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Kopfy2013

I am semi familiar with the C3 issues ...  I am just shocked or confused that C3 and Paul Howard is asking for money for this project ...

Notice the links to Kickstart ...

I just do not understand.  Create your project and either sell it to  TV, cable (Showtime, HBO) or sell the DVD's.

If it is legit I may contribute but it just seems un-Moe like..... and C3 has the capital to back the project.
Niagara Falls

Offline BeAStooge

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My take is they need money so that "ones" will release footage for this.

Can this be true?  The son of Moe Howard does not have the rights to the Stooges? ... I know this is going to be a C3 production... I thought they won the rights to the Stooges.

The films are owned and Copyrighted by the studio(s).  C3 owns the Trademark to the Three Stooges, not the films.  C3's property Trademark (eff. 1959) does not in any way supersede or infringe Sony's (Columbia) property Copyrights to the films.

The Paul Howard project is a production of Frank Basile, with Paul.  C3's role is that of a licensor, giving Frank and Paul permission to market a product that uses the name and likenesses of the Stooges... if C3 receives a credit (e.g., Exec. Producer), that's a condition of the license.

If Basile, C3, or anyone else wants to use copyrighted footage that belongs to Sony... YES, they have to receive permission and pay for that service.

Offline Kopfy2013

Thanks Stooge.

So is this legit? .. It links you to Kickstarter which is a fund raiser....

So we as fans pay for the rights and all proceeds go to ???

I have no problem with Paul Howard getting money. He deserves it with how much time he gives...  and Basile should be paid for his work.  I just don't want corporate getting all the money if the fans are paying for the cost.
Niagara Falls

Offline Kopfy2013

I pledged in support of Paul.

It looks like it can be a fantastic production.  I hope it comes to fruition.
Niagara Falls

Offline fwdstuck

I donated a little bit. But the donation will only go through if they get enough donations. They have to get $350,000 by Jan. 28. But there are only a little over $12,000 as of today (Jan. 04). Doesn't look like it's going to happen unless some rich fans get involved. :(