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Bonnie Bonnell

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Offline Final Shemp

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I searched for a topic on this forgotten "stooge-ette" but came up emptyhanded.  I guess she made as little an impression on all of you as she had on me.

Anywho, a while back I stumbled upon this blog post titled "The Mystery of Bonnie Bonnell".  I was intrigued at the sight of this woman's name because I never read an analysis of such an unimpressionable "talent" before.  I've never found her funny.  I always thought the reason she never had a career post MGM short subjects/Myrt and Marge was because she just had no promise.

Anyway, this article is interesting, as it started out with the blog author being asked his opinion of the woman, with the amusing comparison of "Was she the least talented woman of all time, or is there some sly in-joke going on?"  The article goes on to examine her awkward and mercifully brief film career, at first leaning toward the former during her early appearances but beginning to think twice as her films go on.  The claim is being made that perhaps her poor performances are somehow an intentional choice, trying to get the audience to laugh at her and wonder if she was for real or not.  Sort of what Andy Kaufman did, only in trying to figure out if she herself was in on the joke or not.

The article is a pretty good read, and it continues into the comment section where a fascinating debate occurred as to what Bonnie was supposed to be.  I'm not 100% sure if I buy the argument it's trying to make, but I thought it would make an interesting starting point for a discussion.

What do you, the viewers at home, think?