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Three Little Pigskins (1934)

metaldams · 33 · 24213

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Offline I. Cheatam

I grown to love this short, in recent years, especially the climatic football game. This was the only Stooges short Griffin Jay worked on (w/Felix Adler). Kind of makes me wonder if Jay added the gangster plot to it, as he also wrote a couple Universal horror films, prior to this.

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

Not one of my favorite early shorts.  Oh, it has its moments and the climatic game is fun.  I just feel like the boys hadn't quite found their stride yet.  It ranks at #83 on my list.

Offline Samurai

I loved this one as a kid. The menacing look on Walter's face when he delivers the shortest punch in the history of film could easily have made it to my nightmares. It also included one of my (and my dad's) favorite exchanges. Walter wondering if the boys are afraid of losing their amateur status (whereby the boys look toward the floor behind them).

The reason I came here tonight is because I just finished watching Our Gang 'Mama's Little Pirate' on local tv. Spanky's dad looked and sounded real familiar, and sure enough, it was Joseph Young. I already knew about the feud he had with his soon to be much more famous younger brother. What REALLY hit me, howevers, is that he looked just like the guy who popped Larry and (supposedly) broke his tooth...causing another feud with da Stooges. So, I came here to check. Of course it was him. And, of course, I wouldn't know these things without you knuckleheads.

For the two or three of you who don't know, Joseph Young would change his name to Roger Moore, and completely avoid his brother Robert (and his entire family)...long before Robert became America's favorite TV Doctor...Marcus Welby M.D.

Offline NoahYoung

For the two or three of you who don't know, Joseph Young would change his name to Roger Moore, and completely avoid his brother Robert (and his entire family)...long before Robert became America's favorite TV Doctor...Marcus Welby M.D.

I prefer Sean Connery to Roger Moore.

He was good in the gorilla suit in MIGHTY JOE YOUNG though.

Burt Lancaster was too short!
- The Birdman of Alcatraz

Offline Samurai

I prefer Sean Connery to Roger Moore.

He was good in the gorilla suit in MIGHTY JOE YOUNG though.

Someone would like to see you in his office...

Offline NoahYoung

Someone would like to see you in his office...

Burt Lancaster was too short!
- The Birdman of Alcatraz

Offline J_Kasumi

So...I haven't been here in a hot minute. Life and what have you. As for this short, I'm honestly not the biggest fan. Now, is it bad? Hell to the no. It's actually well structured and the boys are finding their footing. It's just not funny to me. The only gripe I have, and maybe it's a me thing is Lucille Ball, and this isn't me saying I dislike her. I love her in her later work for Paramount and of course, her company, Desilu. I'm just a little perplexed by seeing her in a short. Maybe if she had more to do, and did more, I'd be a bit more okay with it. But, it didn't work for me. This short sits at a hundred out of a hundred and ninety for me. I can't really put it lower because it's not bad, but, not one of my favorites, but, I still like it. Just not a whole lot.
A railfan, Trekkie, Stoogie, among too many other interests to list here.

Offline NoahYoung

The only gripe I have, and maybe it's a me thing is Lucille Ball, and this isn't me saying I dislike her. I love her in her later work for Paramount and of course, her company, Desilu. I'm just a little perplexed by seeing her in a short. Maybe if she had more to do, and did more, I'd be a bit more okay with it.

Same as her appearance in ROOM SERVICE -- to the unitiated, people see her in the cast of an old classic comedy and expect to see her doing her I LOVE LUCY character, not realizing that she didn't develop that character until the 50s when she co-created -- you guessed it -- I LOVE LUCY.
Burt Lancaster was too short!
- The Birdman of Alcatraz