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DAZE DVD seemingly OOP

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Offline falsealarms

The DVD of THE THREE STOOGES GO AROUND THE WORLD IN A DAZE has apparently been discontinued. Amazon is no longer selling it and third parties on the site are charging $30 and up for it. Michael's Movie Mayhem, a DVD database, confirms the disc is "discontinued." It has vanished from other prominent online retailers as well (Best Buy, Barnes & Noble, WalMart)... though one, Movies Unlimited, still seems to have it for $10.99.

Curiously, discs for the other legitimate 60s Columbia features (ORBIT, HERCULES, OUTLAWS) are still readily available.

STOP, LOOK & LAUGH has also been discontinued, but people can't give that away.

Offline locoboymakesgood

  • I Loves Gravy!
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Well, the only option that would make sense is Sony just isn't going to press them anymore and make it a MOD title. Haven't they done that with some other films already?

I can't see this as an indiciation of a film boxset like Archiezappa has been clamoring for. With the state of the home video market right now a catalog title (regardless of it being the Stooges) isn't a priority.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline falsealarms

Some of the Icons of Screwball titles are now available as MODs for $17.95 each. You can still easily find copies of the sets, which are still in print, and include four films each for about $10 total.

Hard decision :)

Offline archiezappa

I can't see this as an indiciation of a film boxset like Archiezappa has been clamoring for. With the state of the home video market right now a catalog title (regardless of it being the Stooges) isn't a priority.

Well, I finally gave in and bought Daze on DVD, as well as The Three Stooges Trilogy which has Hercules, Outlaws, and Orbit.  I have been very satisfied with that decision.  The movies look great and they are in the original aspect ratio.  So, yes, I did finally give up on that one. 

I also doubt that this is any sign of anything other than just another title sold out, only to become MOD.  But, who knows?


While I have this title already, I just checked and you can get it new for $12 and used starting at $6. Doesn't appear to be out of print.

Offline locoboymakesgood

  • I Loves Gravy!
  • Numbskull
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While I have this title already, I just checked and you can get it new for $12 and used starting at $6. Doesn't appear to be out of print.
People will have new copies they've never opened and used copies they own to sell. Amazon themselves are no longer selling it, and neither is any other major e-tailer. The disc is OOP, it's just not commanding sky-high prices.

Look at the difference.

"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)


Correct. I know they were third party sellers. Point was I didn't see anything commanding a 30 dollar price tag as was originally posted. Would be crazy to pay that price