“But they got the suspect.” … THAT’S NOT THE POINT!!!!!!!By Doug Newman
”The welfare of humanity is the alibi of tyrants.” – Albert Camus
Here are 30 thoughts about the martial law which was imposed on Boston in the name of apprehending one bombing suspect.
1. The Marathon bombings constituted a horrible crime. Likewise for the killing of the MIT police officer. Thoughts, prayers and condolences need to be offered to all affected.
2. The suspects could be totally guilty.
3. The suspects could be totally innocent.
4. The suspects were at large for over 3 days, but Boston was not on lockdown. Then, all of a sudden, it was deemed necessary to put Boston and several surrounding towns on lockdown.
5. Is this the way it is going to be now in the aftermath of high profile crimes?
6. Will the American people continue to tolerate it?
7. If the answer to #6 is “yes”, this is ought to frighten you more than any terrorist. The cops are the business end of the government. And when they can put whole cities on lockdown, what can’t they – or any government entity – do?
Just what kind of America awaits this young girl?8. I am all good with cops pursuing violent criminals. This does not justify
martial law.
9. Why am I concerned about rights at a time when suspected terrorists are on the loose? Because it is in times like this when governments want to take away liberty and people are more than willing to give up their liberty – in the name of “security”.
10. There wasn’t a lot of street crime in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. The cops could do as they pleased. Would you want to live in either place? How “safe” would you feel?
11. The most dangerous criminals have always been in governments. They have always sent police to do their dirty work. They always dress things up in the name of some higher good.
12. 238 years ago today, near Boston, “
the shot heard ’round the world” was fired. King George III did a lot of bad things. Did he ever put an entire city on lockdown?
Lexington Green. 13 miles from Boston. 238 years ago today.13. The lockdown of Boston in pursuit of one accused terrorist came on the 20thanniversary of the
torching by the feds of 80 innocent citizens near Waco. This was a trial balloon that was floated before a brainwashed nation to see just how much Uncle Sam could get away with. As it turns out, he can get away with just about anything.
14. The lockdown of Boston came on the 18th anniversary of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City. Several witnesses claim to have seen a suspect known only as John Doe #2. A fugitive suspect in a bombing that killed 168 people did not cause the area around OKC to be put on lockdown. Why, then, was it necessary to put Boston and several suburbs under martial law after the killing of four people?
15. “But these were local police”, you say. Police have become more and more militarized and federalized in recent years, especially since 9/11.
Can anyone here say “occupying army”?16. The media parrot everything the authorities say.
17. Millions of Americans believe everything the mainstream media says.
18. Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, etc. etc. are part of this mainstream media.
19. The 5th Amendment demands due process regardless of the severity of the charges or the weight of public opinion against the defendant.
20. The 6th Amendment spells out the details of due process.
21. If these protections don’t apply to the suspects here,
they don’t apply to you or me either.
22. If you will cheer on the authorities in this instance, you had just better hope and pray that you are never falsely accused of anything.
23. Most criminals are not Muslim.
24. 99-plus percent of Muslims are not violent criminals.
25. The most violent demographic in America is unmarried men. Let’s go after THEM! Oh, wait. Let’s not. I am an unmarried man.
26. It is always easy to say that your government should “do something” as long as they do it to somebody else.

From the Boston Globe – April 19, 2013
NEVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS! They are your last line of defense against any kind of crazies – be they terrorists or rogue police.
28. How many military veterans who “fought for our freedom” were on the receiving end of Friday’s lockdown?
29. You will note that I have not said anything about conspiracies, “false flags”, etc. Even if everything the authorities are saying is entirely true, their reaction to the Boston Marathon bombings is totally grotesque and tyrannical.
30. Dear God, why did You task me with being a “watchman on the wall”? (
Ezekiel 33:6) Why do I have to be the bearer of this kind of news? Why couldn’t You give me a “nicer” ministry?
http://foodforthethinkers.com/2013/04/20/but-they-got-the-suspect-thats-not-the-point/Re-posted here by permission of the author.