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HELLO POP Has Been Found!

BeAStooge · 118 · 42145

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Offline BeAStooge

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News from Ron Hutchinson of The Vitaphone Project...

I am happy to announce that The Vitaphone Project has located a complete Technicolor print of the long-lost Stooges 1933 MGM Colortone short HELLO POP! This is the only lost short with all three Stooges, and also stars Ted Healy and Henry Armetta. The 35mm nitrate print was found overseas and after some torturous steps to get the nitrate packaged and shipped, it is today safely in the hands of my friend Eric Aijayla at YCM labs. Ned Price at WB has ensured the funding of the restoration, and ideally we could see this within a year. The sole known print burned in the big MGM fire in the 1960's.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 06:58:32 PM by BeAStooge »

Offline ProfessorStooge

This is spectacular news. Stooge fans everywhere will finally get to see this film. Warner Archive should have all the MGM shorts released on DVD.

Offline FineBari3

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I had a feeling that was it!!!!  Wonderful news!
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson


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At first I was like, April 1st already? And then I saw who posted the thread and my jaw dropped..

I can't wait to see it, to own a copy, and to have it etched into my brain like so much other Stooge material! To me, this is like something new from The Boys, and it's been a long time coming.

This can't get released fast enough!

Offline Rich Finegan

I've been in the "keep it to yourself" mode for about a month now, so it's nice the news can finally be announced.
We didn't want anything to possibly interfere with the detailed (and "torturous steps" as Ron said) involved in getting the film element into the capable hands of the good folks at the restoration lab.

A 35mm screening print is going to be struck, then as soon as they get to it we should (hopefully) be seeing it on TCM and/or a DVD release, possibly in a set along with the other MGM Stooges shorts.  But that's all down the road...

In 1992 I wrote a detailed article/review of HELLO POP for The Three Stooges Journal and will be writing an updated version including some deatils on the discovery of this print. There may be some Stooges fans who weren't getting the Journals back then who wouldn't have seen my article (or my follow-up on the also lost JAIL BIRDS OF PARADISE) so I'd been planning an update on my article anyway when this exciting news was was told to me.

Offline locoboymakesgood

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Unbelievable news. My jaw dropped to the floor. I'm always interested in how lost films are found, especially this one. I'm sure it will be awhile before we get to see it but considering it's a film I realistically never thought I would see, the wait is more than worth it.

Crossing my fingers for Hats Off and Jailbird of Paradise next.  ;)
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline Rich Finegan

... I'm always interested in how lost films are found, especially this one. I'm sure it will be awhile before we get to see it but considering it's a film I realistically never thought I would see, the wait is more than worth it.

Crossing my fingers for Hats Off and Jailbird of Paradise next.  ;)

I will be going into some of the interesting details of HELLO POP's discovery when I update my old Journal article on it.

Regarding those other two lost films you mention, I can't say anything more right now, but I will just say there are a lot more where this one came from! (still being inventoried...)

Offline Justin T

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I am in stunned disbelief. This is huge and amazing news for Stooge fans everywhere!

I remember being at a Stoogeum open house a few years ago and asking Brent and some
others about the possibility of Hello Pop (and Jailbirds of Paradise) ever being found.
So happy that after decades of searching it's finally been recovered!

I can't wait till this is available on DVD!
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline Rich Finegan

By the way, regarding HELLO POP, the filmography cast lists on and IMDb need to be corrected - the Duncan Sisters (Vivian and Rosetta) do NOT appear in HELLO POP, so they should be deleted from the cast list. Part of a musical number from their 1929 movie IT'S A GREAT LIFE is used but the part of the number where The Sisters appear is deleted in the footage as it is used in HELLO POP.

Offline Squirrelbait


Pinch me - see if I'm dreaming! OW - not so HARD!

This sounds like a great short - can't wait to see it!


(I saved my first post for just such an occasion!)
If there's no other place around the place, I reckon this must be the place, I reckon.

Offline FineBari3

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I've been in the "keep it to yourself" mode for about a month now, so it's nice the news can finally be announced.
We didn't want anything to possibly interfere with the detailed (and "torturous steps" as Ron said) involved in getting the film element into the capable hands of the good folks at the restoration lab.

I had a feeling, and even emailed Ron Hutchinson about it, since he put some pretty big hints on Facebook.  I knew when he mentioned keeping it a secret until the film got to the US safely. I can only imagine what work it took to ship a nitrate film!

Let's wish the best for the care and restoration of this film!
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline QuinceHead

I'll be very interested to learn the circumstances under which this short was recovered!  :laugh:

As a longtime "Doctor Who" fan, I'm quite familiar with the lengths to which people have gone to recover long-lost films, and the improbable places where they've been discovered, so this should be fascinating...

For duty and humanity,
JohnH aka QuinceHead

Offline metaldams

This is wonderful news.  While I'm not expecting a classic by any means, any new Stooge footage is always welcome.  I just hope the boys get a scene or two where they really shine.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline curlysdame

"I've got it, the Puckerless Persimmon!  You're worth 10 grand ta' me!"   All kidding aside, I didn't believe it at first (found out via Facebook).  I had to re-read it a few times.  Excited would be an understatement for me; the fact that we now have one, precious copy of this film (literally - 35mm nitrate), I'm speechless.  I'm sure there will be many discussions about about this at the annual meeting, in May (which I'm definitely looking forward to).

By the way, a big 'hiya' to everyone.  I've been absent from the boards for a while.  Glad to be back.  [pie]
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)

Offline Rich Finegan

...the annual meeting, in May (which I'm definitely looking forward to).

By the way, a big 'hiya' to everyone.  I've been absent from the boards for a while.  Glad to be back.

Hello again to you!
I've missed you here. Glad to hear that you plan to be at the May meeting!

Offline Rich Finegan

...I just hope the boys get a scene or two where they really shine.

One of my favorite routines from the film is a more complete version of one they did later at Columbia:

Ted is about to hit Curly.
Moe: "Don't hit him on the head, you know he's not normal."
Larry: "I am!"
So Moe hits Larry! Hey, he asked for it, didn't he!

Offline archiezappa

Aw, man!  I can't believe it!  I'm hoping for a DVD set featuring all the Stooges MGM short subjects.  I guess the next one is "Jailbirds Of Paradise."  I wonder about "Stop! Sadie Stop!"

This is great!  I'd love to see all these get restored/remastered, just like the Columbia short subjects.  This find is just the thing to make that a reality.  Awesome!

Offline moglia

"I am happy to announce that The Vitaphone Project has located a complete Technicolor print of the long-lost Stooges 1933 MGM Colortone short HELLO POP! This is the only lost short with all three Stooges, and also stars Ted Healy and Henry Armetta. The 35mm nitrate print was found overseas and after some torturous steps to get the nitrate packaged and shipped, it is today safely in the hands of my friend Eric Aijayla at YCM labs. Ned Price at WB has ensured the funding of the restoration, and ideally we could see this within a year. The sole known print burned in the big MGM fire in the 1960's."

Hopefully will be released as part of the Warner Archive as soon as they are able....

Offline BeAStooge

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Additional details, from Paul Brennan in Sydney, Australia...

The long lost 1933 MGM Technicolor THREE STOOGES two reeler HELLO POP has been discovered intact on 35mm in Australia.

My name is Paul Brennan, I live in Sydney Australia and I find lost films. I recently was advised by Ron Hutchinson of THE VITAPHONE PROJECT that a nearby collector (in Sydney) had many decades ago rescued the sole surviving copy and had carefully preserved it. I know the collector and met with him. As I was, he was enthusiastic to see the print repatriated to the US. With costs covered and handshakes all round, HELLO POP is now safely back in the US for full restoration, and will take it's place among titles yearned for by US fans and collectors.

I have been lucky enough to know Australian collectors and meet with execs of US film heritage, and you can cheer the wonderful happy collaborations that allow finds like this be sent home to be celebrated properly. It really doesn't belong to us as it is American screen fun we love, and often so much that we cannot bear to see it destroyed. As a result some essential Hollywood history has been squirreled away here for future generations to jump with joy. Here is a genuine good news story for all Stooges fans from the nice people in Sydney Australia.

Offline pipboytaylor

I was reading all of this info over the last few days and find it amazing. Really looking forward to a viewing either on dvd or TCM for sure. Does anyone have an insight or feeling into what we can expect as far as where "Hello  Pop" may rate in entertainment as compared to the other MGM shorts? The TS Scrapbook hints that reviews were generally good when it was originally released. It should be better than "The Big Idea" anyway eh?

Offline Mark The Shark

I was reading all of this info over the last few days and find it amazing. Really looking forward to a viewing either on dvd or TCM for sure. Does anyone have an insight or feeling into what we can expect as far as where "Hello  Pop" may rate in entertainment as compared to the other MGM shorts? The TS Scrapbook hints that reviews were generally good when it was originally released. It should be better than "The Big Idea" anyway eh?

Well, apparently it's the only film with the "don't you dare hit me in the head, you know I'm not normal" bit complete with its punchline (see reply #16), so that's pretty cool at least! Otherwise I would expect at least an average M-G-M Healy/Stooge short, plus the novelty of two-strip Technicolor.

Offline archiezappa

With this find, I have a few questions:

1.  Have the rest of the Stooges' MGM shorts ever been restored?

2.  Will all of these MGM short subjects be restored?

3.  Will there be a DVD release of "Ted Healy & The Three Stooges MGM Collection"?

Offline ArPharazon

I haven't posted in quite a while, and here I come by and there's this amazing news.  I always did love those Australians.

So, this is the only other Ted & his Stooges MGM short we've never seen (well, most of us have never seen anyway)?

Ranking my favorites:
Plane Nuts
Beer & Pretzels
Nertsery Rhymes
The Big Idea

For anyone who knows, where does Hello Pop rank in the five?

And here's another vote for a full restoration of all five, plus any other shorts (Roast Beef & Movies, etc) they can put on DVD or blu-ray as official releases.

Offline BeAStooge

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News from Ron Hutchinson of The Vitaphone Project...

I am happy to announce that The Vitaphone Project has located a complete Technicolor print of the long-lost Stooges 1933 MGM Colortone short HELLO POP! This is the only lost short with all three Stooges, and also stars Ted Healy and Henry Armetta. The 35mm nitrate print was found overseas and after some torturous steps to get the nitrate packaged and shipped, it is today safely in the hands of my friend Eric Aijayla at YCM labs. Ned Price at WB has ensured the funding of the restoration, and ideally we could see this within a year. The sole known print burned in the big MGM fire in the 1960's.

Ron Hutchinson today (3/2) has shared a group of frame images from the discovered nitrate print.  You can see all of them on Facebook, at Ron's "The Vitaphone Project" page, and at this site's sister " Fan Page."  Here's a sampling...