I am working hard on completing a Three Stooges DVD collection. I always loved the TS even as a child watching them on local tv in the 70's. I can remember being told when Moe passed away and crying thinking they would never be on TV again (I was 5 years old). In the early nineties I made it a point to tape every Stooges episode that came on tv and had several tapes of Stooge shorts but they were all cut up by commercials and poor quality prints. I bought The Three Stooges Collection volumes 1, 2 and 3 when they came out and a few months ago my 6 year old daughter asked what they were so I let her watch them and ....She was hooked! I went ahead and bought the rest of the collection and started attempting to get all of their appearances I can find. As it sits now I have.
Three Stooges Collection Volumes 1-8
Rare Treasures From The Columbia Vault
Soup To Nuts
Three Stooges Around The World In A Daze
Three Stooges Meet Hercules
Snow White and The Three Stooges
The Three Stooges Chronicles (for the MGM shorts)
Three Stooges Early Years (for Shemp Vitaphone comedies, Roast Beef and Movies and The Big Idea)
Three Stooges All Time Favorites (Kook's Tour and Jerks Of all Trades)
Meet The Baron/Gold Raiders
Three Stooges In Orbit
Swing Parade Of 1946
Three Stooges Kings Of Laughter
New Three Stooges cartoon dvd (generic featuring a couple dozen toons)
The Three Stooges (2012 Film)
I am trying to build a real "Ultimate Collection" but I know I have quite a way to go

Wish me luck on findin the rest!