Just by comparing lineups I can guess we probably disagree on social issues (after Johnson our list varies significantly). Since this is a political thread I have a question; how many of you actually voted in favor of Super PACs and if so could you please explain to me why giant corporations are people and should be given rights that individuals have?
Edit: I have been clicking on the candidates and I'm not sure about the overall accuracy. For instance, on the abortion question I answered "pro choice, I don't agree with it but it's not my right or the government's right to ban abortion" and the quiz has me and Rocky Anderson at odds because he just said "pro choice". Just because if I were a woman I would choose to unleash my demon seed onto the unsuspecting populace doesn't mean I am any less pro choice than someone who says "pro choice, get one abortion get your next one 50% off". Both examples are still pro choice. It is the individual woman's right to choose what to do with her own body and a group of mostly men who will never have to make that choice (and women who are past the birthing phases of their lives) should have no fucking right to tell them otherwise. Also, I noticed many of the issues that Anderson and I do agree on I marked as "most important" (get rid of the PATRIOT Act, legalize drugs, no to Super PACs). I don't agree with some of the conclusions this quiz makes (I would vote Anderson over Obama, in fact were I forced to vote the only way I would vote Obama is if it were between him, Romney and Goode).
OK, here we go:
SUPER PAC: While I am not a personal fan of Super Pacs, I'm even less of a fan of telling a politician where they can get their money from, whether it be individual's or corporations, so I support having Super Pacs legal. However, I am also for transparency. I think the public has the right to see where politicians get their money from so they can make an informed decision. Let the voters make Super Pacs an issue if they choose, not the government. I like Jesse Ventura's idea the best, and that's having all politicians where a NASCAR style suit showing who all their biggest donors are.
ABORTION: While I am voting for Gary Johnson, this is one of the few issues I disagree with him on, I am pro-life unless if having the baby can physically harm the mother. I don't view it it as a women's rights issue, because that only takes the mother and not the child into consideration. If the mother can't care for the child, there's always adoption agencies that will give the child to couples who can't naturally have children, and to prove I am not a 100% social conservative but an independent thinker, couples who naturally can't have children, in addition to sterile hetero couples, includes same sex couples.
Overall, going by rhetoric, I would definitely be Republican more than Democrat. I am all for fiscal conservatism and am far from a socialist, but the problem with Republicans in my view is they don't practice what they preach. Romney can throw all the stuff about jobs, business, and balancing the budget all he wants, but I've yet to hear him talk about cutting a program, monetary policy, or the federal reserve. Gary Johnson and Ron Paul do talk about these things, so they have my support. I would also like to see how Romney proposes to balance the budget yet grow the military intervention we have throughout the world, it simply does not add up. Go on Romney's website and look at his foreign policy, he has specific plans for several countries and territories throughout the world, and it's even greater than what's going on right now.
The irony is, and I just learned this recently, is that Republicans used to be the peace party!