NY Post home entertainment columnist
Lou Lumenick reports that a 2nd wave of MODs from 20th Century Fox will be out in early August. Among them is
THE ROOKIE (1959), starring Peter Marshall, Tommy Noonan, Julie Newmar, and
Joe Besser in a supporting role.

Based on the June/July releases, it appears that Fox in many cases is using masters from the Fox Movie Channel library. Some are remastered, some are not; some are OAR, some are not. Whatever Fox Movie Channel has, that's what the MOD discs may contain. THE ROOKIE was filmed in CinemaScope; past FMC presentations used an unrestored, Pan & Scan transfer.
Both SPACE MASTER X-7 (1958) with Moe and THE HAND OF DEATH (1962) with Besser, were also unrestored P&S prints when they were shown on FMC.
Hopefully this will not turn out to be the case. Updates will be posted when more is known.