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Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8 DVD

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Offline falsealarms

Lost in the shuffle of the Stooges box set, the 8th season of CYE was also released today. The best price I've seen is $19.99 in store at Target (50% off).

"Highly recommended" from DVD Talk:

Offline Curly4444

Shouldn't this go here:,33.0.html      "Stooges DVD/VHS/Home Video"

Not really stooges, but closer to the forum than general discussion.

Offline falsealarms

Shouldn't this go here:,33.0.html      "Stooges DVD/VHS/Home Video"

Not really stooges, but closer to the forum than general discussion.

No. That board is for Stooge releases and other classic releases.

Offline Curly4444

OK. I just assumed all related DVD/Blu-Ray stuff went there.

Offline middlenamewayne

Would things be different if the show's title was "Coib Your Enthusiasm"?

  - mnw