Have Rocket, Will TravelNow that we've heard the great news about Sony not releasing the Treasures disc separately, let's rocket ahead with the screen grab comparisons from Have Rocket, Will Travel.
Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
Not sure what happened with the opening titles on the VHS version. It's as if the opening sequence had been patched in from a 16mm dupe, right on up to the music credit. Then, it suddenly got clearer.
Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
Note the unnecessary window boxing of the main titles in the vhs grabs. Also take note of the animation modeling that is only barely visible in the blur of the vhs copy. Those space helmet lines didn't stand a chance against the 240 odd lines of resolution...
Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
Look at all that dead space around the credits. Again, like the later Shemp and the Besser shorts, I'm not sure if I really want a widescreen only version. Obviously this whole picture was shot for widescreen, but why not include the full frame, too? Maybe on a future Blu-Ray set?
Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
"Ya know, fellas? I can't tell if she's comin' or goin' wid that laptop!"
Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
"Caffeine and H20!"
Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
Notice the print damage in the vhs grab above. The same damage was evident in the tv master used by AMC and other stations. Thankfully, it is not present in the new dvd. The new dvd that WILL NOT be released separately. Thanks Sony. You rock.

Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
Does it look like some of the animation lines were DVNR'ed out of the dvd picture? Or did the VHS have the edge enhancement cranked too much?
Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
Now, if that ain't a shot made for the big, wide movie screen..!
Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
Sony DVD, widescreen
 | Columbia VHS, full frame
I had intended to include 2 scans from my 16mm print of this film-- problem is, the optical scanner I have, here, had other ideas. Blurry ones. Fail.

Thoughts or comments?