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Can Someone Do Comparison Screenshots Of...

luke795 · 24 · 5917

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Offline luke795

...Have Rocket Will Travel, Three Stooges Meet Hercules, Three Stooges in Orbit, Three Stooges Go Around The World In A Daze, Outlaws Is Coming, and Stop Look & Laugh?

Offline falsealarms

...Have Rocket Will Travel, Three Stooges Meet Hercules, Three Stooges in Orbit, Three Stooges Go Around The World In A Daze, Outlaws Is Coming, and Stop Look & Laugh?

Besides HAVE ROCKET, none of those other films are in the new boxset.


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I wish I could help, but my VHS copies of IN ORBIT, DAZE, HERCULES and OUTLAWS are long gone. And I don't have the DVD copies of HAVE ROCKET and STOP, LOOK & LAUGH.

If no one posts any screenshots of HAVE ROCKET by the time Sony gives the "Rare Treasures" DVD an individual release, I'll be more than happy to post some for you.


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I can do the Have Rocket.. vhs/dvd screenies if you give me till Wednesday night to get them together. I can try to add a couple of 16mm scans for good measure, if the scanner will cooperate!

Offline falsealarms

I can do the Have Rocket.. vhs/dvd screenies if you give me till Wednesday night to get them together. I can try to add a couple of 16mm scans for good measure, if the scanner will cooperate!

Should be interesting to see!


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Have Rocket, Will Travel

Now that we've heard the great news about Sony not releasing the Treasures disc separately, let's rocket ahead with the screen grab comparisons from Have Rocket, Will Travel.

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

Not sure what happened with the opening titles on the VHS version. It's as if the opening sequence had been patched in from a 16mm dupe, right on up to the music credit. Then, it suddenly got clearer.

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

Note the unnecessary window boxing of the main titles in the vhs grabs. Also take note of the animation modeling that is only barely visible in the blur of the vhs copy. Those space helmet lines didn't stand a chance against the 240 odd lines of resolution...

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

Look at all that dead space around the credits. Again, like the later Shemp and the Besser shorts, I'm not sure if I really want a widescreen only version. Obviously this whole picture was shot for widescreen, but why not include the full frame, too? Maybe on a future Blu-Ray set?

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

"Ya know, fellas? I can't tell if she's comin' or goin' wid that laptop!"

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

"Caffeine and H20!"

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

Notice the print damage in the vhs grab above. The same damage was evident in the tv master used by AMC and other stations. Thankfully, it is not present in the new dvd. The new dvd that WILL NOT be released separately. Thanks Sony. You rock.  :P

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

Does it look like some of the animation lines were DVNR'ed out of the dvd picture? Or did the VHS have the edge enhancement cranked too much?

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

Now, if that ain't a shot made for the big, wide movie screen..!

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

Sony DVD, widescreen
Columbia VHS, full frame

I had intended to include 2 scans from my 16mm print of this film-- problem is, the optical scanner I have, here, had other ideas. Blurry ones. Fail.  :(

Thoughts or comments?

Offline falsealarms

Great work and some good observations, thump! I've only sampled HAVE ROCKET on the new set, but it looks fine to me. As these screencaps indicate, it probably has never looked better. I go back and forth, but if someone said HAVE ROCKET was the best DeRita-era feature, I wouldn't argue.

Offline falsealarms

By the way, if anyone has collector copies of the solo shorts, comparisons of those would be fun too.


  • Guest
By the way, if anyone has collector copies of the solo shorts, comparisons of those would be fun too.

You mean those ugly, projected-on-bed-sheets, seen through the drunken, cataract-riddled eyes of a blind, cocaine addicted street peddler?

wouldn't that be fun?  :laugh:

Offline FineBari3

  • Master Stooge
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Thank you, Thump!  I really, truly appreciate the time and effort you took to put these up!  I really enjoyed the post above, with the crummy bootleg pictures! 

It looks like we will continue to see some of those that way.....
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline archiezappa

Great work on the screen comparisons of "Have Rocket Will Travel," Thump!  I really want this, but I'm standing on my no double dipping policy.  Also, I believe that they're not really finished, as there is still a lot of stuff that can be done with the films they have of the Stooges.  You know, besides the ones I'm always yakking about, what about "Time Out For Rhythm"?  That one should have been included.  Or those "Screen Snapshots"?  Now, that kind of stuff looks like typical bonus feature fare.  And that idea of getting the director of "Rocket" to do a director's commentary.  That's a really great idea, if it could be pulled off.  Then there's the interviews with the cast members, which has not yet been included. 

Yes, there's a lot of stuff that will be on the "Super Ultimate Box Set" when they release it next year.   [doh]


  • Guest
Yes, there's a lot of stuff that will be on the "Super Ultimate Box Set" when they release it next year.   [doh]

Yup, and don't forget the "Super Duper Ultimate Box Set" that will get released the year after. ;D

Hmm. I hope we didn't give Sony anymore ideas.  :-\

Offline archiezappa

Yup, and don't forget the "Super Duper Ultimate Box Set" that will get released the year after. ;D

Hmm. I hope we didn't give Sony anymore ideas.  :-\

Aw, man!  That made me laugh so hard!

Offline locoboymakesgood

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Considering the quality some of us lived with over the years with the collector's copies of the solo shorts, we can be grateful Sony lived up to their end of the bargain.

I think you get the idea. ;)
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline falsealarms

Great work with the screen grabs. People can watch them the way they were meant to be seen now.

Offline archiezappa

Wow!  Those screen captures of Shemp!  That's like getting glasses.  Those are so much clearer.  Yes, I have seen most of Shemp's Columbia Short Subjects.  Those are hilarious!  My favorite is "Mr. Noisy."


  • Guest
Considering the quality some of us lived with over the years with the collector's copies of the solo shorts, we can be grateful Sony lived up to their end of the bargain.


I think you get the idea. ;)

Where did you get the screenshots? Did you do these yourself? If so, did you finally decide to double dip and buy the box set?

Offline locoboymakesgood

  • I Loves Gravy!
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Where did you get the screenshots? Did you do these yourself? If so, did you finally decide to double dip and buy the box set?
Yes, I did those myself.  I still am against double dipping or caving in to Sony just for the set but I was able to obtain a copy of the entire new box for $20 from someone on another message board I'm a member of.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)


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Yes, I did those myself.  I still am against double dipping or caving in to Sony just for the set but I was able to obtain a copy of the entire new box for $20 from someone on another message board I'm a member of.

$20!!! That's an awesome deal! I'd pay $20 for the bonus disc alone, so to get the entire set for that price is even better.


I had a Best Buy giftcard so the complete set was a no brainer for me as well. I gave my old sets to my friends kids.

While it isn't my favorite, I think Have Rocket Will Travel is the one DeRita feature that is closest to the feel of the short subjects. I think (and someone check me on this if I am wrong) it is the last film they do the eyepoke in - save for Around the World in a Daze where it is done only to set up the joke. The rest of the features are watered down yet enjoyable if I'm in the mood. Orbit is my particular favorite.

I was just thinking about this the other day. While it took them so long to get the recognition on the Walk of Fame - weren't the 60s films kind of the Stooges rediscovery and thank you to their audience? You look at the other comedians - Chaplin, Marx Brothers, Laurel and Hardy etc. and by the time they were rediscovered they weren't really in a position to enjoy it and continue performing. The Stooges were able to pull themselves back together and remain active. It was like a half decade long appreciation for them. Does that make sense?

Offline falsealarms

I was just thinking about this the other day. While it took them so long to get the recognition on the Walk of Fame - weren't the 60s films kind of the Stooges rediscovery and thank you to their audience? You look at the other comedians - Chaplin, Marx Brothers, Laurel and Hardy etc. and by the time they were rediscovered they weren't really in a position to enjoy it and continue performing. The Stooges were able to pull themselves back together and remain active. It was like a half decade long appreciation for them. Does that make sense?

The 60s films were just moneymakers intended to capitalize on their re-emergence. I do agree that HAVE ROCKET is closest in nature to the shorts and that's why its arguably their best late feature. It can't be compared to the shorts, but it's not a bad way to spend 75 minutes (save for the talking unicorn).


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So I guess I am the only member left on this site that didn't buy the set just to get the bonus discs. Is there any chance Sony will release the extra disc separately just for me? :-\


I'm not that big a fan of talking animal movies. The two talking horse films are awful and I do agree it is the weakest part of Have Rocket Will Travel. I think at the time with the 'types' of movies that were being made in this genre, something like this made more sense or may have - dare I say - been more fascinating to those wrapped up in space and sci-fi films. Over time though, the films best moments are when they are left to Stooge around. In fact, now that I think of it more the other scene that is just pure-Stooge to me in the DeRita era is in ORBIT when they are working on the sea going what the he-- oh, sorry. They really are banging each other around like the good old days there.

Offline falsealarms

Over time though, the films best moments are when they are left to Stooge around.

Definitely. You could say the same about many Abbott & Costello movies - maybe the musical acts/romantic subplots were attractive at the time, but most modern viewers have no interest in that. They want to see A&C, not the Andrews Sisters or Ted Lewis.

I will say this, though - the talking dogs in the Besser solo short GI DOOD IT are fun.