You are looking for some quick cash so you go to your local pawn shop with a Nintendo 3DS and a bunch of games in a plastic grocery bag. After getting a small loan on the items, you come back about 1 week later to pay the loan and get your 3DS (like I said, you got a rather small loan with the idea that you would retrieve the items as soon as possible), and boy is the pawn shop happy to see you. You get the idea that someone paying off their lawn is not all too common as the clerk's face suddenly breaks into a smile as you hand him the pawn ticket, he hands you a free scratch lottery ticket (everyone who picks up their stuff gets one) and he heads to the back to get your stuff once you pay the balance.
The clerk comes back out and you recognize the grocery bag as yours but you notice he also has a 3DS box in his hands. He drops the bag and the box in front of you, cutting the tied bag open so you can inspect your games as he goes to check on a customer outside the building. You open the box to find a fairly new black 3DS (bought earlier this month from one of the many Gamestops around here) with a Nerf protective case around it. Your 3DS is the Zelda anniversary edition, but you knew already this one wasn't yours because you did not bring a box. You look in the bag and tucked behind the games is the Zelda 3DS you know and love. It is quite obvious to you by now that the clerk didn't even think the little 3DS was in the bag and grabbed the box without thinking about it (there is even a sticker with the other person's name on the box and a sticker in that person's name regarding a Toshiba laptop he pawned the same day).
It's a big "no shit" that this actually happened to me, so my question is two-fold:
1. What would you do in such a scenario: alert the pawn shop to their mistake or take the extra 3DS with you?
Keep in mind that it will be pawn shop who pays for their mistake, not the other guy. He will be reimbursed since the shop has lost his 3DS and it is their responsibility to replace it...that is if he comes back to pay his loan and get his shit. You may already have a 3DS of your own but these things aren't cheap and you can do anything from keep it just in case to selling or trading it in at Gamestop to giving it away. Or you can be nice and save the pawn shop from their mistake.
2. What do you think I did?
Based on what you know about me from this site do you think I was nice and told the pawn shop or kept my mouth shut and walked out with an extra 3DS?