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stooged and confused

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FROM THE LOS ANGELES TIMES--a female reviewer, by the way...

By Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times Film Critic
April 13, 2012
There is an appealing nyuk, nyuk nostalgic spirit to"The Three Stooges."To fully appreciate this paean to slapstick and silly nonsense simply requires that cynicism be temporarily shelved and the thinking side of the brain shut down.

Starring Sean Hayes, Will Sasso and Chris Diamantopoulos as Larry, Curly and Moe, this affectionate update is a love letter to the Stooges from the filmmaking Farrelly brothers, Peter and Bobby. Though they may be best known for the R-rated "There's Something About Mary," there is a Stooge streak a mile long running through their work — the bumbling misfits with a heart of gold in their first film, "Dumb & Dumber," for starters. It ultimately made them a good fit for an idea that has gone through many iterations in the last few years — from a highbrow biopic of the comics to the no-brow roots of its humor.

In "Stooges," they have embraced the comic absurdity of the classic trio so wholeheartedly that it's almost impossible not to be won over by the eye-poking, head-slapping, nose-twisting shenanigans that pepper nearly every scene. (There's a funny disclaimer for kids at the end with two bodybuilder types claiming to be the Farrellys basically warning: "Don't do this at home.")

Though technically set in present day, everything about the film feels as if it was plucked out of the '40s, the heyday of the comic shorts that would cement the Stooges in history, including the clothes, with Curly's always too short and too tight. The film itself is constructed to echo the shorts format, with its three acts unfolding as three distinctly marked episodes, all tied to the orphanage where they're dropped off as babies. Before the last slap and the final "Nyaaaaaahhhhh," there will be an adoption to bungle, an orphanage to destroy and save, a beauty (Sofia Vergara) to distract them, a murder to consider and a brief run at fame.

The action begins when three toddlers — one bald, one with a bowl haircut, and one with a receding hairline surrounded by frizzy red curls — are tossed on the steps of the orphanage. In keeping with the '40s sensibility, it's a happy place run by good-hearted nuns, with Jane Lynch as the long-suffering and ever forgiving Mother Superior, keeping her "Glee" cynicism completely in check. Jennifer Hudson is Sister Rosemary and seems primarily there to periodically break out in song, which the movie does when it feels like it. And best of all is a scene-stealing Larry David as Sister Mary-Mengele, who's never met a moment that didn't offer some irritant to be squashed, some optimism to be squelched.

The guys may be babies, but their DNA makes it clear they are already Stooges, with an eye poke that sends Sister Mary-Mengele flying. From that point on, the eye-poking and the eye-rolling never stop. As the boys grow up, the head slaps and the rest of the highly choreographed hitting mayhem that characterizes all the Stooges interactions becomes the centerpiece of the movie. The success of the film hangs on pulling off the sight gags, with the Farrellys' getting the rhythm of a Stooges bit — basically action, bad reaction, then over-reaction — mostly right.

Diamantopoulos, a versatile stage actor who pops up frequently on TV, is the film's anchor as Moe. He doesn't just channel Moe's irascibility but his underlying affection for Larry and Curly. On the physical front, and in Stooge-land it's ever present, Sasso is the master. He was a regular on the Fox sketch comedy show "MADtv" and has impeccable timing, from his finger snapping to his fearless pratfalls. There is great fun in the way that Curly never sees the next poke or slap coming. Hayes, on the other hand, as Larry seems to spend the film bracing for that next hit, and he struggles even more with stupid.

There is a plot (the brothers wrote the screenplay with Mike Cerrone) — as always the Stooges need a mission to mishandle — that requires them to make their way to the big city to try to save the orphanage, but really it is there to allow them to bump and bungle a lot of current cultural references. They get themselves into various dicey situations, including one with "Jersey Shore's" the Situation, but really there are no "deep thoughts," just another round of spats, spills and sight gags, including classics like all the ways a ladder and a wall can be played for laughs.

Without question, the movie is the most reverent work the irreverent Farrelly brothers have done, with nary a trace of the filmmakers' edgier side slipping into this family fare. For all the physical antics and the general stupidity that is a Stooges trademark, it's a strangely gentle comedy, not quite the ridiculous laugh riot fans of the trio might expect, but a very amusing escape from anything that resembles the real world.

Offline shemps#1

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Several B graded reviews have popped up on Rotten Tomatoes site and an A- from Entertainment Weekly. While critics will always be divided by the Stooges, just as they have been with the originals, a critic's opinion with these types of comedies hardly matters. What it does at the box office is what counts. How many great reviewed movies do poorly, while junk like Adam Sandler and Kevin James comedies clean up? Will people trek to see it? That remains the ultimate question. The overall consensus in all of the reviews (with rare exception) is that the new cast nails their portrayals of the boys--something we as fans were most concerned about.

They sound like The Three Stooges and kind of resemble The Three Stooges but by no means do they "nail their portrayals" of Three Stooges. I'm getting ahead of myself though...time to write up my take.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

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The Three Stooges (2012) Review
J. Kane (shemps#1)

About a week or two ago, unbeknownst to anyone but those who are the closest to me, I was hospitalized with an Intracranial (brain) Aneurysm. Instead of surgery the hospital opted for a procedure called Endovascular Coiling. This is when they use a catheter to get to the aneurysm and hopefully eliminate it. Needless to say, having a foreign object enter through ones dick hole to get to his brain is not a very easy thing to recover from. The hospital wanted to keep me for longer than they did but being uninsured I signed a few waivers and releases and got the fuck out of Dodge. Since then, other than a checkup on Monday (to make sure the aneurysm did not have a vengeful family member to take its place) I have for the most part been at home and in bed. Today (technically yesterday) I start feeling slightly better and very restless. As I sat here earlier going through reviews of this movie I said to no one in particular "I have to get out of this house for a bit". It took me a little while longer than it usually would have due to the stress that my brain (and penis, not to confuse the two vital organs) have been through of late but eventually I put two and two together and decided to go to the midnight opening of The Three Stooges.

Here's a newsflash: these guys are not The Three Stooges. According to one of the more generous reviews up there (perhaps as an attempt to see their name and quote in a commercial) these guys are so good at mimicry that you will forget they aren't the true blue real deals, but that isn't the case. Sure, they sound like the Three Stooges and strike a fair resemblance to them (Sean Hayes as Larry looks as though he is living a life cursed to constantly smell mounds of shit wherever he goes, Will Sasso looks like Curly Joe after he ate both Curly and Joe Besser and Chris Dia...Dia...The Greek has stenciled on saddle bags that once you see them on him or the 10 year old Moe it will be the only thing you notice) there was never a point in time during the movie when I thought these guys were Moe, Larry and Curly or forgot that they weren't.

The main point here is this movie is just not very funny. I was in a 1/2 full theater (usually not a good omen for a midnight opening) and it wasn't even one of the main bigger theaters but one of the smaller ones so I'd say there were about 20-25 of us there. One critic proclaimed "dead silence' when he saw it but that wasn't the case for me. It was mostly silence interspersed with a few chuckles, a laugh or two (I only got a couple chuckles out of it myself but more on that later) and the sounds of hands slapping against foreheads (as in facepalms, not the Stooge antics on screen). Yes, these guys (I am never going to call them the Three Stooges) perform Stooge routines but they do so listlessly. They lack chemistry and a certain je ne sais quoi that the brothers Howard and Fine have. They are imitations, like you would see at a Stooges Convention. Imagine a movie made up of the people from this site who have come and gone who constantly quote from the shorts: that's the feeling I got watching this. I'm not saying those who made or participated aren't fans, they just suck all of the funny out of everything.

The main problem this movie has (besides not having the actual Three Stooges starring) is the forced, shoved-down-your-throat hokey sentimentality of it. The real Stooges were at there best with pure mayhem, living Looney Tunes as it were. They work as one dimensional characters. The Farrelly Brothers (pronounced Fair-Lee, which is weird given that it's spelled to sound like Far-El-Ee) forgot one important mathematical equation: the Stooges + needy children = bad. It is true in the shorts of the real Three Stooges (kid centric shorts tend to rate lower on this site) and it's true for the faux ones. People don't watch the Stooges for some pseudo-touching plot that tries too hard to tug at the heartstrings, they watch for the Stooging.

Another issue that sticks out is 2012, or the blatant reminders to the audience that this movie takes place in the present day rather than the Stooges time. Curly with an iPhone! Moe is on the Jersey Shore! FACEBOOK! Yeah, we get it...move the fuck on already. Everyone knows That 70's Show, but how many remember the short-lived That 80's Show? The reason why it didn't last, besides not being funny like this movie, were the constant, in your face reminders that it was taking place in the 80's. They might as well have had Sasso shouting "Hey Moe! It's 2012!" every 10 minutes.

The real Stooges would have been nothing without a good supporting cast, and for the most part the supporting cast here is merely window dressing. The only one who was any good was Larry David. In fact, this movie might have been better off giving David more screen time. Remember those chuckles I spoke of earlier? Even though they were few and far between they were attributed to Larry David.

I'm not going delve deeply into the plot because the reviews above do that. I will say that I never found myself caring either way if they saved the orphanage or not. The movie never drew me in and just like the imitations presented therein, there is a disconnect there that kills it. Many of you were worried about the Farrelly brand of gross out R-rated toilet humor: well no need to worry. Other than a lit fart and a fight that involved pissing babies (both of which would have been considered risque back in the Stooges time but in 2012 are tame) there is nothing "adult" about the movie, as it were.

The Farrelly's present this aura that they will save the Stooges with this movie. That's like saving them from getting shot in the head only to have them get shot in the dick. I would say "don't see this movie" but we're on Of course you are going to see it (I did). Consider yourself warned however. Many of the reviewers who panned the film said that perhaps the hardcore fans would enjoy it. This is not the case. In fact the hardcore will probably enjoy it less than those who are mild to moderate fans. We've seen all this movie has to offer countless times before and done much better by the actual, infinitely more talented and funny Three Stooges.


The Good

+ Larry David
+That's it folks, just Larry David

The Bad

- Jersey Shore cast gets another undeserved paycheck
- The rest of the supporting cast (especially the children) sucks
- Tired plot that has been worn out
- Too many current pop culture references crammed in
- Pale imitations of Moe, Larry and Curly
- It's just not funny

Grade: F

In closing: is the movie the worst thing ever? No. That "F" up there is a high F, in the 50's. Is it the worst Farrelly Brothers movie? Again, no. That "honor" would go to Fever Pitch. But by no means is this movie any good.

Who will like it:

- Children who eat lead and asbestos on a regular basis and the parents who feed it to them
- People with a lousy sense of humor
- People who like anything with "The Three Stooges" slapped on it

Who will not like it:
- Hardcore Three Stooges fans
- Folks who despise the Three Stooges
- Anyone else not covered in the "like" list

They didn't shit on the legacy of the Stooges, they just teabagged it. But hey, if given a choice between watching this movie again or going through Endovascular Coiling again I would watch this movie.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

But hey, if given a choice between watching this movie again or going through Endovascular Coiling again I would watch this movie.

I hope they use this quote in the next commercial.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

.....and by the way, it looks like I'm seeing the movie Sunday, so I'll pitch in my opinion then.
- Doug Sarnecky

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Interview with Gary Lassin about the film...

Listen to the interview -

I just now got around to listening to this. Hey Gary, this sounds like this was a kind of painful interview..."painful" in the sense that you were being interviewed by someone who would rather be doing something else than talking about the Three Stooges and she was just reading a list of facts. I also kind of wonder if she was trying to goad you into being more "animated" about your trepidation for the film, but then again it's NPR so that doesn't make too much sense (possible but not probable).
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline shemps#1

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I hope they use this quote in the next commercial.

I thought the same thing after I wrote it: perfect commercial quote right there.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline TXShemp

I had mixed emotions about this for years. I went with my wife to the midnight premier and nearly choked on popcorn several times. The details were sensational. I enjoyed how 80% of the script was original Stooge routines and another 20% was 21st century tie-in. The use of dummies for falls was classic. The actors did a great job with the gestures, mannerisms, and recreating the Stooges' lines and routines. The sign over the orphanage reads "Founded in 1934" and only a true Stooge fan would know why that year is important. I thought Larry had some of the best lines. One of my favorite scenes was when he approached the thugs on the street. If you think you won't like it, give it a try. All it lacked was a dedication for the boys at the end. [3stooges]

Offline vomit

The Three Stooges (2012) Review
J. Kane (shemps#1)

About a week or two ago, unbeknownst to anyone but those who are the closest to me, I was hospitalized with an Intracranial (brain) Aneurysm. Instead of surgery the hospital opted for a procedure called Endovascular Coiling. This is when they use a catheter to get to the aneurysm and hopefully eliminate it. Needless to say, having a foreign object enter through ones dick hole to get to his brain is not a very easy thing to recover from. The hospital wanted to keep me for longer than they did but being uninsured I signed a few waivers and releases and got the fuck out of Dodge.

Jesus dude.  That's scary.  Strangely you made it sound funny....and NO INSURANCE?  Holy cheeseballs batman, you live on the edge.

I'd throw a prayer your way, but I'm an atheist.  so just some positve thoughts for a quick & full recovery!
Specto Caelum!

stooged and confused

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Timing is everything and it looks like time is on the side of this new Stooges movie. Almost all movies these days are benefiting from people wanting to escape the real world and tune out with the recession and other life problems. Most movies are exceeding studio estimates and THE THREE STOOGES is no exception.

The movie was originally pegged to open with 12 million for the weekend but a new report showed that Friday business was better than predicted and now may have a 21 million weekend, bumping out Hunger Games and beating Cabin In The Woods to wind up as the #1 movie.

Plus, reviews at prestige publications like Variety, Hollywood Reporter, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal and Entertainment Weekly have given it a "thumbs up" word of mouth.

Who'd of thunk?!

Offline locoboymakesgood

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Box Office Mojo has it bringing in $17.5 this weekend. Still blows me away. I was expecting much lower numbers.

+/- when the sequel gets announced?
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline luke795

Pete Farrelly says that Shemp will be in a sequel Three Stooges movie.

Offline shemps#1

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Timing is everything and it looks like time is on the side of this new Stooges movie. Almost all movies these days are benefiting from people wanting to escape the real world and tune out with the recession and other life problems. Most movies are exceeding studio estimates and THE THREE STOOGES is no exception.

The movie was originally pegged to open with 12 million for the weekend but a new report showed that Friday business was better than predicted and now may have a 21 million weekend, bumping out Hunger Games and beating Cabin In The Woods to wind up as the #1 movie.

Plus, reviews at prestige publications like Variety, Hollywood Reporter, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal and Entertainment Weekly have given it a "thumbs up" word of mouth.

Who'd of thunk?!

Before you go proclaiming it a smash hit you have to put things in perspective. On Rotten Tomatoes it was neck and neck (hovering around 50%) until a flood a negative reviews knocked it down to 40%. As far as top critics (i.e. critics most people have heard of) go, 11/24 gave it good reviews, which is better than the overall average but definitely not a critical success. As far as "beating out Hunger Games, if this movie does beat out Hunger Games it's not that big of a deal since Hunger Games has been out for a month. The estimate has been corrected to $17.5 million, which would put it below Hunger Games anyway.

Movies are funny, the production budgets don't include advertising budgets and such so for a movie to be profitable you really have to make double the production budget (the budget for this film was about $30 million, but I saw the movie and couldn't tell you where it was spent). I expect the movie to take a bigger than normal dive in the second week because fans of Three Stooges are likely to see it when it first releases (and not again) so I would expect at least a 60% drop in Week 2. They will probably make somewhere a little over production budget in the US and anything in the foreign market will be the gravy.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

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Box Office Mojo has it bringing in $17.5 this weekend. Still blows me away. I was expecting much lower numbers.

+/- when the sequel gets announced?

If a sequel does get made (please no) it will probably be on a smaller budget.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline shemps#1

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To put things into more perspective the recent movie 21 Jump Street shares similarities with The Three Stooges. Both are existing properties and have similiar mid-range budgets ($43 million for 21 Jump Street). The only advantage is a bit more star power. It made almost $50 million opening week and has to this point made about $115 million domestically. 21 Jump Street (which I have seen and this action/comedy is much better than the Farrelly Stooges) is a success. The Stooge movie will not make anything near those numbers. If I were to venture a guess I would that at the most this film makes $60 million total (foreign and domestic) which would pretty much be eaten by total costs with a little profit left over. That leaves the home video/rental/PPV market to make the actual profit. Having seen this movie I have no desire to see it again and will not add it to my personal collection. I can leave this off my Three Stooges collection because it's not the Three Stooges.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline hiramhorwitz

My subjective comparison of the movie with the original shorts is tabulated in the attachment below:

Offline Myren

So now that opening weekend is half over, is this movie on dvd yet? (Kidding  :laugh:) I just can not see paying $15 a person to see this thing in the theater. And the reviews do not help any.

And thanks shemps#1 for your review, I had thought the movie would be as your described.

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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This is a test message ... just hooked up my 'pooter to my bride's modem via a newly purchased router .. hope it works
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline falsealarms

So while it seems a healthy number of people have seen this movie, it also seems like very few like it. 800 have voted on IMDB and it has a 4.3/10 rating.

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

  • Oh, Vici Kid!
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It woiked!! ... nyuk nyuk nyuk ... my router is routin' Moe, ... Moe? .. where's that pissin' babe when you need it?

It was a pleasant disappointment ... the movie audience laughed and guffawed at times when I (the hard ass Stooge buff) thought it was lame, and I found myself laughing at times when the muddled masses found no humor in the stew ... my bride DID laugh a few times, even though she has assured me me she is NO Stooge fan, but said she thought it was a "cute" movie ... not a bad review for the Farrelly's, I'd say.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline ThunderStooge

Ugh!  The reviews are fueling my morbid curiosity.  But I don't want to pay 10 dollars to bruise myself from 90 minutes of facepalming with one or two chuckles.  :-\
"Wake up and Go ta sleep!"

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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  • Vici Kid
No worries mate ... this one can easily be skipped over for the "wait until DVD" pile ...
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

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Saw the film today.  I had no idea what to expect going in, but I found the film pretty funny and well done, except for a few gross humor scenes.


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Ugh!  The reviews are fueling my morbid curiosity.  But I don't want to pay 10 dollars to bruise myself from 90 minutes of facepalming with one or two chuckles.  :-\

I admit, there was a time when I was a bit curious about the film. But ever since I saw the trailer several months ago, that was enough for me. I know it's bad and I'm not going to pay $10 to see this. The only way I'm seeing this movie is if it's free. If that means that I might wait forever, then so be it.

Offline falsealarms

Since there seems to be some interest in this movie, here are some clips -