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TRAILER - Your first look at the new 3 Stooges film

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Offline Hammond Eggar

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OK, here it is.  It's the trailer for the upcoming 2012 Three Stooges film.  I'm still on the fence about seeing it.

MOVIE BYTES: The Three Stooges 2012 - Beyond the Trailer
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder, 1971)

Offline Hammond Eggar

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If nothing else, we can at least enjoy watching Snookie get a good eye poke. ;D
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder, 1971)

Offline QuinceHead

If nothing else, we can at least enjoy watching Snookie get a good eye poke. ;D

A pie in the face would've been better, but an eye poke will do...  ;D

For duty and humanity, JohnH aka QuinceHead

Offline metaldams

If nothing else, we can at least enjoy watching Snookie get a good eye poke. ;D

That's the only thing in the trailer that didn't get old....and I guess the bathing beauty nun too, but that's not really Stooge related now, is it?
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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That's what they want: they know those Mooks on Jersey Shore are not well liked in general but do have a following. You rope in the Jersey Shore fans with them appearing and the "haters" with Snooki getting eyepoked. YAWN. A bunch of sheep...bah Jersey Shore bah...bah I hate Snooki, she got an eyepoke bah. An old ploy and you're eating right out of their hands.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

A bunch of sheep...bah Jersey Shore bah...bah I hate Snooki, she got an eyepoke bah. An old ploy and you're eating right out of their hands.

Jim, I like ya, but seriously, relax.

I said that Snooki comment half in jest, but so what if I or somebody else derives a little bit of humor out of that.  I don't think anybody's claiming this to be the second coming of BRIDELESS GROOM, or even HOOFS AND GOOFS, because of the Snooki eye poke.

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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this movie is questionable at best - viewing the trailers posted.

This one is a prime example to wait until it goes to video (dvd) to watch ...
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline shemps#1

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Jim, I like ya, but seriously, relax.

I said that Snooki comment half in jest, but so what if I or somebody else derives a little bit of humor out of that.  I don't think anybody's claiming this to be the second coming of BRIDELESS GROOM, or even HOOFS AND GOOFS, because of the Snooki eye poke.

That wasn't directed at you or anyone in particular. As for you or anyone else liking Snooki getting an eyepoke or even the idea of the movie or the movie itself when it comes out; I can care less. I am free to express my opinion though, am I not?
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

That wasn't directed at you or anyone in particular. As for you or anyone else liking Snooki getting an eyepoke or even the idea of the movie or the movie itself when it comes out; I can care less. I am free to express my opinion though, am I not?

You're absolutely free to express your opinion.

I will see this, but unless I'm asked to go along by my brother, I'll probably catch this on free TV.

I really don't think this movie is going to be that big a deal in the long run, which is why I don't waste my venom on it.  The Little Rascals and Laurel and Hardy got similar treatments, and those movies stand as mere footnotes.  Once the hype dies down and the bandwagon people move onto the next thing, this movie will be a footnote too.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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You're absolutely free to express your opinion.

I will see this, but unless I'm asked to go along by my brother, I'll probably catch this on free TV.

I really don't think this movie is going to be that big a deal in the long run, which is why I don't waste my venom on it.  The Little Rascals and Laurel and Hardy got similar treatments, and those movies stand as mere footnotes.  Once the hype dies down and the bandwagon people move onto the next thing, this movie will be a footnote too.

You may be right, but it's an unnecessary footnote. I don't recall the L&H movie but do remember the Little Rascals one and it received just as much venom from Our Gang fans as the Stooges movie is getting. On top of that you the Farrelly's behind it; they love the Stooges supposedly. I don't need to remind you of the steamy pile of shit they made centered around another thing they supposedly love: the Red Sox. They even went so far as to insert their shitty movie into the Red Sox' World Series celebration.

Watching Fever Pitch convinced me they are Yankee fans: no Red Sox fans would make such a shitty movie with the Sox as a focal point. The mere notion that this movie exists convinces that the talentless asswipes who got lucky with one movie and have been riding it to shitty film after shitty film since secretly hate the Stooges.

A footnote still links them with the Stooges in a twisted sort of way.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Hammond Eggar

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That's the only thing in the trailer that didn't get old....and I guess the bathing beauty nun too, but that's not really Stooge related now, is it?

I didn't find the scene with the lobster in Larry's pants very appropriate for a Stooge film myself.  BTW, I hope nobody thought I was suggesting that a Snookie eye poke was worth the price of admission.  After all, we only need to watch the trailer to see that.  As I stated before, I'm seriously on the fence about seeing this flick.  I SO want to be excited about a Stooge-related film.  Yet, having said that, I feel the production of this film is totally unnecessary.  How do you have a Stooges movie without a Fine or any Howards!?!  It makes no sense to me.  The Stooges were, indeed, real people, and not merely characters to be recast as they do with James Bond or Batman.  I agree with the Seinfeld comment.  A Seinfeld movie with a new cast sounds utterly absurd.  Somebody else playing Jerry?  To me, and many others, it's the same thing with the Stooges.  Besides, how does one think you can throw together three actors and expect them to have the same chemistry as Moe, Larry and Curly?  Moe, Curly and Shemp were brothers which I believe served to help the act.  They knew each other intimately.  Plus, they honed their act over a period of years in Vaudeville, so by the time they got to Columbia, the act was pretty fine-tuned (no pun intended).  Also, while these new actors don't look as bad as I anticipated, they really aren't the right size.  Sasso as Curly is too tall for me, but I digress.

I agree that this film will be a mere footnote.  That said, a footnote is still a footnote.  Then again, The Brady Bunch Movie didn't manage to take anything away from the original series.  In fact, it became one of the few TV-to-movie adaptations I actually enjoy (that and The Fugitive).  There are those of us old enough to recall seeing Stoogemania in theaters back in 1985.  With all its many flaws, most people today are totally unaware of it, let alone have actually seen it.  I think over time, the same will happen to this new Stooges film.  If one wants to find the silver lining in all this (and you have to look REALLY hard) it's that this film may introduce some young viewer to our boys and inspire him/her to actually seek out the real deal.  That's how I felt when I sat through Oliver Stone's big screen bio-pic The Doors.

So, while this movie is totally unnecessary and a waste of time, film and money (production-wise), I don't think it's worth getting too worked-up over.  As George Harrison once sang, "All things must pass."  So, too, shall this film and its hype.

BTW, does anyone know how the relatives of the real Stooges feel about this movie?  I'd be curious to read/hear comments from people such as Moe's kids, Joan and Paul.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder, 1971)

Offline shemps#1

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Well I can tell you that Earl and Robert Benjamin are completely on board with this movie. Any and every last dime they can squeeze out of the Three Stooges brand they will get, no matter how disrespectful to the legacy of the Howard Bros. and Fine (and even Besser and DeRita to a lesser extent). Those are the guys that had the real talent.

You know what this movie really reminds me of? A Friedberg/Seltzer film. For those that don't know Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer they are a couple of writers/producers/directors who scored big as writers on Scary Movie. Ever since then they have rode that monster hit and gone on to make some of the worst "spoof films" ever. Date Movie, Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans, Disaster Movie, Vampires you can see they never stray from the spoof formula and never make a good movie. They still wouldn't know what a good movie was if the original negatives from Citizen Kane came to life and sodomized them. repeatedly. These two have single (double)-handedly killed the spoof film sub-genre. 

Similarities between Friedberg/Seltzer and the Farrellys aside, this trailer feels like a spoof. One of the staples of a Friedberg/Seltzer film is to shoehorn a parody of some Flavor of the Month in there, have something bad happen to them and wait for the laugh that never comes. The Farrellys have a bit more stroke than Friedberg/Seltzer and have more than a shoe-string budget. Instead of a parody of the Jersey Shore cast they were able to afford to get these talentless Mooks to appear in the film themselves. In principal it's still the same, tired, lame idea.

The difference is the Farrellys aren't trying to parody the Three Stooges. They are trying to get folks to think of these guys as the Three Stooges. It's not a parody bit about "what if the Three Stooges met the cast of the Jersey Shore", Will Sasso and the other two no talents are supposed to be the Three Stooges. However, as you watch the trailer they come as nothing more than a parody of the Three Stooges.

I don't want to see Snooki "get hers" and get a poke to the eyes from Faux Moe. I don't want to see Snooki or any of her tanning bed fried Jersey Mook brethren at all. The fact is she got a movie part for being a stupid skank. I want her and the others to go back to obscurity where they belong...where Will Sasso and the other impressionists (not actors) belong...where the Farrellys and Benjamins belong.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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Isn't Will Sasso an SNL celeb who's years there lent him to parody and satire?
I have no preceedings for the other two - without an exhaustive websearch which I'm not disposed of to do at this time.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline ProfessorStooge

Will Sasso was on MADtv and spent five seasons there. He is known for such characters as singer Michael McCloud, handyman Paul Timberman, and Honey Dipper Dan. Sasso has done impressions of such celebrities as William Shatner, James Gandolfini, Robert DeNiro, and Chris Farley among others.

Offline QuinceHead

Isn't Will Sasso an SNL celeb who's years there lent him to parody and satire?
I have no preceedings for the other two - without an exhaustive websearch which I'm not disposed of to do at this time.

Sean Hayes played Jack McFarland from 1998 to 2006 on Will & Grace...  ::)

For duty and humanity, JohnH aka QuinceHead


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Oh goodness gracious!! After watching that trailer, this looks like it's going to be one stupid movie. In fact, it's looks like it's going to be a lot worse than I expected. I can't help but feel a bit offended by it, in fact. The way they're portraying the stooges is insulting to me. I couldn't believe how painful it was to watch that trailer.

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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After viewing the posts the "Beyond the Trailer" video generated, Hammond Eggar may be onto something. People are either absolutely determined to see it or abhorred by it. Either way, it WILL generate interest in our original three boys (in one way or another) - they may seek out the eps to see if they REALLY did make lobster-nutcracker jokes and growing up Catholic (what a laugh) -   [3stooges]
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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By the way ... with all the "movie innovations" going on ... WHY wasn't THIS film made in 3D?? Didn't the Stooges help pioneer 3D?
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.


  • Guest
they may seek out the eps to see if they REALLY did make lobster-nutcracker jokes and growing up Catholic (what a laugh) -   [3stooges]

That's what I didn't like about this trailer. The lobster biting Larry in the balls. The nun in the bikini. Sure, some people may find those funny and I have no problem with that. But what I always liked about the stooges is that they didn't have to resort to that kind of humor. This movie is just all wrong!! It may be funny in and of itself, but as a stooge movie, it's horrendous!!

Offline Bum

Ha ha, the blonde chick in the "Beyond the Trailer" clip stated that the Stooges film is "not a biopic", and she pronounced it so that it sounds like "by-AW-pick". That bit of unintentional comedy was more entertaining than anything I saw in the trailer!

Offline stooge1029

Sean Hayes just looks weird as Larry. Sasso has the Curly impression down, and the guy playing Moe sounds a lot like him. I think this will be an interesting movie but not a good one. I might be tempted to actually see it in theaters just because of the curiosity I have about this.

Offline Hammond Eggar

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So, why exactly are three JEWISH guys being delivered to a Catholic orphanage!?!  This make absolutely no sense at all.  Are they ignoring the real Stooges' Jewish heritage?  Sad and painful.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder, 1971)

Offline ThunderStooge

Yeah, that's another thing I did not like about the trailer.  I don't know if they tried that for irony, but they didn't do a very good job.
"Wake up and Go ta sleep!"