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Value of Autographed Picture?

jrvass · 4 · 2489

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Offline jrvass

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Since I don't have 10/15/25 posts (whatever) this seemed like the most likely thread to post my query on this subject.

What would an autographed picture (by Larry, after his stroke when he was in the Motion Picture Country Home) be worth? About 1971 or '72. It's not like I'm looking to sell it, but if it's worth something I should probably give it more "proper treatment" than sitting in a filing cabinet.

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Offline garystooge

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Of all Stooges collectibles, autographs are the hardest to value. Because there are so many variables involved, the only real way to know the value of what you have is to run it up the Ebay flagpole. Variables which will affect autograph value include the following factors(in no particular order):

1)full name or first name only sig (i.e "Larry Fine" or just "Larry", or maybe "Larry, 3 Stooges")
2)Inscription or just sig (i.e "To my friend James, Sincerely Larry Fine", or just "Larry Fine")
3)type of item signed(i.e photo, document, handwritten letter, album page, comic book, etc)
4)Uniqueness of item signed (common Columbia publicity still vs. menu from a famous Hollywood restaurant)
5)age of item (signed in the 1930's or 1970's? Presence of date?)
6)condition of item and sig (is sig bold and legible? Is piece in nice condition?
7) does sig look legit?

« Last Edit: March 11, 2005, 10:34:41 AM by Dunrobin »

Offline Dunrobin

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Since I don't have 10/15/25 posts (whatever) this seemed like the most likely thread to post my query on this subject.

What would an autographed picture (by Larry, after his stroke when he was in the Motion Picture Country Home) be worth? About 1971 or '72. It's not like I'm looking to sell it, but if it's worth something I should probably give it more "proper treatment" than sitting in a filing cabinet.


Actually, James, you can post a new topic in the Swap Meet board, as I forgot to block newbies on this board, and now that I think about it, I'll leave it unblocked.  I've split off your question (and Gary's reply) into a new thread.

Offline jrvass

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As far as I know it is legit. Here are links to the letter from my Aunt with the address and the picture I received.

"Three Scrooges"? Well, she meant well. Back then, the Stooges were on one of the 6 or 7 Detroit TV stations. (Channel 50, I believe). And she watched the soap operas.

As you can see, it is a photo of a photo probably made in the '70's. Again, it is after Larry had his stroke, shortly before he died. (I'd have to look that date up in my "Moe Howard & the 3 Stooges" book, to be exact.)

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