Errr Boid, you are going to get me in big trouble one day. 
Me!!?? Raffy, this started out as an innocent thread about the little known twin of Sarah Conner. It has mutated to this level due to it's contributors, several of whom are sick fucks. (not excluding myself)
Don't worry about Shemps: there is no way in the world to calculate which direction his mind will spin off to...why, I tried to insult him once by calling him a hatchet man and he muzzled me like Bobby Seale and proceded to make "Hatchet Man" his sig under the image of an angelic child! (He has issues)
Metal: what's wrong with 'bull dyke'? I think it's a damn funny term. Some of my best friends are bull dykes! (see my 1st wife, no joke)
Raffy: to say a man is obsessed with women is like saying a lion is obsessed with meat.
Finally S#1: I know that you read every fucking word that is typed here, and you are DEFINATELY avoiding the Keller thread. I gotta figure that it's because you have difficulty wrapping your mind around things that you don't think about because you don't think about things that you don't think about! (did you get THAT reference Criswell?)
It was inevitable. S#1