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What is the average IQ of a Three Stooges fan?

metaldams · 76 · 37184

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Offline jrvass

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That's cool, Shemps#1. I've run a message board in the past so I understand "Asked and Answered".

I did a search on "snowflake" and didn't find anything. Then later I saw the posts about the 10/15/25 minimum. I think the registration page said 15.

Impressive website on Stooge history. I'll be poking around some more.


Thanks for the reminder, James; when I lowered the requirement to 10 posts, I forgot to change the Registration agreement.  I've updated it now.

The "Me no Snowflake" line comes from "Some More of Samoa", but it's spoken by the native that Moe and Larry meet in the jungle.  (I don't think that he's the Chef in the later scene, but I could be wrong.)

Cool. I'll have to see if I have that on VHS. The reason I asked is bizarre. Or stoogest. I volunteer as a foster for a Siamese cat rescue place.

I just had one cat adopted, and that didn't happen until I gave him a name that he answered to. His shelter name Vincent, he didn't asnser to. So I began calling him "Puppy" (he followed me around the house like a puppy dog!).

The other cat Zeus (who thinks of these names?):

...doesn't answer to his shelter-name either. Since he's so dark, I started to call him "Snowflake", which reminded me of the old Stooges movie. (That and the cat isn't the "sharpest knife in the drawer!)

I think you are right. The actor "Snowflake" was not the same as the chef.

"Soup bone"; "Ham bone"; etc.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Pilsner Panther

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So I'm here...haven't seen the answer yet....just a lot of self indulgent blabbing about much of nothing...

That's what we do around here, ya half brother to a weasel!


I refuse to divulge my I.Q. because I might be incriminated— I don't know in what, but in something.


Pilsner Panther

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That's cool, Shemps#1. I've run a message board in the past so I understand "Asked and Answered".

I did a search on "snowflake" and didn't find anything. Then later I saw the posts about the 10/15/25 minimum. I think the registration page said 15.

Impressive website on Stooge history. I'll be poking around some more.


Thanks for the reminder, James; when I lowered the requirement to 10 posts, I forgot to change the Registration agreement.  I've updated it now.

The "Me no Snowflake" line comes from "Some More of Samoa", but it's spoken by the native that Moe and Larry meet in the jungle.  (I don't think that he's the Chef in the later scene, but I could be wrong.)

Cool. I'll have to see if I have that on VHS. The reason I asked is bizarre. Or stoogest. I volunteer as a foster for a Siamese cat rescue place.

I just had one cat adopted, and that didn't happen until I gave him a name that he answered to. His shelter name Vincent, he didn't asnser to. So I began calling him "Puppy" (he followed me around the house like a puppy dog!).

The other cat Zeus (who thinks of these names?):

...doesn't answer to his shelter-name either. Since he's so dark, I started to call him "Snowflake", which reminded me of the old Stooges movie. (That and the cat isn't the "sharpest knife in the drawer!)

I think you are right. The actor "Snowflake" was not the same as the chef.

"Soup bone"; "Ham bone"; etc.


My mother used to own a Siamese cat... she was the nastiest animal I ever met (the cat, that is). Try to pet her, and she'd bite or claw you if she was in a bad mood (which was most of the time, just like her owner). They're very pretty to look at, though.

Which reminds me of certain female homo sapiens, but I'm not going there— I might get my "fan club" mad at me!

Offline Dunrobin

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Well?..I stumbled upon this site by accident.....What is the friggin average IQ of Stooges fans???????????????..I'm getting irritated because I was doing a search on average IQ's and clicked on one of the search results, WHICH WAS THIS, and it said "AVERAGE IQ OF 3 STOOGES FANS".....So I'm here...haven't seen the answer yet....just alot self indulgent blabbing about much of nothing...I dunno, maybe I'm a spaz or lazy...I was just curious about the above subject, since my wife recently bought me a DVD pack of the 3 stooges, despite the fact she doesn't comprehend the attraction...she doesn't prefer british humor either.....kinda strange, cuz she's a world class practicle joker....

This is a perfect example of why I instituted a posting limit before being able to start new threads.

I'm not going to state my IQ leve, but it's high enough to make me frustrated with my fellow citizens when they can't see the obvious right in front of them.

Offline jrvass

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My mother used to own a Siamese cat... she was the nastiest animal I ever met (the cat, that is). Try to pet her, and she'd bite or claw you if she was in a bad mood (which was most of the time, just like her owner). They're very pretty to look at, though.

Which reminds me of certain female homo sapiens, but I'm not going there— I might get my "fan club" mad at me!

Topic drift... but I'm working on my 10 posts.

It just depends on how you treat them. The last Siamese, "Puppy", I had as a foster was nasty the first week I had him. (3 year old male). Claws and everything. I gave him a couple smacks and left him alone while I tended to my bleeding. Eventually he learned he wasn't "top-cat", and who filled the water and food bowls.

"Puppy" was adopted last week, about 6 weeks after I got him. Leave the cat alone, and it will eventually cozy up to you. "Dog people" try to roughhouse with cats in the same way as dogs, and usually that creates mean cats.

I haven't tried it, but I have always have wondered if it's true. If you cut the cat's whiskers off on one side of its face, would it wander around in a circle in the dark?

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Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline jrvass

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I have no frickin' idea of what my IQ score is!

But I had a 3.87 in my MBA program and did it in 1 year, not 2 years. And a 3.29 in undergraduate college. 20 years ago before "dumbing down" became the norm in high-school and college.

So if 2.0 GPA or a "C", is average. And a 100 IQ score is average. I'll extrapolate that I have a 150 IQ.

So there. You have your answer. The average IQ of a 3-Stooges fan is a much above average 150.

(And now I have 10 posts!)


This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline FineBari3

I have no frickin' idea of what my IQ score is!

But I had a 3.87 in my MBA program and did it in 1 year, not 2 years. And a 3.29 in undergraduate college. 20 years ago before "dumbing down" became the norm in high-school and college.

So if 2.0 GPA or a "C", is average. And a 100 IQ score is average. I'll extrapolate that I have a 150 IQ.

So there. You have your answer. The average IQ of a 3-Stooges fan is a much above average 150.

(And now I have 10 posts!)


If you used the word extrapolate in a sentence, I will say that your IQ is at least 150! 

Congrats on the high GPA with your MBA, OK!  (It rhymes....)
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline jrvass

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All Stooge fans have a high IQ... that's why we are here! :D

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Dagurasu

I'm sure that the i.q. range of Stooge fans is fairly broad. But for some of us who can recognize Stooge mangling of words with more than 3 syllables WE consider ourselves above average. I personally believe that there is a distrust of authority among Stooge fans which indicates above average intelligence or at least an anti-sheep-like mentality. The Stooges are so violently anti-authoritarian that fans tend to be more analytical and questioning as well. If you're looking for unquestioning sympathy for authority you won't find it here.

Offline jrvass

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You Nazty Spy!  >:D

The Stooges were political in their comedy. Shortly after Chaplin, but way before Carson, Letterman, Leno and the rest.

Looking back to their shorts of the late 30's-early '40's, gives you an appreciation that they were predicting the future, not commenting on the failures of the past.

Stooges? In name only.

« Last Edit: June 16, 2006, 05:45:20 PM by jrvass »
This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


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i know when i started watching the stooges back in 1964 my grades improved dramatically......


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Please, just watch the typing and the spelling.

Ya mean to tell me that spelling, grammar and typing count ???

So it's OK to cuss and swear but watch the typing, spelling and grammar ??

What's wrong with this picture ??

Am I missing something ??

Dog Hambone

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Cussing & swearing don't necessarily indicate ignorance, expecially in this day & time. But bad typing, spelling, & grammar will make you look like a moron every time; I've seen internet postings that had so many internet abbreviations along with poor typing, spelling, & grammar that it was impossible to figure out what the nitwit was talking about. I can really appreciate this site not being like that.   

Offline shemps#1

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You're getting on my nerves real fast. If you want me to close your account just say so, or better yet keep whining about the guidelines.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Dog Hambone

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shemps#1, I hope that was directed to Curlyfan & not me. I was not whining, but was paying a compliment to the guidelines on this site.

Offline shemps#1

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Of course it was; if it look under where it says "reply 38" you'll see "reply to: CURLYFAN". I even gave you a kudos.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Pilsner Panther

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Cussing & swearing don't necessarily indicate ignorance, expecially in this day & time. But bad typing, spelling, & grammar will make you look like a moron every time; I've seen internet postings that had so many internet abbreviations along with poor typing, spelling, & grammar that it was impossible to figure out what the nitwit was talking about. I can really appreciate this site not being like that.   

It's nice of you to say that, and I appreciate the compliment. Believe or or not, it takes a fair amount of effort and also some insight to be a moderator, and we don't get paid for it, either. My personal mission here has always been to increase the general appreciation of the Three Stooges and the other great slapstick comedians, and also the music of that long-gone era when entertainers really worked at pleasing an audience.

Luckily for us here in the entertainment doldrums of the 21st century (all hat and no cattle) much of their genius is preserved on film and records, and so it lives on.



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You're getting on my nerves real fast

OK how am I getting on your nerves real fast ???

All I did was ask a few questions  ???

I have been on this site for over a year and I have been very very happy with it but I am not at all happy with your threat, what's up with that ???

I aslo saw the karma comments and what did I do to you that made you put me down like that ???

 It's not a threat. S#1


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I have been on this site for over a year and I have been very very happy with it but I am not at all happy with your threat, what's up with that ???

I aslo saw the karma comments and what did I do to you that made you put me down like that ???

This is because you are making such a fuss about the guidelines. I don't know understand why asking for decent typing is such a big deal to you. Your typing seems fine, why all the complaints? Is it that hard to do?

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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curlyfanyouaremissingsomethingbydisregardinggrammarspellingandpunctuationifyoucontinuetodisregradthisit willquicklybecomeverydifficulttounderstandanythingyoupost ... you dig?
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline shemps#1

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OK how am I getting on your nerves real fast ???

All I did was ask a few questions  ???

I have been on this site for over a year and I have been very very happy with it but I am not at all happy with your threat, what's up with that ???

I aslo saw the karma comments and what did I do to you that made you put me down like that ???

 It's not a threat. S#1

Well let's see:

Quote from: CURLYFAN
What is going on with this site Huh

Why are you so picky about grammar, spelling, CAPS, spacing ??

Nobody is perfect ya know

Quote from: CURLYFAN
Ya mean to tell me that spelling, grammar and typing count Huh

So it's OK to cuss and swear but watch the typing, spelling and grammar ??

What's wrong with this picture ??

Am I missing something ??

These are quoted from two different posts, in two different threads, one directly after another. You even replied to a warning that didn't even involve you. I don't take kindly to people sticking their fucking noses in other people's business, especially when it comes to my administration tactics. That's like holding up a huge sign that says "Please fuck with me Shemps#1".

Whether or not you agree with guidelines DOES NOT MATTER. The guidelines are not up for debate. This isn't a democracy. Do you understand that? I don't want some jizz stain using the roll eyes smiley and repeatedly questioning the guidelines. If you can't handle the guidelines then leave. If you continue to question the guidelines I will ban you and make you leave. We do not need you here.

Over a year huh? Whoopie-dip-shit. Very few members of this website have been here longer than I have.

I'll leave you with a picture that sums it all up perfectly.

[attachment deleted by admin]
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown


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Please delete my account as I no longer want to participate on this site

 Your wish is my command, you're gone. S#1
« Last Edit: June 22, 2006, 04:46:13 PM by shemps#1 »

Offline shemps#1

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With pleasure fuck face, we don't want you here.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline shemps#1

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Who would have thought that a thread from a long-timer that rarely posts here anymore complaining about the idiocy coming from many of the newbies would actually attract them like flies to bug zapper.

I would be remiss if I didn't give a shout-out to the cool newbies we've gotten like JazzBill, jrvass, Thump The Shoes, and kinderscenen. All hope is not lost.

Edit: Dog Hambone deserves a shout-out too. In fact I'm going to give all of these guys "applauds" for keeping my faith in humanity alive.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown


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Please delete my account as I no longer want to participate on this site

I don't understand. I really don't. So what you're saying is that instead of following the rules and typing properly, you rather be banned. You see, if evry1 types like dis, then people will have a hard time understanding what the posts are saying. I don't see why you have to complain.