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2000 Music Thread

Curly4444 · 77 · 20016

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Offline Curly4444

No one wanted to start this, so i guess i will.



Offline metaldams

NOW we're pushing it, but we'll see where this goes.

I'd be more interested in starting a 50's thread someday, but let's let the current threads run their course first.
- Doug Sarnecky

Dog Hambone

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Musically, one of the best reasons to like the 2000s is John Pizzarelli.


You guitar players, check out that 7 string guitar!


By the way, metaldams, it seems to me a 30s & 40s music thread oughta be fun, too.   

Offline falsealarms





Those are it for now...

Offline RICO987

Dog, don’t leave out the 50s.  Pizzarelli’s playing here reminds me of Les Paul as played here by Jeff Beck:

Offline shemps#1

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I'm sorry but I have to comment here. The 2000's were so far the worst decade musically: even worse than the 80's. At least the 80's had it's own style, a style that I might not like but a style nonetheless. The 2000's brought nothing to the musical table whatsoever. Rock started dying the the 90's and the casket was sealed in the "oughts". It's not just rock either: rap and country also lost what little heart and determination they had left in this decade.

So far all that has been posted is a bunch of obscure acts that most people haven't heard of while in the threads of the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's you have plenty of recognizable groups and artists who helped define that decade's musical voice. As far as I am concerned the 2000's were mute.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline falsealarms

I'd agree. I'd hate to be discovering music for the first time now. Once in awhile, I stumble on something decent... for me, the 60's were probably the most consistently great decade for music.

Dog Hambone

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So far all that has been posted is a bunch of obscure acts that most people haven't heard of while in the threads of the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's you have plenty of recognizable groups and artists who helped define that decade's musical voice. As far as I am concerned the 2000's were mute.

So, if I understand you correctly these decade music threads aren't really about the music, they're just popularity contests. And, apparently, these threads should have been better defined when they were started as 60s, 70s, 80s, & 90s Rock Music Threads, with a heavy emphasis on metal.

My experience over the years, regardless of the decade, is that the best music is not made by the most popular or best selling or most recognizable "stars". I pretty much gave up on listening to the radio years ago for that reason.

Offline shemps#1

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Well Dog, from my understanding a "music of the decade" would have had to be heard be more than a handful of people. You seem to be jumping to conclusions a lot especially since I mentioned nothing about "metal" so I'm going to jump to one about you. You are one of those elitists who thinks he's too cool for the room because he listens to music that most people don't give a shit about and will "poo-poo" all popular music. Oh wait, I'm not jumping to conclusions because you said that in your last sentence!

Also, only an idiot would think that Rock didn't play a major part in the 60's-90's.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

I started these threads, (and CURLY4444 in this case) so people could post whatever music they like from the decade, whether it be popular or not.  The whole point is to bring an individual point of view, not necessarily what's popular.  So to Jim, I say there is nothing wrong with obscure acts if that's what soembody truly enjoys.  To Dog, I post metal, especially from the 80's on, because well, that's what I like.  I don't claim it to be representative of anything other than my musical tastes.  Everybody else is more than welcome to post what they want.

I like both obscure and mainstream stuff, and ultimately I listen to something if it sounds good to my ears.  Period.

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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I have no problem with obscure stuff either Doug, I just got jumped on by Dog for making an observation. What I don't like is idiots who take someone not liking their personal taste as a personal attack. Defining yourself solely by the music you happen to listen to is as asinine as defining yourself solely by what religion you may follow.

I'm also not one of those guys that combs the Billboard charts looking for what music to listen to. In fact I think most popular music, especially in the 2000's, is shit. As far as my point about Rock in the 2000's, am I wrong? You tell me Dog, did Rock flourish in the 2000's or did it die on the vine? Nowhere did I state that these threads are for popular music only, but I don't appreciate some pretentious asshole trying to put words in my mouth.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

I'm also not one of those guys that combs the Billboard charts looking for what music to listen to. In fact I think most popular music, especially in the 2000's, is shit. As far as my point about Rock in the 2000's, am I wrong?

I agree, as far as mainstream rock goes, it died artistically in the 2000's.  The main problems are the record industry is dying because of illegal downloading so no one is willing to have patience with an artist and let them develop over a few albums (though nobody listens to albums anymore either, it's all about the single song), and the fact kids have a lot more distractions these days than we ever did.  Music is simply not as important to them.

I have been watching American Idol once a week when I visit my Mom and it's quite sad when a contestant considers it an artistically brave choice to play "Smells Like Teen Spirit" on national television.  If "Smells Like Teen Spirit," in the year 2011, is considered an artistic risk, I think that speaks volumes how mainstream rock has died.

Rock music is going to go the way of jazz and classical and appeal to a specialist audience.  In a way that's a good thing because the true fans and artists will be there and the trend followers will follow something else.  But still, it's not like fans will have an easy time finding like minded individuals anymore either, and that stinks.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Curly4444

I agree, music today isn't what it use to be. To be a great female singer all you need is a good body and an average voice. Thats not to say there aren't some great artist out there, or some great songs, its just not that good on the whole.

You dont listen to any new stuff shemps#1??

PS: The 80's kick ass.

Offline shemps#1

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Nope, haven't listened to "new" music in quite a while.

P.S. Musically they did not.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

The only new stuff I like is from older bands and artists.  I still buy new Iron Maiden, Slayer, and Metallica albums on the day of release, and heck, I just bought the new Motorhead on Sunday.  I like Ray Davies and Paul McCartney's recent solo output as well.

The newer metal bands to me are more interested in heaviness, virtuosity, and screaming and lack dynamics and songwriting.  Modern rock just seems run of the mill and mid paced to me, and has since the mid-90's.  Hip-hop and country?  Bah!

I'm sure there are some good modern bands out there, I just haven't heard much of it.  I'm in my 30's now and have so much music that I just don't have the energy to keep up with what's going on now.  I'm too busy catching up on all the bands and artists I already do like.  It sucks, but hey, that's life, and I notice certain posters very active in 60's and 70's threads just went AWOL in the 80's and beyond.  It's human nature, I guess.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Curly4444

Nope, haven't listened to "new" music in quite a while.

P.S. Musically they did not.

I guess there's always new old stuff to discover, but i like listening to some fresh stuff every now & then.

P.S. Well to me it did. Wasn't 60's or 70's rockin, but some of it still rocked. If you didn't think GNR rocked out in the 80's(Appetite for destruction), your crazy.

Offline Dunrobin

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Brand New - Sic Transit Gloria:


Offline Curly4444

I'm in my 30's now and have so much music that I just don't have the energy to keep up with what's going on now.  I'm too busy catching up on all the bands and artists I already do like.

Me too. Most of the stuff i buy is old stuff i'm catching up on form the 60's 70's And 80's.

Offline Curly4444

Man, i love this song!! Second fav. G.N'.R song.


Offline metaldams

Do you know I STILL haven't bothered to listen to CHINESE DEMOCRACY yet! 
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Curly4444

You should check it out. No slash, but it had some killer songs on it.

Offline metaldams

Here's the thing with me.  APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION is one of the greatest albums ever, but the further they got away from those original five, the less interested I got.  I've never checked out Velvet Revolver either, maybe I should.

Call me crazy, but I actually want to check out Izzy's solo stuff perhaps more than anything else.  I hear it's real Stones like and he was always the main songwriter in that band.

In June, assuming he stays clean and can keep his band together, I'll probably end up meeting Steven Adler.  Now THAT should be interesting.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Curly4444

APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION is one of the greatest albums ever

You said it brother. I liked "Use Your Illusions I & II" alot also though, but APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION was still the best. You should check out the GNR DVD's of Use Your Illusions I & II, and welcome to the videos. They kicked ass. Its worth it just for the parts where slash does some long ass solos.

Call me crazy, but I actually want to check out Izzy's solo stuff perhaps more than anything else.  I hear it's real Stones like and he was always the main songwriter in that band.
Sounds interesting. Ill have to check that out too.

Offline shemps#1

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Guns N' Roses did rock, but as a whole the 80's did not. For every GNR you had the Motley Crue's, Poison's, Slayer's, etc. They were still better than the 2000's though which brought nothing to the table whatsoever in substance or style.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Curly4444

Guns N' Roses did rock, but as a whole the 80's did not. For every GNR you had the Motley Crue's, Poison's, Slayer's, etc. They were still better than the 2000's though which brought nothing to the table whatsoever in substance or style.

I see where your comin' from, but im weird. As i also liked the Motley Crue's, Poison's, Slayer's, etc. They rocked a little, but it was more about the performance and theatrics.