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Offline metaldams

Jim Neidhart's daughter Natalya trained in the Hart Dungeon; I believe she was the last student of Stu and the only woman. Now she's on Raw as the butt of stupid fart jokes and mostly jobbing to talentless saline containers.

I've seen footage of an old Stu putting these sadistic submission moves on people, the thought of him doing that to Neidhart's daughter seems a bit....creepy.  I wonder if he treated her like his other students?
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Lefty

Jim Neidhart's daughter Natalya trained in the Hart Dungeon; I believe she was the last student of Stu and the only woman. Now she's on Raw as the butt of stupid fart jokes and mostly jobbing to talentless saline containers.

She did well last night, getting paid to do nothing (along with 3 others), while Eve Torres got her schnozz broken.

Offline jesster64

I caught snukas daughter last night.
I also remember why I stopped watching wwf. Remember when brett hart came back, mcmahon humiliated him week after week. I knew there would be a big payoff, he would get to beat the hell out of vince in the end, but seeing vince spit in bretts face, I couldn't take that. Vince has brett by the short hairs, if he doesn't play ball, his tapes will never be released, but how do you let the man spit in your face?

Offline Lefty

As you all probably know by now, next year's WrestleMania will be at the new football stadium in the Meadowlands.  There was a press conference Thursday, involving Vince McMahon, HHH, John Cena, the Rock, and the governor of New Jersey.  Guess which one weighs the most, and by far?  Maybe he should be in a match against the Big Show or Mark Henry (if his knees hold up).

Offline shemps#1

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I caught the Elimination Chamber PPV on a stream last night and "terrible" would be an understatement. There were a grand total of 5 matches and the Elimination Chamber matches took a backseat to a dull Cena/Kane Ambulance Match. It looks like they are going to go with Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus for the Smackdown belt at Wrestlemania. Looking at all of the factors, that the card will also have Cena/Rock, Shaq/Big Show and HHH/Taker I can't imagine Bryan/Sheamus being any higher than third match on the card. They have already conditioned us to "understand" that Smackdown is lesser than RAW, and none of those matches mentioned above are for the RAW belt. Also, Daniel Bryan is not the guy to main event Wrestlemania.

Back to last night, none of the 5 matches were any good and there was also a segment with Johnny "charisma vacuum" Ace that seemed to go on forever. Half of me wants to feel for people who spent the $50 or $55 for the show (charging extra for HD is another bullshit matter) while the other half of me wants to point and laugh. 
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline jesster64

I feel bad for anyone that spends any money on wwe ppvs. Only one worth a damn is wrestlemania, but there's a lot more I can do with $50. Joke matches, talk talk talk, divas, talk talk talk, push next ppv. I'd rather take the $50, buy a wrestling book I can enjoy a few hrs or buy some of the older wrestling videos. just my 2 cents.

Offline jesster64

also, for my money, torrie wilson was the hottest diva, absolutely beautiful.

Offline metaldams

also, for my money, torrie wilson was the hottest diva, absolutely beautiful.

I'm more a Stacey Keibler guy, but Torrie Wilson's a beautiful woman too, all depends on your type.  She's currently dating A-Rod.  Keibler's dating some guy, last name is Clooney, or something like that.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Lefty

I'm more a Stacey Keibler guy, but Torrie Wilson's a beautiful woman too, all depends on your type.  She's currently dating A-Rod.  Keibler's dating some guy, last name is Clooney, or something like that.

And Kelly Kelly is involved with hockey player Sheldon Souray.  If I were single, I would say that these divas have no morals -- especially Torrie.   >:D

Offline Lefty

Not including attending two of them in person, the last time I paid for a PPV was, well, never.  The E.C. this week had 1 hour, 39 minutes of wrestling time, UP from the Royal Rumble.  I guess WM28 will have 2 hours, due to it being a 4-hour show.

Offline metaldams

So who else here can claim their cousin took a Superfly splash?  Don Muraco interfered though, so it's personal now.

I haven't followed wrestling in years now even though I'll watch the old stuff anyday, but that being said, a friend invited me to a Wrestlemania party of sorts on Sunday so I'm going.  For you people who still watch, what should I expect?
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Bruckman

  • Musclehead, juice addict, synthol abuser, and Booby Dupe
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Holy shit but your cousin is jacked. I am not messing with any of Metaldams' family from here on out.

Nice backbreaker by Snuka preceding the splash.
"If it wasn't for fear i wouldn't get out of bed in the morning" - Forrest Griffin

Offline metaldams

Holy shit but your cousin is jacked. I am not messing with any of Metaldams' family from here on out.

Nice backbreaker by Snuka preceding the splash.

He's in his early 50's now and he's still jacked.  If there was a brawl between my family and another family, he'd lead the front line.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Lefty

Did anyone bother wasting eleventy-seven dollars (or whatever outrageous price it may be) for Half-Wrestle-Mania 28?  I did not, nor did I watch it anywhere, but 8 matches totaling about 2 hours of wrestling, in a 4-hour-long program, which is supposed to be the Super Bowl Stanley Cup World Series of "Sports Entertainment," just ain't worth it.

Offline metaldams

Did anyone bother wasting eleventy-seven dollars (or whatever outrageous price it may be) for Half-Wrestle-Mania 28?  I did not, nor did I watch it anywhere, but 8 matches totaling about 2 hours of wrestling, in a 4-hour-long program, which is supposed to be the Super Bowl Stanley Cup World Series of "Sports Entertainment," just ain't worth it.

I watched it at a Buffalo Wild Wings with some friends, so I didn't actually buy the PPV, but I did watch the show.

I really enjoyed the Undertaker Vs. Triple H match, and also enjoyed Rock Vs. Cena and Jericho Vs. C.M. Punk (though as good as the latter is, he doesn't translate into world title material for me).  The rest I could do without.  I'm old school and I like titles.  To have two world title matches and not have one of them main event is bad, and to have one last 15 seconds is even worse.  I don't recall a tag team title match either.

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline stooge1029

Most of the card for Wrestlemania was a joke...I got suckered into ordering lasts years WM and got to watch Undertake and Triple H each take a freaking half an hour to enter the ring...then since that took so long the title match involving Cena and Miz with Rock as the referee got crammed into the last 10 minutes of the show...what a joke. When I found out taker was YET AGAIN fighting Triple H this year I said thats it! While Ive heard the last three matches of this years show were great that doesnt excuse an 18 SECOND TITLE MATCH!!! Maybe if Undertaker and Triple H didnt spend so damn long sauntering out to the ring they couldve given those guys some more time to have an actual match...given that it was for a title and all. Also whats with this hall of fame thing they do now? Mike Tyson??? Really? The guy never wrestled a match. Meanwhile we saw a legend pass this past year in the Macho Man and where was his induction? They inducted some luchador who never wrestled for a major US promotion but not Mach??? A complete farce. I loved wrestling in its heyday but sadly its fallen on ridiculous times..and its pathetic. Rant over

Offline metaldams

More family fun.  He wins this time, against a former WWF champion.

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline ProfessorStooge

Wrestling legend Chief Jay Strongbow passed away today at age 83. His career lasted from 1947-1985. He started out in the National Wrestling Alliance and garnered several title reigns. Strongbow also served two stints in the WWE, winning the World Tag Team Championship four times. In 1994, Strongbow was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

Offline metaldams

Wrestling legend Chief Jay Strongbow passed away today at age 83. His career lasted from 1947-1985. He started out in the National Wrestling Alliance and garnered several title reigns. Strongbow also served two stints in the WWE, winning the World Tag Team Championship four times. In 1994, Strongbow was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

I actually consider it good news to hear of a wrestler passing away with the words "age 83" added in.  Too often it's "age 43."
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Lefty

I watched it at a Buffalo Wild Wings with some friends, so I didn't actually buy the PPV, but I did watch the show.

I really enjoyed the Undertaker Vs. Triple H match, and also enjoyed Rock Vs. Cena and Jericho Vs. C.M. Punk (though as good as the latter is, he doesn't translate into world title material for me).  The rest I could do without.  I'm old school and I like titles.  To have two world title matches and not have one of them main event is bad, and to have one last 15 seconds is even worse.  I don't recall a tag team title match either.

There was a tag-team title bout, but it was a "dark" match, before the TV show, and the Colon cousins retained it in a triple-threat match.

Offline Lefty

Chief Jay Strongbow was one of my all-time favorite wrestlers.  I even did a term paper on him in 12th-grade English, garnering a grade of "A+".  Maybe the teacher liked wrestling as well, though I never asked him.

RIP, Chief!

Offline shemps#1

  • Pothead, Libertarian, Administrator, Resident Crank and Baron of Greymatter
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I watched this year's WM, the first PPV I actually ordered in a long time, and overall I was not disappointed. As soon as that Daniel Bryan/Sheamus match ended I laughed because I knew all of dirt sheet reading Internet "smarks" would be screaming bloody murder. Daniel Bryan is such a nothing...a mid-card jabronie without an ounce of charisma, but even I felt bad for both him and Sheamus getting only 18 seconds. Wrestlemania is the only PPV that means anything anymore and to only get 18 seconds on it sucks. Let's break this down hourly:

Hour 1: If you haven't seen WM and want to watch it you can pretty much skip the first hour of the show (which contains half the card). It's not that there is anything really bad in the first hour but nothing of note. Kane beating Randy Orton was a surprise, but the match itself starts off very slowly and by the time it picks up momentum the match is over. Cody and Big Show again, was OK nothing more nothing less. The women's match was a waste as always, par for the course with the "Divas".

Hour 2: Where you had 4 matches in the first hour you only have one for the second hour: HHH vs Taker. The problem with Taker's streak is that there is no suspense; it's a given he will win and especially against someone like HHH who doesn't wrestle full time anymore and would not benefit from ending the streak. They had a great match though, but that was expected. I gotta say, Taker is definitely looking his age with the new hair.

Hour 3: Two matches here; Punk/Jericho for the belt and the clusterfuck. Punk/Jericho are getting too much credit for in the end having a decent/good match on a card where more than half the card couldn't even do that. Their match was not THAT good, but it was definitely good enough to take the "bronze" as it were. Then we have the clusterfuck, which was nothing more than a "popcorn match" before the main event that also gives us more Johnny Ace. Yay?

Hour 4: The match that most people watched for was also the best match of the night. The Rock had the crowd in the palm of his hand and Cena played off them nicely in a heelish manner. Neither of these guys are known for "wrestling ability" and it didn't matter. They tore the house down and even I cheered when Cena was pinned. It's not up there with Hogan/Andre, Hogan/Warrior or Hogan/Rock (three of the biggest, most important matches in WM history) but it was a great fun match and the highlight of the night. When people look back on WM XXVIII it will be known as the "Rock/Cena Wrestlemania".
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Bruckman

  • Musclehead, juice addict, synthol abuser, and Booby Dupe
  • Birdbrain
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More family fun.  He wins this time, against a former WWF champion.

Hey, I stood up for the anthem, for glory of sovietski soyuz. A khuy s nim!

The commentators even quote from "A Clockwork Orange". Nice.
"If it wasn't for fear i wouldn't get out of bed in the morning" - Forrest Griffin

Offline metaldams

Hey, I stood up for the anthem, for glory of sovietski soyuz. A khuy s nim!

That warms my heart.  Now the rest of you need to follow and stand up for the Soviet National Anthem. 

Ah, the glory days of wrestling.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

........and now, for the greatest introduction in wrestling history, the one had me laughing even as a kid - THE SHOCKMASTER!!!!  I was a regular Clash of the Champions viewer, those events were always special to me as a kid, and this I actually saw live, as it happened.  I envy myself.
- Doug Sarnecky