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Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..

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Offline locoboymakesgood

I can only hope and pray this thing never gets off the ground, but I just found this interview from two days ago.

And of course, lastly, you have Three Stooges coming up which is really exciting project so just tell people about that because I’m sure a lot of people out there want to know.

We grew up watching a lot of Three Stooges, they inspired us and those guys did their thing in the 1930s, 40s, and even today as we watch we find them very very funny. So we were hoping one day we could re-do them, bring them back and reintroduce them to a generation of kids that aren’t really familiar with them. We’ve been working on it for about 10 years, we kind of see it like it’s Dumb and Dumber-ish, it’s Dumb and Dumber and Dumberer…three of em. It’s that style of humor which we really enjoy doing and a lot of slapstick and we just think their the funniest guys going and we want to bring them back.

Also, it’s not a biopic, it’s three episodes just like you watch on TV only a little longer like 27 minutes long. Each episode we pick up where the last one left off. It takes place present day, we’ve written all new material. It’s going to be a fun movie, we feel good about it. We’re going to get a lot of shit about it because all of a sudden, this is where the critics come out and say, “How dare you remake The Three Stooges!” like Fuck You! Motherfuckers! You know, The Three Stooges were always given 2nd-class treatment their entire careers. They never did movies until the very end when they were done. They were never Laurel and Hearty, or the Marx Brothers, or Abbott and Costello. They were beneath it, they were before movies. They were looked down upon and now cute little kids don’t know who they are. We love these guys and we want to bring them back. We want to give them the A-class treatment they deserve. So anybody who criticizes, I’m coming right at them and like I’m not taking any shit.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 09:55:00 AM by BeAStooge »
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)


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Yeah. Laurel and Hearty. Love 'em!

I don't get the bit about "cute little kids".. This picture won't be geared towards kids, not with all the adult stuff and language.

Does anyone remember RonCo records from the 70's/80's? You know, those copycat records that were re-recorded versions of top 40 hits, popular acts like The Beatles and even whole soundtracks, like Saturday Night Fever?

Or, better still.. How about those flea-market style, direct to video movie projects that copy popular stuff like Disney's "Aladdin". Stuff made to trick people into thinking they're getting the real deal.

It'll be like that.

Please, fellas, hurry and get this picture made. I won't pay to see it, but once it's out there I can comb through it, frame by frame, and point out everything that is wrong. I'll be your critic. One of many.

.. As an afterthought, I guess we can be thankful that someone like Uwe Boll doesn't really like the Stooges like the Farrellys really like the Stooges. What a mess that would be..

Dog Hambone

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One of my brothers-in-law (a casual fan at best) recently asked me about this Stooge movie. He seems to be thinking like the Farrellys  - the Stooges are not appreciated as they should be & this movie will somehow bring them their much overdue respect. He was flabbergasted that I didn't agree with him.

The Stooge influence is alive and well in movies. I frequently see bits showing up in movies that the Stooges either originated or used. And the Stooges are on television regularly, unlike Abbott & Costello, the Marx Brothers, or Laurel & "Hearty" (in all fairness, I blame the transcriptionist for that one), who we would never see if TCM didn't show them. The Stooges may be in a niche market, but I believe it's a pretty big niche.

If/when the movie is actually made & released, I will probably watch it out of curiousity, but I'll wait until it shows up on cable.   


Offline JazzBill

If/when the movie is actually made & released, I will probably watch it out of curiousity, but I'll wait until it shows up on cable.   

If the movie gets released I'm sure it will eventually end up in my Stooge collection. I'll wait for it to show up in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart, that shouldn't take too long. [yuck]
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This topic made this morning's "Get to Work Morning Team" radio show here in Dallas (KLUV ... plays moldy oldies)

They also air them on one of Dallas' local TV stations from 7 to 9 am, and I let that run while I'm doing my morning s**t. The DJ regularly interviews a movie and entertainment guru (can't remember his name) ... and this dude mentioned the Stooge Movie was going to happen, with an aside that it has been "happening" for eight years or more, so his guess was as good as yours/mine as to an air date, but he seemed convinced as to it being made.
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Offline Liz

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Laurel and Hearty?  Like, really? *facepalm*

Offline ProfessorStooge

It has been confirmed that Will Sasso of MADTV fame will be playing Curly. Hank Azaria and James Marsden are being considered for Larry and Moe.

Offline Curly4444

It has been confirmed that Will Sasso of MADTV fame will be playing Curly. Hank Azaria and James Marsden are being considered for Larry and Moe.

More casting changes, no Del Toro or Sean Penn?

Offline Moron4392

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Hope that some way this movie does not materilise.  This would be a disgrace to The Stooges.  The Farlley Brothers are nothing but a gross bunch of @$$wipes and filthy minded so they would put that in their Stooges movie.



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This is ridiculous. How long are they going to be discussing this movie? It's been going on for too long now that most of us stooge fans could care less about it. And to be honest, I do not see how this movie is going to be a success. Look at the remakes that were done for "Bewitched" and "The Honeymooners." They were a disgrace. These remakes are a terrible idea, in my opinion.

Offline Boid Brain

why is anyone still talking about this piece of shit?
Well, it IS Stooge related. I hate when people rag on books and movies that they haven't seen. (The Last Temptation of Christ comes to mind)

But rag on a movie that doesn't exist??? :D

But the idea of Sasso being Curly is weird! The man is ginormous! Imagine him freaking out on Wild Hyacinth.  :o

Dog Hambone

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Well, let's beat a dead horse a little more. Sean Hayes is now going to be cast as Larry. Also, note the last sentence about a "mid-April start for the project...".

Offline Final Shemp

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Quite a step down.  Never liked Will & Grace, and Sean Hayes was most of the problem.  He was so tiresome after the first episode I couldn't bear to watch anymore of it.

Offline shemps#1

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Well, it IS Stooge related. I hate when people rag on books and movies that they haven't seen. (The Last Temptation of Christ comes to mind)

But rag on a movie that doesn't exist??? :D

But the idea of Sasso being Curly is weird! The man is ginormous! Imagine him freaking out on Wild Hyacinth.  :o

He's not ragging on the movie itself but the idea of this abortion even being made. Of course you wouldn't understand that seeing as though you couldn't post a simple youtube video if someone came to your house and walked you through the "complicated" process.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Larry Larry

Remaking a character (Batman, James Bond, Tarzan, etc.) is possible, because multiple interpretations are possible.   While some may find a particular actor to be the definitive interpretation (ie: Sean Connery as James Bond), at least a new actor and new story can reboot, or produce a story in a new fashion.

However you don't remake "people". 

The 3 Stooges were comedians - not characters.  They performed live.  They made movies.  They gave interviews. They lived & breathed.   Their unique personalities & talent made the act memorable.  We wouldn't expect to see a remake of Jerry Seinfeld (of course, I shouldn't be giving those stupid Farrelly Brothers ideas).

As much as they will tell the world this "honors" the original artists, they could find actual ways of doing that if they were sincere.

I've mentioned before, that a serious bio-pic, along the lines of "Ray", "Man on the Moon", "Chaplin", etc. of the Stooges could be excellent.  In the right hands, it could be both funny & dramatic, and honor the artist, while creating new art.   

I wish Hollywood could fire the Farrelly's and then just give another director their name to use to make movies.  They essentially consent to such a thing.
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Offline Stooge-Adam

My problem with the flick is that the Farrelly brothers think that they're going to bring the Stooges back for a whole new generation. Even if this movie does well, these new guys will never be The Three Stooges. They'll be three guys doing Stooge impressions.

All 190 Stooge shorts are on DVD. Show those to the new generation of people who are unaware of the Stooges.

Offline Myren
Improbably, Sean Hayes Is Your Latest Stooge: Just One More Stooge To Go!

It's Larry! (He'll need a wig, we think.)
by: Will Leitch

Mathew Imaging/ Someday, friends, we will live in a world in which a "Three Stooges" movie actually exists, so that there is no longer any need to type about casting decisions, potential casting decisions, fantasy casting decision, castings of molten steel. Two months ago, we noted that the once-dream cast of the Farrelly brothers film -- which have included Jim Carrey, Benicio Del Toro, Mel Gibson and even Sean Penn -- had devolved down to the level it probably should've been on all along. That cast was Johnny Knoxville, Andy Samberg from "Saturday Night Live" and an Australian actor named Shane Jacobson. Now the cast has devolved again from that. By the time the movie is made, it'll star the actual decomposed bodies of the original Stooges.

Anyway, Will Sasso has already been cast as Curly, and now the project has its Larry: It's Sean Hayes, most famous as Jack in "Will & Grace." For what it's worth, Sasso looks a lot more like Curly than Hayes looks like Larry. (Suffice it to say that Hayes is decidedly more handsome than Larry was -- frankly, it would be difficult to find an actor who wouldn't be -- but that's nothing a good wig can't fix.) Larry was always our favorite Stooge: He was the understated link of the Stooges, as much as anything involving the Stooges could possibly be called "understated."

This leaves the Moe left to be cast, and we feel fairly certain it will not be Sean Penn. It will be outstanding when Moe is cast, though, because it will be the last time anyone writes about the casting of the Three Stooges movie ever again. Honestly, this has been going on since "There's Something About Mary." It's not too late to cast noted Stooges fanatic Mel Gibson. Let's start another rumor! We can't let it die!

Offline curlysdame

Remaking a character (Batman, James Bond, Tarzan, etc.) is possible, because multiple interpretations are possible.   While some may find a particular actor to be the definitive interpretation (ie: Sean Connery as James Bond), at least a new actor and new story can reboot, or produce a story in a new fashion.

However you don't remake "people". 

The 3 Stooges were comedians - not characters.  They performed live.  They made movies.  They gave interviews. They lived & breathed.   Their unique personalities & talent made the act memorable.  We wouldn't expect to see a remake of Jerry Seinfeld (of course, I shouldn't be giving those stupid Farrelly Brothers ideas).

As much as they will tell the world this "honors" the original artists, they could find actual ways of doing that if they were sincere.

I couldn't agree with you more, Larry Larry.  I've gotten into a few heated debates over this topic and this was always the point I tried to make:  they tailor made their act; their dynamic and material was theirs alone.  Notice how no one has tried to remake The Marx Brothers (or am I mistaken?)  ...Ugh, I'm really not looking forward to hearing more about the casting. 
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)

Offline Boid Brain

Some how I am pulling for the Bro's to come up with an angle to make this movie watchable. I have NO idea how, but I remember enjoying the 1st 1/2 hour of that shitty TV movie in 2000.

BTW, I don't see how that Will and Grace guy is a good choice.

Offline ProfessorStooge

The cast is set for the film. The Three Stooges are: Sean Hayes as Larry, Will Sasso as Curly, and Chris Diamantopoulos as Moe.

Offline Curly4444

Offline Boid Brain

Who the hell are any of them?? All unknowns to me.
I only know Sasso from 'Mad TV'....a big guy built just like Curly except he's about 6' 2". He's a gifted impressionist. Here's the only clip I could find where he is not in character as someone else.

I can see him doing Curly, but he's way too hulking to do the stunts.

Edit: BTW this clip is boring as hell.

Offline Curly4444

I can see him doing Curly, but he's way too hulking to do the stunts.
Maybe he can kneel thru the whole movie?  ;D