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Who Did You Vote For?

jaronson · 46 · 16135


Which Presidential Candidate Did Everybody Vote For?

George W. Bush
4 (28.6%)
John Kerry
3 (21.4%)
Ralph Nader
0 (0%)
1 (7.1%)
It's Private
0 (0%)
Too Young to Vote
5 (35.7%)
Didn't Vote
1 (7.1%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: November 10, 2004, 02:47:53 PM

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Offline jaronson

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As many of you guys know, I'm too young to vote, but I'm sure as hell going to vote in 2008 when Bush will finally be out of the White House.  If I could have voted this election, I would have voted for Kerry.  As for state and local elections, I still have 3 years to go anyway since I'll only be 16 in January.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2004, 04:04:27 PM by jaronson »
Larry: Wait a minute, you forgot something. *SLAP* That’s what you forgot.   -TRICKY DICKS

Moe: This is a pool game, not a blitzkrieg.  I think I’ll invade you.    -I’LL NEVER HEIL AGAIN

Stanley Blystone: But my Fuhrer, ve are Nazis, ve have no brains.    -BACK FROM THE FRONT

2007 New York Giants: Super Bowl XLII Champions

Offline Lola-Lou

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RIGHT ON! I'm also too young to vote, by 2 months and 4 days. Today at school my fellow Kerry lovers and I were discussing how this country is going straight to hell and how so many of these ignorant hicks like Bush are all on black tar heroine. :o :D >:(  ...Just my opinion.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2004, 03:08:45 PM by LolaLuvsStooges »
"I see" said the blind man peeing into the wind "it's all coming back to me now."

Offline Dunrobin

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As many of you know, I've become an Anarchist in my old age, so I didn't vote this year.  This is the 2nd "presidential" race that I've skipped.  (I voted in every single election - local, state and federal - from 1974 through 1998).

I recently read a great article by Butler Shaffer, entitled "A Rational Choice For November 2nd", that explains how I think and believe much better than I could do myself.  I particularly liked the following comment:

Most of my colleagues attribute my non-participation to "apathy" or "protest," neither of which explains my refusal to dance the lemming two-step. I don’t vote for the same reason I don’t rob banks or molest children: it is not the way I choose to live my life. I am not "apathetic" about not victimizing others: to the contrary, I insist upon such a trait. My entire sense of being is incompatible with coercing others. I can no more hide my ambitions over your life or property within the secret confines of a voting booth than I could confront my neighbor with a gun and demand his money. Voting is nothing more than a periodic public affirmation in the faith of systematic violence as a social system.

I would have preferred that Kerry had won, especially since the Republicans maintained control of the Congress, only because of the resulting gridlock.  When the Dems and Reps are busy fighting each other, they have less time to screw over the rest of us.  ::)

I hope everyone has plenty of K-Y jelly handy, because we're all really in for an ass-ramming now!  :o
« Last Edit: March 22, 2009, 01:44:46 PM by Dunrobin »

Moe Hailstone

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I don't turn 18 until the 15th of this month so I couldnt vote.  If I could I would've definately voted for Bush.

Offline jaronson

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I bet from a democrat and a U of Michigan fan's point of view, if those Ohioans are stupid enough to be Ohio State fans, they're stupid enough to vote for Bush.
Larry: Wait a minute, you forgot something. *SLAP* That’s what you forgot.   -TRICKY DICKS

Moe: This is a pool game, not a blitzkrieg.  I think I’ll invade you.    -I’LL NEVER HEIL AGAIN

Stanley Blystone: But my Fuhrer, ve are Nazis, ve have no brains.    -BACK FROM THE FRONT

2007 New York Giants: Super Bowl XLII Champions

Pilsner Panther

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It's interesting how we're getting responses from younger people on this election, some of whom aren't old enough to vote yet (even you, jaronson), and I keep forgetting that you're not an 'official' adult whenever I read one of your posts.

But it was the younger people of voting age (18-25) whose turnout at  the polls was dismal this time... no different than in the 2000 election. They could have made the difference, but they were no-shows, slackers of the worst kind, indifferent to everything but themselves.

As my dear old Grandma used to say, "You've made your bed, and now you can lie in it.'


Offline Dunrobin

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It's interesting how we're getting responses from younger people on this election, some of whom aren't old enough to vote yet (even you, jaronson), and I keep forgetting that you're not an 'official' adult whenever I read one of your posts.

But it was the younger people of voting age (18-25) whose turnout at the polls was dismal this time... no different than in the 2000 election. They could have made the difference, but they were no-shows, slackers of the worst kind, indifferent to everything but themselves.

As my dear old Grandma used to say, "You've made your bed, and now you can lie in it.'


Ah, but the question is why they didn't turn out to vote.  Couldn't it be that, like me, they realized that there isn't a dime's worth of real difference between a Turd Sandwich and a Giant Douche, and that voting just gives the sorry bastards "legitimacy"?

Offline shemps#1

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Well I hope the young people who voted for that retard are ready to die. Mark my words, there will be a draft.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline jaronson

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Well I hope the young people who voted for that retard are ready to die. Mark my words, there will be a draft.
Yeah, really.  I bet Bush will end up starting another war that will be big enough to require a draft.  I may not be 18 yet, but I would definitely either move to Canada or somewhere in Europe, or make up some excuse to get out of the draft if I hit 18 and a war was going on.  I could easily say I'm not physically able to take on the challenges of the military, because I'm not exactly the strongest person in my age group.
Larry: Wait a minute, you forgot something. *SLAP* That’s what you forgot.   -TRICKY DICKS

Moe: This is a pool game, not a blitzkrieg.  I think I’ll invade you.    -I’LL NEVER HEIL AGAIN

Stanley Blystone: But my Fuhrer, ve are Nazis, ve have no brains.    -BACK FROM THE FRONT

2007 New York Giants: Super Bowl XLII Champions

Pilsner Panther

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Well I hope the young people who voted for that retard are ready to die. Mark my words, there will be a draft.
Yeah, really.  I bet Bush will end up starting another war that will be big enough to require a draft.  I may not be 18 yet, but I would definitely either move to Canada or somewhere in Europe, or make up some excuse to get out of the draft if I hit 18 and a war was going on.  I could easily say I'm not physically able to take on the challenges of the military, because I'm not exactly the strongest person in my age group.

Besides, you can always tell the Draft Board that you look like Christine McIntyre, and sing them "The Voices of Spring." They'll never draft you...


Offline Dunrobin

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Well I hope the young people who voted for that retard are ready to die. Mark my words, there will be a draft.

Without a doubt, dude.  Anyone who believes the Government's bullshit to the contrary has their head finally tucked up into their rectum.

It's painfully obvious that they will have to institute the draft; they're hopelessly undermanned in Iraq and Afganistan now, and they are stretched to the limits across the planet.  They've been forcing military members to stay in beyond their enlistment terms for some time now, and they've been forced to send over National Guard toops for extended stays.  

Now that the Bushies have retained firm control over the Washington Empire, they are even more likely to try to take on Syria and/or Iran next year.  My own guess is Syria - they'd be much easier to overrun than the Iranians, and we just don't have the troops to take on Iran.  (Saddam tried it for 8 years and got absolutely nowhere.)

Don't be surprised if there's another "attack" somewhere in the US in the not-too-distant future.  They may (or may not) stop it, but even if they do they'll be sure to make a lot of noise about it anyway and use it as a pretense for expanding their "War on Terror".  At that point they'll have to start conscription up again - they'll be running out of cannon fodder by then.  Of course, they'll be able to reinstitute the draft very quickly (which is why they've been keeping registration for "Selective Service" mandatory for decades.)

I believe that scenerio would play out regardless of which S.O.B. won the "election."  Kerry and the Democrats are just as dedicated as Bush and the Republicans to the ever-expanding American hegemony over the world.  The Republic is dead.

Offline jaronson

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Well I hope the young people who voted for that retard are ready to die. Mark my words, there will be a draft.
Yeah, really.  I bet Bush will end up starting another war that will be big enough to require a draft.  I may not be 18 yet, but I would definitely either move to Canada or somewhere in Europe, or make up some excuse to get out of the draft if I hit 18 and a war was going on.  I could easily say I'm not physically able to take on the challenges of the military, because I'm not exactly the strongest person in my age group.

Besides, you can always tell the Draft Board that you look like Christine McIntyre, and sing them "The Voices of Spring." They'll never draft you...


ROFLMAO.  The only thing I don't like about that excuse is that they probably wouldn't buy it.
Larry: Wait a minute, you forgot something. *SLAP* That’s what you forgot.   -TRICKY DICKS

Moe: This is a pool game, not a blitzkrieg.  I think I’ll invade you.    -I’LL NEVER HEIL AGAIN

Stanley Blystone: But my Fuhrer, ve are Nazis, ve have no brains.    -BACK FROM THE FRONT

2007 New York Giants: Super Bowl XLII Champions

Offline 123cagney

WOW! Too bad the powers that be didn't hear from you all when the towers fell. That way when we chased them (Afganies) into Iraq we could have just come home and washed are hands of it. Hell why go after Osama at all? I'm waiting for one of you young kids to tell us how we (USA) PROBABLY deserved 911. The war on TERROR is with the TERRORISTS and ALL who harbor them! War IS hell, but it doesn't wrap up in ten weeks like another season of Survivor. This country was united when 911 happened. Gung-ho to fight! But AS always GOT bored with the CNN coverage. Went back to watching THE SWAN instead,and now actually mad we ever got involved with this whole damn thing to begin with.  We took the war to Iraq to avoid it being fought in New York,Boston or anywhere else in the USA. Or maybe some of you would have perfered it that way? I for one would not. I won't disrespect the troops by saying they don't belong there. I won't say their efforts are for NOTHING. Not me. This is a touchy subject with everyone,why bring it to a forum for STOOGE lovers. Lets laugh,not fight!

Offline shemps#1

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Dude, Iraq has never done anything to us. Go ahead, name one thing Hussain and Co. ever did to the US. You can't. They weren't harboring shit, and didn't have any WMDs. What a bunch of paranoid crap.

If we were to go after the real culprits we would have gone after the Saudis. Of course that's not going to happen, since GW and his daddy are on the Saudi payroll.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Pilsner Panther

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It's a touchy subject all right— especially for me, since I'm a native New Yorker and I lost two personal friends at the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. One was a New York City Fire Captain, a man I went to grammar school with. He died a hero when the second tower collapsed on him; he was charging up the stairs, trying to save the people inside.

The other person was a flight attendant on the second plane that hit the towers... a sweet, beautiful girl who was only 28 years old. Talk about horrible luck, the only reason she was even on that plane that day was because she traded shifts with another flight attendant who wanted a day off.

Even so, in spite of these personal losses I still don't support the Iraq war. It doesn't even make logical sense: if you're attacked by Public Enemy Number 1, why go after Public Enemy Number 15 or 16? And without any provocation on his part except for a lot of boasting about WMD's that he didn't even have?

Cag, Osama bin Laden is alive and well and thumbing his nose at the United States of America. In case you didn't notice, he popped up on TV doing exactly that, right before the election. Not only that, but Bush had a clear shot at capturing or killing him in Afghanistan, but he let the bastard slip clean away.

There's no excuse for that, none whatsoever.


Offline 123cagney

Dude, Iraq has never done anything to us. Go ahead, name one thing Hussain and Co. ever did to the US. You can't. They weren't harboring shit, and didn't have any WMDs. What a bunch of paranoid crap.

If we were to go after the real culprits we would have gone after the Saudis. Of course that's not going to happen, since GW and his daddy are on the Saudi payroll.
If they had no WMD's they should have let the inspectors see for themselves. They should have complied with the U.N. If anything, we waited TOO long to go! They had ampel time to get rid of anything that would incriminate them. Saddam imprisoned/slaughtered his own people on a daily basis. Should we have let Hitler continue KILLING Jews? Was Saddam public enemy No.1...NO! Who says we won't go after the Saudis? That has been talked about quite often. War doesn't start and finish overnight! This is the long haul. The hunt for Osama isn't over! He will be found and brought to justice. Don't turn your back on this wonderful country. You will never realize how GOOD you have it,or how much you take your freedom for granted. World war 2 lasted 5 years. A short time considering the scale of it.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2004, 03:06:45 PM by 123cagney »

Offline 123cagney

It's a touchy subject all right— especially for me, since I'm a native New Yorker and I lost two personal friends at the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. One was a New York City Fire Captain, a man I went to grammar school with. He died a hero when the second tower collapsed on him; he was charging up the stairs, trying to save the people inside.

The other person was a flight attendant on the second plane that hit the towers... a sweet, beautiful girl who was only 28 years old. Talk about horrible luck, the only reason she was even on that plane that day was because she traded shifts with another flight attendant who wanted a day off

Even so, in spite of these personal losses I still don't support the Iraq war. It doesn't even make logical sense: if you're attacked by Public Enemy Number 1, why go after Public Enemy Number 15 or 16? And without any provocation on his part except for a lot of boasting about WMD's that he didn't even have?

Cag, Osama bin Laden is alive and well and thumbing his nose at the United States of America. In case you didn't notice, he popped up on TV doing exactly that, right before the election. Not only that, but Bush had a clear shot at capturing or killing him in Afghanistan, but he let the bastard slip clean away.

There's no excuse for that, none whatsoever.


Let me start by saying-"Im sorry for your loss." A health teacher I had back in high school was also on one of the planes that hit the towers. He and his wife were on their way to California to visit grand kids with a suitcase full of toys. He was a DAMN GOOD man. Lets end by saying we agree to disagree. Truce?

Pilsner Panther

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Truce, okay— but I wasn't mad at you in the first place. I was just trying to correct a few mistaken impressions that you seem to have.

I'm sorry for your loss, too, and also for the loss of 1,100 (plus) U.S. troops and something like an estimated 100,000 Iraqui citizens. All of them, every bit as human and every bit as dead as the people we knew personally, and...



Offline shemps#1

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We are never going after the Saudi's as long as Bush is in office. He and his father are both on their payroll. You are being delusional. How dare you tell me I'm turning my back on this country just because I don't support this bullshit president or his bullshit war. Just because I don't blindly support the retarded President doesn't mean I don't love this country. That is what this country was founded on, allowing its citizens to disagree with elected office and voice those disagreements..
« Last Edit: November 04, 2004, 03:35:25 PM by shemps#1 »
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline shemps#1

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And another thing....

Bush never went into Iraq under any pretense of evicting a rotten dictator. Besides, if we were in that business we should be going into many more countries.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Pilsner Panther

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Okay, Jim, you nailed it again, the bullshit President!

Put that on a T-shirt below a smirky photo of a Holier-Than-Thou George W., and you'll make a fortune!
So why is this Idiot-Bastard-Son [(c) and (p) Frank Zappa, 1969)], still in office?

In that immortal quote from the equally immortal Buster Keaton, "DAMFINO!"


Offline Baggie

hello, if i was an american citizen i would have definately voted Kerry, i think he was very sincere and he doesn't talk the bullshit bush does. As i'm English, we have a general election next year, and believe me i'll be doing all i can to get that ass kisser brown nose Blair out, i'll be voting for the green party or summat like that. peace dudes.

at least bush won't be in next time
The artist formerly known as Shempetta

Offline 123cagney

And another thing....

Bush never went into Iraq under any pretense of evicting a rotten dictator. Besides, if we were in that business we should be going into many more countries.
Question: Did you support Clinton? Did you support Rwanda?
« Last Edit: November 04, 2004, 07:54:14 PM by 123cagney »

Offline 123cagney

hello, if i was an american citizen i would have definately voted Kerry, i think he was very sincere and he doesn't talk the bullshit bush does. As i'm English, we have a general election next year, and believe me i'll be doing all i can to get that ass kisser brown nose Blair out, i'll be voting for the green party or summat like that. peace dudes.

at least bush won't be in next time
Kerry was for the War. Then did a flip flop when he decided to run against Bush. He SINCERELY did what ever the public would buy to WIN.

Offline Dunrobin

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Question: Did you support Clinton? Did you support Rawanda?
For myself, I'd have to answer both of those questions with No.

Exactly where in the Constitution does it say that the Federal government is in charging of running the entire planet?