How do you feel about A-Gon's "God's plan" quote? I mean, obviously I know you think it's a bunch of bullshit, as do I (it was George Steinbrenner's plan), but I just wonder if you think he think he takes things too far? I don't think he's done so, yet.
I never heard Hamilton go crazy prostelyzing, but then again, I admittedly don't recall watching his post-game interviews. All I know is the guy got off drugs and found God, and I have no problem with someone professing faith, but then again, I suppose one can take it too far. I do remember Curt Schilling mentioning his faith after game 2 in the '07 World Series, but I think he kept it to the point and I was never bothered by it.
I actually had to Google "Adrian Gonzalez God's plan" because this is the first I have heard of it. Naturally I think it's a bunch of horseshit and a really lame excuse.
Let's, for argument's sake, say that there is an all-powerful God who created everything as A-Gon and many others believe. Would he really be concerned with a fucking baseball game? Sure we love baseball and some of us like other sports as well, but I don't think that "making sure the Red Sox miss the playoffs" would be anywhere on a priority list for any deity (except for one that dealt specifically in baseball or sports".
The Red Sox missed the playoffs because they fucking blew it, point blank. A-Gon needs to own that as Crawford did in the very same article. Don't use some unprovable concept as an excuse. As for Hamilton, I remember watching the Rangers knock off the Yankees last year and Hamilton going on about his faith quite a bit during the interview, so much so that it turned my jubilation for a Yankees loss to disdain for his proselytizing and cemented my rooting for the Giants. I can deal with "I thank God..." and whatnot, but don't turn a sporting event into a fucking Tent Revival.
On a more secular note, after one the Rangers' gay "ginger ale celebrations" last year he went on to say that the had hoped the Rangers would set a precedent with no alcohol because they are role models. So, you can't handle your booze and now nobody should be use it to celebrate? Fuck you, you self-righteous pompous ass. It brought a smile to my face to see the Cardinals not only use champagne but beer in their celebration.