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2011 MLB Baseball Thread

shemps#1 · 884 · 191443

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Offline shemps#1

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Now I'll wait and see if the Cards can take down the Phillies. A Philadelphia/Yankee free World Series would be beautiful...

Well the great ALDS matchups (no sweeps and 3 out of 4 go to Game 5) have dragged me back in interest wise after the Great Red Sox Collapse of '11. To me, as a long time baseball purist the Tigers/Rangers matchup is very interesting. If I were a betting man I wouldn't know where to place my bet. Maybe Detroit in 6-7 because they have proven they can win in pressure packed games on the road.

What saddens me is that unless this series goes 7 no one will watch it. No matter what the outcome I hope it reaches Game 7.

I still have to go with the Phillies taking it all until they are officially eliminated. They won over 100 games and that pitching staff might be the best ever assembled.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Curly4444

Down go the Yankees! Down go the Yankees! It's a beautiful thing, it really is.

Isn't it great, i can watch the world series now.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D >:D >:D >:D >:D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D

If the Yankees made it, i would not be watching. Well maybe cards v.s. Yankees.

Offline metaldams

When A-Rod struck out, I had an orgasm.  This will no doubt inspire next year's great summer feel good baseball blockbuster, MONEYSHOT.

Great post-season so far, that was a really good game tonight and we are seeing some great series.

Justin, because I like you, my condolences, but yeah, the Yankees lose!!!   The Yankees lose!!!!  The Yankees lose!!!! 

I don't feel like saying anything profound or even trying to pretend I'm intelligent right now, I feel childhood joy in Yankee defeat.  I can stand Boston not winning it all because you can't win 'em every year, but I can't stand the Yankees winning even once.  They've had enough championships to last 5 lifetimes.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

By the way, just a random observation:

Jim and I are Red Sox fans, we are supposed to hate the Yankees by nature, and vice versa.  No big surprise there.  False is a Mets fan, I can see that too, you know, the whole New York thing.

But watching Phillies fans and Cardinals fans, amongst others, take sweet joy in Yankee defeat?  Well, that brings a tear of joy in my eye.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Curly4444

But watching Phillies fans and Cardinals fans, amongst others, take sweet joy in Yankee defeat?  Well, that brings a tear of joy in my eye.

I thought the only Yankee fans were in New York?  [cool]

Offline Justin T

Justin, because I like you, my condolences, but yeah, the Yankees lose!!!   The Yankees lose!!!!  The Yankees lose!!!! 

And I say thank you, because I know you mean it.

I think I said it before, but i'm probably going to root for the Tigers, because the team is good and I really like Verlander and Leyland. They are the only team that I would enjoying watching win it all at this point. Tigers haven't won the World Series since 1984, that's a long drought.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline falsealarms

That was a great game (and not just because Detroit won). There were several high drama sequences that made it a great watch. The Yankees had their chances to win the game but just couldn't get the big hits when they needed them. They left 20 men on base in a game they lost by one run.

Two game 5's tomorrow bring the potential for another great day of games.

Offline metaldams

A bit of irony - the best pitcher for the Yankees in the ALDS, and he did a good job, was A.J. Burnett.  If that isn't an argument for the playoffs being a crapshoot, I don't know what is.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Bruckman

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When A-Rod struck out, I had an orgasm.  This will no doubt inspire next year's great summer feel good baseball blockbuster, MONEYSHOT.

Great post-season so far, that was a really good game tonight and we are seeing some great series.

Justin, because I like you, my condolences, but yeah, the Yankees lose!!!   The Yankees lose!!!!  The Yankees lose!!!! 

I don't feel like saying anything profound or even trying to pretend I'm intelligent right now, I feel childhood joy in Yankee defeat. 

I watched the game at a bar last night, getting drunker than I have been in possibly 20 years. I kept yelling "The Yankees are going to f#%^in' LOSE!!!" and giving A-Rod a double finger each time he came to bat. When the game was over I started singing Nirvana's "Heart Shaped Box" for no better reason than it was playing on the bar sound system at the moment. According to my friends my rendition was both loud and raw. This is such uncommon behavior for me that it shows what glory I take in a Yankee defeat.
"If it wasn't for fear i wouldn't get out of bed in the morning" - Forrest Griffin

Offline metaldams

I watched the game at a bar last night, getting drunker than I have been in possibly 20 years. I kept yelling "The Yankees are going to f#%^in' LOSE!!!" and giving A-Rod a double finger each time he came to bat. When the game was over I started singing Nirvana's "Heart Shaped Box" for no better reason than it was playing on the bar sound system at the moment. According to my friends my rendition was both loud and raw. This is such uncommon behavior for me that it shows what glory I take in a Yankee defeat.

My ex-girlfriend was visiting me some years back, and she wanted to go out to dinner with me during a Red Sox/Yankees game that was on Fox.  I got to catch the first few innings with my parents and brother before going out, and she said she never saw me that crazy over anything and my family act so united over anything like our mutual love of the Red Sox and flat out hatred of the Yankees.  It absolutely shocked her, and bear in mind she has no idea what 3 balls, 2 strikes means.  Her Dad's a Mets fan, at least.

That night at dinner, my having to "go to the bathroom" was actually sneaking by the bar to catch the score on TV.

Great story Bruck.  My brother and I had to muffle our cheers of ecstasy when A-Rod struck out as to not wake up my nephew.  I wish I was in the bar with you.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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My condolences to the Phillies fans and congrats to the Cards fans. What an awesome pitcher's duel!

I think I would like to see Rangers/Brewers in the WS. Two teams that have never won.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Curly4444

Go crazy folks!!

The rally squirrel predicted this!! Woo hoo!!

Offline metaldams

Curly4444 congrats.

Lefty, there's always next year.

What a crazy end to the Phillies season, having Ryan Howard injure himself that way, I don't think I've ever seen that.  An absolutely classic pitcher's duel, hats off to both pitchers, and easily the greatest set of division series in a long time.  That Milwaukee/Arizona game was incredible as well.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

I think I would like to see Rangers/Brewers in the WS. Two teams that have never won.

That would be incredible, and what i'm hoping for.  Gotta say though, I like all these teams to an extent.  Amazing the Yanks and Phils are gone, but again, the playoffs are a crapshoot.

We'll have to wait next year for that Red Sox Vs. Phillies World Series (which I knew all along wasn't happening).
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Curly4444

I think I would like to see Rangers/Brewers in the WS. Two teams that have never won.
I wouldn't.

Offline metaldams

I wouldn't.

You guys just won in 2006 and have the second most World Series rings in major league history.  I imagine you'd understand why for a baseball fan who's team is out of it, they'd want to see two teams who have never won a title face each other.

That said, St. Louis Vs. Detroit would be intriguing because of the whole 2006 rematch aspect.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline falsealarms

Talk about going out limping. That was very bizarre, but at least Howard won't have a game for another six months. History wasn't on the Phillies side. Only 3 times in the past 20 seasons did the team that finished with the best record win the World Series. The Phillies have issues going forward. Their core offensive guys (Howard, Utley, Rollins) are starting to look a little long in the tooth. All three of them are past their primes at this point.

Offline metaldams

Their core offensive guys (Howard, Utley, Rollins) are starting to look a little long in the tooth. All three of them are past their primes at this point.

I really don't like hearing that, if for the sole reason that Chase Utley is a week older than me!  Past his prime - pfft!  He'll be 33 next year, the new 23.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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That would be incredible, and what i'm hoping for.  Gotta say though, I like all these teams to an extent.  Amazing the Yanks and Phils are gone, but again, the playoffs are a crapshoot.

We'll have to wait next year for that Red Sox Vs. Phillies World Series (which I knew all along wasn't happening).

I don't like any of these teams, but I don't hate them either. that deliberate product placement for Gatorade during the Charlie Manual conference or what?

Anyway, as I was saying, I only "like" the Red Sox, but with them out I can root silently for other teams without getting on edge and in cases like this I tend to go for teams that have either never been there or haven't been there for a long time unless there are extenuating circumstances (like in 2002 I did not pull for the Giants because of Barry Bonds being a roided up dillhole and all).

When I think "Tigers/Cardinals" I think of that awful 2006 Series when an 83 win Cardinal team put away a stumbling, bumbling Tiger team that on paper should have won. Usually an underdog like that winning makes a great story, but the way they did it (which was akin to watching the Tigers shoot themselves in the foot) was boring beyond belief.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline falsealarms

Ah, 2006... the year the Mets should have won the whole thing. If they had just won game 7 of the NLCS, I'm confident they would have beaten DET.

Offline metaldams

Anyway, as I was saying, I only "like" the Red Sox, but with them out I can root silently for other teams without getting on edge and in cases like this I tend to go for teams that have either never been there or haven't been there for a long time unless there are extenuating circumstances (like in 2002 I did not pull for the Giants because of Barry Bonds being a roided up dillhole and all).

I only "like" The Red Sox as far as teams I religiously follow and root for.  When I say I like the teams involved, I mean the collection of players.  For example, how can a baseball fan not like Justin Verlander?  How can anybody not find Josh Hamilton's story interesting?  Ryan Braun and Prince Fielder have a Manny/Papi like quality to them, and the Cards are Boid Brains team!  You know, stuff like that.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

Ah, 2006... the year the Mets should have won the whole thing. If they had just won game 7 of the NLCS, I'm confident they would have beaten DET.

That Beltran at bat was still one of the most pitiful things I have ever seen in my life.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Curly4444

Cards are Boid Brains team!
Forgetting anyone? Id love a repeat of 2006's killing feast!!  >:D >:D I doubt it will happen though.

Offline falsealarms

That Beltran at bat was still one of the most pitiful things I have ever seen in my life.

It's what Mets fans will remember him for, fairly or unfairly.