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2011 MLB Baseball Thread

shemps#1 · 884 · 208649

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Offline Curly4444

It looks like the Rangers will emphatically stamp their tickets for a return to the World Series. It's a shame that what had been a good ALCS has to end in a romp.

I know, and i was looking for a good game to watch, but instead we got this.

Offline Shemp_Diesel

The Rangers are looking like they may be the best team in all of baseball. I feel sorry for whoever comes out of the National league to face them in the World Series, even though the Rangers won't have the home field advantage.
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Faeriegirl

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It looks like the Rangers will emphatically stamp their tickets for a return to the World Series. It's a shame that what had been a good ALCS has to end in a romp.
Anyone to beat St Louis at this point as I see it
Shemp: Moe! Larry! Wait for me!! *hits himself with shovel*
~ Who Done It?

Offline shemps#1

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Well I think it's safe to say that we are looking at a Rangers/Cardinals WS, which to be quite blunt I don't really find all that interesting or compelling. At any rate it's time for World Series predictions.

Rangers in 5 and hopefully Bush gets trampled in a riot.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Curly4444

Rangers in 5 and hopefully Bush gets trampled in a riot.
I hope your talking about the former president?  Hey, at least our team is in the world series.

I can't believe were going to the world series. Go crazy folks.

Offline shemps#1

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I hope your talking about the former president?  Hey, at least our team is in the world series.

I can't believe were going to the world series. Go crazy folks.

Please, just stop. Don't give me that "I can't believe we're going to the World Series" crap when they have been 3 times in the last 8 seasons (2004, 2006 and this year). That would be like Doug and I saying that if the Sox made it or Justin saying that if the Yankees made it.

I will actually be rooting for the Cardinals, believe it or not. As much as I would like to root for a team that has never won I just can't root for the same team that "the proof that de-evolution is real" George W. Bush likes or a team with a self-righteous douche bag like Josh Hamilton on it. Yeah yeah, you got off drugs and alcohol and found Jesus, great for you. Now get over yourself you proselytizing ass-wipe.

Although I'll be rooting for the Cardinals I just think that the Rangers will be too much for them to handle. Hopefully I'll be proven wrong.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Curly4444

When i said, "I cant believe were going to the world series", I meant because of the shitty year we had. Not because we've never been in a long time. I know its only been 5 years. All the things that had to happen for us to get here, made it amazing.

Offline shemps#1

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When i said, "I cant believe were going to the world series", I meant because of the shitty year we had. Not because we've never been in a long time. I know its only been 5 years. All the things that had to happen for us to get here, made it amazing.

I wouldn't call it "shitty" at all. They got the WC on the last day of the season in the non-Boston collapse of the year by the Braves then topped the heavily favored Phillies and the slightly favored Brewers on the way to their 18 pennant. Even if they don't win they've had a more impressive season than in 2006, when they watched Detroit hand an 83 win team a championship.

The Cardinals are a well-run franchise with a big, faithful fanbase and one of the best baseball minds ever as manager. I would be glad to congratulate you and say "I was wrong" if they pull it off.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Congrats to you Curly4444, but as far as predictions go, I gotta say Rangers in 6...

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Justin T

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I don't care who wins at this point either.

My Prediction: Rangers in 6. Both teams have killer lineups, but the Rangers is a bit more deep.
Both bullpens have been good and both teams have question marks in their starting pitching.
CJ Wilson didnt look good at all in both his ALCS starts and he's supposed to be their ace.
Still, the Rangers will probably outslug the Cardinals enough to win.

I wont be surprised if it goes 7, the longer the series goes the better. I really don't like
it when a World Series only goes 5 games, or worse a sweep. It's just not that entertaining,
especially if your team isn't involved.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline metaldams

All I know is this - anybody whoever throws out the cliche that starting pitching wins in the playoffs needs to shut up after this year.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

OK, enough of this World Series crap, onto more important things, like the 2011 Red Sox.   [pie]  Jon Lester has publically spoke out against all the accusations, and I'm glad he did, because I've always respected him.  I do think the whole, "beer, chicken, and video games" thing probably got blown out of proportion and makes good press, but overall, Lester takes responsibility.

All kidding aside about the World Series, I hope it's well played and I'm looking forward to it.  While I don't personally share the same beliefs as Josh Hamilton, whatever works for him, I say.  I'm just glad he's found a way to play because he's a great ball player.  I really like Adrian Beltre from his time in Boston as well, so I'll be cheering him on.  I just hope if Texas wins, everybody will rub his head for good luck.

....and let's get some good starting pitching in this series, please.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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OK, enough of this World Series crap, onto more important things, like the 2011 Red Sox.   [pie]  Jon Lester has publically spoke out against all the accusations, and I'm glad he did, because I've always respected him.  I do think the whole, "beer, chicken, and video games" thing probably got blown out of proportion and makes good press, but overall, Lester takes responsibility.

All kidding aside about the World Series, I hope it's well played and I'm looking forward to it.  While I don't personally share the same beliefs as Josh Hamilton, whatever works for him, I say.  I'm just glad he's found a way to play because he's a great ball player.  I really like Adrian Beltre from his time in Boston as well, so I'll be cheering him on.  I just hope if Texas wins, everybody will rub his head for good luck.

....and let's get some good starting pitching in this series, please.

It's not my disagreements with  Hamilton's personal views that get me, he can believe in whatever he wants...I don't care. The sanctimonious way he goes about it is what I can do without. Last year after Texas won the pennant and he won the ALCS MVP he practically gave the Sermon on the Mount. While I am all for free speech I have to wonder if during a sports celebration like that is the time to proselytize, or "witness" as the Fundies are wont to say since "proselytize" has taken on negative connotations. Personally I don't think so. All I know is that if an atheist athlete were to come out during a pennant celebration and say "there is no god", "I'd like to thank Richard Dawkins for giving me the courage to be open as an atheist" or something similar he would catch a lot of shit.

I don't think your wish will be fulfilled in regards to starting pitching. All around I would give the nod to the Rangers rotation even though the Cardinals have best pitcher in Carpenter but I think it will come down to bullpens and lineups.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline shemps#1

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For instance, Curt Schilling is a guy who I disagree on a lot of issues with, including theological ones. However, he always kept it separate from his baseball and wasn't a dick about it.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

For instance, Curt Schilling is a guy who I disagree on a lot of issues with, including theological ones. However, he always kept it separate from his baseball and wasn't a dick about it.

How do you feel about A-Gon's "God's plan" quote?  I mean, obviously I know you think it's a bunch of bullshit, as do I (it was George Steinbrenner's plan), but I just wonder if you think he think he takes things too far?  I don't think he's done so, yet.

I never heard Hamilton go crazy prostelyzing, but then again, I admittedly don't recall watching his post-game interviews.  All I know is the guy got off drugs and found God, and I have no problem with someone professing faith, but then again, I suppose one can take it too far.  I do remember Curt Schilling mentioning his faith after game 2 in the '07 World Series, but I think he kept it to the point and I was never bothered by it.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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How do you feel about A-Gon's "God's plan" quote?  I mean, obviously I know you think it's a bunch of bullshit, as do I (it was George Steinbrenner's plan), but I just wonder if you think he think he takes things too far?  I don't think he's done so, yet.

I never heard Hamilton go crazy prostelyzing, but then again, I admittedly don't recall watching his post-game interviews.  All I know is the guy got off drugs and found God, and I have no problem with someone professing faith, but then again, I suppose one can take it too far.  I do remember Curt Schilling mentioning his faith after game 2 in the '07 World Series, but I think he kept it to the point and I was never bothered by it.

I actually had to Google "Adrian Gonzalez God's plan" because this is the first I have heard of it. Naturally I think it's a bunch of horseshit and a really lame excuse.

Let's, for argument's sake, say that there is an all-powerful God who created everything as A-Gon and many others believe. Would he really be concerned with a fucking baseball game? Sure we love baseball and some of us like other sports as well, but I don't think that "making sure the Red Sox miss the playoffs" would be anywhere on a priority list for any deity (except for one that dealt specifically in baseball or sports".

The Red Sox missed the playoffs because they fucking blew it, point blank. A-Gon needs to own that as Crawford did in the very same article. Don't use some unprovable concept as an excuse. As for Hamilton, I remember watching the Rangers knock off the Yankees last year and Hamilton going on about his faith quite a bit during the interview, so much so that it turned my jubilation for a Yankees loss to disdain for his proselytizing and cemented my rooting for the Giants. I can deal with "I thank God..." and whatnot, but don't turn a sporting event into a fucking Tent Revival.

On a more secular note, after one the Rangers' gay "ginger ale celebrations" last year he went on to say that the had hoped the Rangers would set a precedent with no alcohol because they are role models. So, you can't handle your booze and now nobody should be use it to celebrate? Fuck you, you self-righteous pompous ass. It brought a smile to my face to see the Cardinals not only use champagne but beer in their celebration.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

I actually had to Google "Adrian Gonzalez God's plan" because this is the first I have heard of it. Naturally I think it's a bunch of horseshit and a really lame excuse.

If you just heard about it now, you're a wiser man than me because you obviosuly avoid reading and listening to the Boston media.  The God's plan quote has been all over the media for weeks now.  I can't stay away from all the media stuff, I'm a hopeless junkie.  I'm also assuming you didn't hear John Henry publically said he wasn't behind the Carl Crawford signing - as there are six years left on his contract!  Yeah, it's a circus right now.

Let's, for argument's sake, say that there is an all-powerful God who created everything as A-Gon and many others believe. Would he really be concerned with a fucking baseball game? Sure we love baseball and some of us like other sports as well, but I don't think that "making sure the Red Sox miss the playoffs" would be anywhere on a priority list for any deity (except for one that dealt specifically in baseball or sports".

Agree 100%.

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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If you just heard about it now, you're a wiser man than me because you obviosuly avoid reading and listening to the Boston media.  The God's plan quote has been all over the media for weeks now.  I can't stay away from all the media stuff, I'm a hopeless junkie.  I'm also assuming you didn't hear John Henry publically said he wasn't behind the Carl Crawford signing - as there are six years left on his contract!  Yeah, it's a circus right now.

Agree 100%.

I tend to avoid CHB and the rest of the Beantown sports media. Henry might want to do himself a solid and shut his trap, saying crap like that isn't helping matters.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

I tend to avoid CHB and the rest of the Beantown sports media.

Good for you, as you're avoiding beer and chicken gate right now.  I'm even starting to get fed up with it, but at the same time, I'm at least interested in the GM/manager situation.  I should probably just edit what i choose to read more.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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Did anybody watch that Game 1? I caught the last couple of innings and it was a decent game from what I saw.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

Did anybody watch that Game 1? I caught the last couple of innings and it was a decent game from what I saw.

Pretty much in the same boat as you, only saw the last few innings.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Curly4444

Did anybody watch that Game 1? I caught the last couple of innings and it was a decent game from what I saw.

I watched it all. Great pitching from both sides, but the starters didn't go past inning 6. Didn't know who was going to win till the end. With Texas, all they needed was one swing and they could have tied it. They just fell a little short. 3-2 cards was the final.

Offline Justin T

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I watched it all. Great pitching from both sides, but the starters didn't go past inning 6. Didn't know who was going to win till the end. With Texas, all they needed was one swing and they could have tied it. They just fell a little short. 3-2 cards was the final.

I agree, watched most of it myself. Really nice, close game. Cards bullpen got the job done
to keep the 1 run lead.
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline shemps#1

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Very interesting time for me to sneak a peek at Game 2, top of the 9th, runners at 2nd and 3rd no outs for Texas in a 1-0 game.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Curly4444