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NRBQ and the Stooges

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Offline garystooge

Don't know if there are any NRBQ fans out there, but NRBQ's Terry Adams was on the TV-38 New Year's marathon and talked Stooges for a bit.


Offline Rich Finegan

Thanks for finding that!
That was actually from last year's marathon (end of 2009). I posted about it here at that time, but was not recording it. So it's nice to see this again and to hear those two songs that Terry Adams performed.

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

  • Oh, Vici Kid!
  • Team Stooge
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • Vici Kid
I will now be looking for that CD flashed during the interview. As others at this site may have noticed, I collect weird musical %$&^%$ and this sounds like a jewel.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Offline RICO987

Maybe Terry Adams was only joking and he knows the 3 Stooges did not originate the song, but did someone on another thread point out “The Music Goes Round and Round is actually from a Columbia movie of the same name released in the 1930s?  I do like the Terry Adams version. 

Offline Bum

Thought I would use my current obsession with NRBQ as an excuse to revive this thread. I've totally fallen in love [figuratively!] with this band over the last few months, but with a great amount of guilt: I consider myself pretty musically knowledgeable [knowing a lot about rock, and a little about jazz, blues, country, and other genres] but for reasons totally mysterious to me, somehow I let the wonderful music of this group fly under my radar until recently. I don't even have most people's excuse, which is "I never heard of them until now". On the contrary, I've known about them since the mid-'80's, due to their then-association with Captain Lou Albano [their one-time "manager"], and in fact, I actually bought their "Lou and the Q" album back then. That LP was kind of a slapdash thrown-together effort, released during a time when NRBQ was not allowed to record for legal reasons [search the internet for details], and at that point, I concluded that NRBQ was a novelty/comedy band, with no "good" or "legit" music to their credit. Boy was I wrong! And I can credit the Stooges for opening the door for me: A few years ago while online, I saw somewhere [I thought it was this message board, but can't find any search results to prove it] that NRBQ recorded a version of "The Music Goes Round" [from HALF-SHOT SHOOTERS]. Knowing what I knew about them, it didn't surprise me that they would record a song like that. I went to YouTube, and was absolutely blown away by their version, and from there, proceeded to check out a lot more of their stuff. Some I thought was "so-so", some I liked, and some I absolutely loved. From then, I occasionally re-visited them on YouTube up until last summer, when I noticed that most of the clips featuring songs from their studio albums [which had been uploaded by a variety of people in varying quality] had been removed. I wondered what happened, and a few months ago I got my answer. I searched again, and this time, I was delighted to see an "official" NRBQ YouTube channel, with many [but not all] of their albums posted in their entirety. This opened the floodgates for me: Over the last few months, I've been in the process of getting all their studio albums on CD [but downloading a few rare ones where the CDs are out-of-print and very expensive], and will eventually buy all of their "live" CDs and DVDs as well. Yep, it took over 30 years, but I am finally an official "Q-Head"!!! And now, thanks to the YouTube uploads, I'm going to share a few Stooge-related NRBQ songs, two of which appear in live versions on their WSBK New Years Stooge-a-Thon appearance:

First is something from their second album, in 1970, "Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard":

Next is the aforementioned "Music Goes Round and Round" from 1980:

After the original NRBQ ended in 2004, co-founder Terry Adams [who in the '70's visited with Larry in person and spoke to Moe on the phone!] formed the Terry Adams Rock and Roll Quartet, which in 2011 became a new version of NRBQ. This band released the song "A Girl Who Loves the Stooges":

I think you'll enjoy these, and while you're there, check out some of their other music. You probably won't enjoy everything [since they play such a wide variety of genres], but for that same reason, I can almost guarantee you'll find something you'll love. Long live NRBQ and Terry Adams!!!