Thanks for posting that, that was totally enjoyable!
Zasu Pitts was a great spaz with a nervous disorder. I loved the way she took about one minute just to hang up the phone, you don't usually see gags like that in a Stooge short. Thelma Todd was very good in her role, but I noticed she was almost the straight woman here. Still fun to watch, and one rule with Thelma Todd is if she's wearing an article of clothing in a Roach short, you have a 50% chance you'll see what she's wearing under that article of clothing soon enough. Good God!
![Yay! [yay]](
I just watched her in HIPS HIPS HOORAY! With Wheeler and Woolsey yesterday, and she was a great business woman/vamp in that one. I wonder if she would have worked with the Stooges had she lived longer. I'm not sure if the studio situation would have allowed it, but we can dream.
Signs of a Jules White short - gags involving animals and Monte Collins.