The very funny Steve Landesberg died Dec. 20 at age 74 (many obits are listing his age incorrectly as 65).
I had the opportunity to meet him a couple times, and talk for a little while. He was a fan of Laurel & Hardy, and The Three Stooges. His regard for the Stooges inspired a scene in the March 26, 1981 episode of BARNEY MILLER. This isn't on youtube (and I have no idea how to put it there), but I thought you might enjoy a transcription of the scene.
Levitt is shocked to hear that the intellectual Dietrich's tastes run to more than just foreign films...
Levitt: Did you do anything last night?
Dietrich: Went to the movies.
Levitt: Foreign film?
Dietrich: Three Stooges film festival at The Gramercy.
Levitt: Really?! I wouldn't o' thought you went into that sort of thing.
Dietrich: Are you kidding? They're my favorites. I think they're one of the most under-rated comedy teams of the '30s and '40s. Surrealistic use of violence and mayhem... the almost Chekhovian interplay between Curly and Moe.
Levitt: I like the ones with Shemp!
Dietrich: I don't think we have anything further to say to each other.
(a few minutes later...)
Dietrich: Captain!... a disturbance on Broadway.
Barney: OK, you and...
Dietrich: Shemp!
Levitt: (annoyed) They never let you forget.