Just so that it is not forgotten that this thread is about all memorable women in the Stooges' shorts, not just the beautiful ones, I am posting a screen shot to remind us of a notable minor player:
Blanche Payson as the very large woman with whom Curly dances in
Hoi Polloi. She repeatedly bounces her belly against his, knocking him to the floor, from which he bounces back up on the sofa spring that is stuck into his behind. After one of his spills pulls her down with him, she takes offense and slaps him in the face. He slaps her back, she slaps him back, and so on for another round, whereupon they both shrug and go back to dancing. The scene has always seemed to me a model for the resolution of angry disputes within intimate relationships.
From her page on this site, I discover that she is also the woman who chases after the Stooges in
Slippery Silks and brings them down with a flying tackle.
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