Well, I did have time to catch BUCKET OF BLOOD on TCM today. It was my second viewing and I enjoyed it as much the second time as the 1st. A great mixture of camp, commentary on high-art snobbery (in the form of beatniks), and well......fuck it, it's just a fun movie.
So Seamus, your wife goes alone to a Halloween party while you watch THEATER OF BLOOD. The last time I see my ex-girlfriend was at a Halloween party where she declared THEATER OF BLOOD "boring." That's obviously not the reason why we're no longer speaking, but it makes for nice symbolism. How can anybody find that movie boring? Vincent Price as a gay hairdresser alone is worth the price of admission, and that's only one of many reasons why THEATER OF BLOOD is great.
The only somewhat logical complaint about THEATER OF BLOOD is that it's unoriginal as it's structurally very similar to THE ABOMINABLE DR. PHIBES, but so what? Sometimes you cannot get enough of a good thing.