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$#*! that Porcupine says.. in I'm A Monkey's Uncle

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This is new to me, for sure. Grab your headset and listen closely about 6:50 in this short, right after Moe whacks hell outta Larry with his towel (leaf) and yells, "Take the turtle. Here!"

I'm guessing this was Larry's quite real response to that whack in the face, as it looked like the prop broke and the leaf stem cracked him right in the eye!

Offline FineBari3

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How did you EVER hear that?

Yes, it's there....Larry is out of the frame.

Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline mankey8284

I listened to it over and over does he say the "S" word or the "F" word lol
"I'm trying to think and nothing happens!" ~Curly
"I lost my ba-lance." ~Larry
"I'll knock your head right through your socks" ~Moe
"There I am pretty as a picture. Yeah, of an ape" ~Shemp and Moe
"Is that the sun up there? I don't know I'm new in town" ~Larry and Curly
"You'll never know just what tears are, till you've cried, like you've made me cry"
"What stupid, imbecilic fool put that u--I did! Oh, am I dumb" ~Larry
"What a day." ~Curly
"Who is it?" ~Larry
"Do you know what that paper was? Hot?" ~Moe & Curly

Offline FineBari3

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I listened to it over and over does he say the "S" word or the "F" word lol

It's the 'S' word. 

I had a YouTube video up, and then I modified my post and it went away. I have put it back up!
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline Blystone

It's the 'S' word. 

I had a YouTube video up, and then I modified my post and it went away. I have put it back up!

I've got to disagree, I cant hear it. Watching the scene several times, what I hear is Larry saying, "s---" and then it trails off. It sounds to me like the audio engineer heard him start to say it, and twisted the volume dial way down immediately so that it wouldn't get on the soundtrack.

Or it could be that my aging ears are failing, but I think I'm right.

Offline metaldams

It's VERY faint, but I can hear the "s word."  Geez Thump, it was you who discovered this?  Incredible hearing.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Blystone

It's VERY faint, but I can hear the "s word."  Geez Thump, it was you who discovered this?  Incredible hearing.

"Somebody's crazy around here, and it ain't you!" Maybe it's my cheap computer speakers, but all I hear is "sh-" and not the "-it."


  • Guest
Yeah, this one was a surprise for me. See, the thing is, I can't seem to sleep if things are too quiet-- the slightest little sound becomes irritating. So, I slap on the earphones and play records or, quite often, cartoon and Stooge dvd's to help me sleep.

This one actually woke me right up when I heard it! I thought I'd just imagined it while drifting off and trying to visualise what was going on. Wild! It's a little like a new toy..

Funny side note, too, about Larry: If you listen closely to "Let's 'cut' a Record" from Madcap Musical Nonsense, you hear a brief snippet of the Porcupine vocalising his displeasure (just a random, candid moment?) once again while the band warms up. You hear some random musical sounds and indistinct chatter, throat clearing, and Larry seems to want everyone to know he's "Sick as a dog!"

Well, I think it's neat, anyway.

Offline Curly4444

"Somebody's crazy around here, and it ain't you!" Maybe it's my cheap computer speakers, but all I hear is "sh-" and not the "-it."
Same here. All i could make out was the S sound in shit.

Offline Curly4444

Definitely the "S" word.  Sharp hearing!

What are you guys running this sound thru, a pumped up receiver? I aint hearing nothing.

Offline ProfessorStooge

I plugged earphones in my computer last night and watched this clip. I definitely heard some profanity from Larry.

Offline Smaug

It looks like the stem from the "towel" poked him in the eye when Moe slaps him with it. And he did have a turtle latchd onto his nose (see also Jackass 2.5).

Offline Lefty

Pretty soon (sometime this month) I will be watching the episode again, and I will try to crank up the volume on the TV to hear what Larry said.  It wasn't in the closed-captioning, that's for sure.

Offline stooge_o_phile

Very good call! Sounds like the S word to me. I never would have caught that.

But now my theory is Moe’s line “Take the turtle, here,” was a nice last-second cover for Larry forgetting the prop due to the pain, thus saving the shot.

Offline Paul Pain

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I will give this a listen myself tomorrow.  This is more of a reminder note for myself.
Something about income tacks season...