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Joe Besser - "My Favorite Jokes"?

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Offline Desmond Of The Outer Sanctorum

When I was a kid in the '70s, my hometown newspaper came with a magazine (PARADE or something similar) on Sundays. Every week the mag had a 1-page feature called "My Favorite Jokes." Each week it featured a selection from a different comedian.

Well, one week it featured Joe Besser. Now, I don't remember being much aware of the Stooges at this point, and I'd certainly never heard of Joe before. Anyway, the feature had a little capsule biography at the bottom saying that Joe was "a member of the Three Stooges." This struck me as odd since I vaguely knew of the Stooges as being 3 guys whose names were not Joe. I was, of course, not aware of the "third Stooge" position having changed hands so many times.

So many years later I have no idea what any of the jokes were. Does anyone else remember seeing this feature? Are there still any copies floating around?

"Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day." -- Samuel Goldwyn

Offline hiramhorwitz

When I was a kid in the '70s, my hometown newspaper came with a magazine (PARADE or something similar) on Sundays. Every week the mag had a 1-page feature called "My Favorite Jokes."

Well, one week it featured Joe Besser.

Does anyone else remember seeing this feature? Are there still any copies floating around?

Glad you asked.  Makes me feel like there was actually a reason I retained this clipping in my files for the last 30+ years.  You're definitely the first person I've ever encountered to utter the phrases "Joe Besser" and "My Favorite Jokes" in the same context.  You are obviously very discriminating.   

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Offline garystooge

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So many years later I have no idea what any of the jokes were. Does anyone else remember seeing this feature? Are there still any copies floating around?

It ran in Parade on October 23, 1977.  There's a copy buried deep with the recesses of the Stoogeum (never figured anyone would want to see this again)....I'll try to dig it out and post the jokes.

Offline Rich Finegan

Glad you asked.  Makes me feel like there was actually a reason I retained this clipping in my files for the last 30+ years.     

I also saved and still have that original article. It was so exciting to see it because back then there was hardly ever anything in the papers about The Stooges (or members of The Stooges).

Offline falsealarms

I hate to say it, but those jokes are anything but funny.

Offline Dunrobin

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I hate to say it, but those jokes are anything but funny.

I agree, although the Jack Benny story made me laugh.  I could almost hear him saying those lines.   ;D

Offline Blystone

I hate to say it, but those jokes are anything but funny.

If these are typical examples of the kind of jokes Joe B. used in Vaudeville...

Now we know what killed it!


Offline Desmond Of The Outer Sanctorum

Thanks for putting that out there. The only part of that I remembered at all was the line about "former member of the Three Stooges comedy team."

Most of those jokes really are stinkers, I have to say. I think the best one is the one about the No Smoking sign on airplanes.
"Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day." -- Samuel Goldwyn