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Which Three Stooges short have you watched the least amount of times?

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Rich Finegan:

--- Quote from: QuinceHead on June 23, 2010, 10:49:02 AM ---I can remember back when I used to watch the Stooges on WSBK, Channel 38 in Boston, whenever the dreaded "Hello, Hello, Hello -- Hello!" would come on, I'd say to the screen, "Goodbye!" and either change the channel or just shut the set off.   ::)

Anyone else care to say a few syllables?  Utter a few adjectives??

For duty and humanity,
JohnH aka QuinceHead

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During what years were you watching The Stooges on WSBK, Channel 38, Boston?
My least-viewed Stooges shorts are still those that Ch. 38 was missing in the 1970's. By the time they finally upgraded their film package in 1977 and acquired all the missing titles and nice new prints of the many damaged ones, I had seen most of the shorts numerous times, but some not at all on Ch. 38.
I know, I could just have my own mini-marathon on video or DVD any time and watch each of these a hundred times just to "catch up" but still as of now, due to Ch. 38 not having them in the 1970's some of my least-seen shorts are:
Back to the Woods
From Nurse to Worse
All the World's a Stooge
They Stooge to Conga
Busy Buddies
Uncicvil War Birds
The Ghost Talks
Rip, Sew and Stitch

Horsing Around, Triple Crossed, Flying Saucer Daffy. Hmmm, I sense a common thread between the shorts I listed, I wonder what it could be.  ::) 


Some of the best memories I have go back to 1975-1976 when I use to come home from work and watch the Boys with my now late brother on WFLD       (ch. 32 Chicago). We'd swill beer and laugh our a***s off. We got to the point where we could quote entire films by memory. I still can with some. Anyway, my point is they use to show 3 every day, and a perfect afternoon would be 2 Curly's and a Shemp. He use to say "sometimes you feel like your going nuts they're so funny"! I felt that a few times. [3stooges]


--- Quote from: Rich Finegan on June 23, 2010, 03:02:09 PM ---During what years were you watching The Stooges on WSBK, Channel 38, Boston?
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I'd say from 1980 to the early 1990s, Rich.  After I graduated college, things got rather hectic, and I had practically memorized the shorts by that point, having seen them so many times.

I remember religiously watching them from 11:00 am to 12:00 am every Sunday morning, after I got back home from either Raynham's County Place flea market or the Norton Flea Market.

I also was a devotee of the New Year's Eve Marathon that Channel 38 ran every year without fail.

--- Quote from: Rich Finegan on June 23, 2010, 03:02:09 PM ---My least-viewed Stooges shorts are still those that Ch. 38 was missing in the 1970's. By the time they finally upgraded their film package in 1977 and acquired all the missing titles and nice new prints of the many damaged ones, I had seen most of the shorts numerous times, but some not at all on Ch. 38.
I know, I could just have my own mini-marathon on video or DVD any time and watch each of these a hundred times just to "catch up" but still as of now, due to Ch. 38 not having them in the 1970's some of my least-seen shorts are:
Back to the Woods
From Nurse to Worse
All the World's a Stooge
They Stooge to Conga
Busy Buddies
Uncicvil War Birds
The Ghost Talks
Rip, Sew and Stitch

--- End quote ---

I had no idea that Channel 38 at one point was missing shorts from their Stooges runs!  :o  The crummy quality of the shorts, I do remember, though!

Although I seem to remember that Three Little Pirates was one I didn't see very often, even "in rotation"!

Aren't some of the shorts censored nowadays too for political correctness, especially the racial/blackface bits?

For duty and humanity,
JohnH aka QuinceHead

Sweet and Hot. Watched it for the first time when I got volume 8, probably will never watch it again. As for Curly I think Ive only seen Rhythm and Weep twice, I always skip that one.


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