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Which Three Stooges short have you watched the least amount of times?

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--- Quote from: QuinceHead on June 23, 2010, 10:49:02 AM ---Hey everyone,

Got another question for ya -- which Three Stooges short have you watched the least amount of times?

For me, it's Women Haters.

I think I've watched it in its entirety maybe two, possibly three, times in my entire life.

I don't know if it's the rhyming, or the fact that the boys aren't playing "themselves," or what, but it's always left me cold, then restless -- I just can't make it through in one sitting!  :-[

After that, I'd have to say it's the majority of the Besser shorts.  I can remember back when I used to watch the Stooges on WSBK, Channel 38 in Boston, whenever the dreaded "Hello, Hello, Hello -- Hello!" would come on, I'd say to the screen, "Goodbye!" and either change the channel or just shut the set off.   ::)

Anyone else care to say a few syllables?  Utter a few adjectives??

For duty and humanity,
JohnH aka QuinceHead

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Woman Haters
Grips, Grunts & Groans (was never a big fan of that short, sorry for those who love it)
Busy Buddies
All Gummed Up
Hugs And Mugs (I like the short but it's never been on my radar to watch it)
Love At First Bite (same as above)
Horsing Around
Pies And Guys.

The ten Besser shorts and the Shemp stock footage jobs not part of the 130 short syndicated package twenty years ago.


--- Quote from: metaldams on May 26, 2022, 10:07:40 PM ---The ten Besser shorts and the Shemp stock footage jobs not part of the 130 short syndicated package twenty years ago.

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I rarely watch many of the Shemp stock footage jobs although I do enjoy a few stock footage shorts like Loose Loot, Scotched In Scotland and Of Cash and Hash, I didn't even think to mention those shorts.

My original answer hasn't changed at all--I avoid Besser like the plague...

As for a Curly, I would say Half-Wits Holiday. And then, there are some of the Shemp retreads that one viewing is enough, take your pick between Hot Ice and Pals and Gals...  [cry]


--- Quote from: Shemp_Diesel on May 27, 2022, 05:57:53 AM ---My original answer hasn't changed at all--I avoid Besser like the plague...

As for a Curly, I would say Half-Wits Holiday. And then, there are some of the Shemp retreads that one viewing is enough, take your pick between Hot Ice and Pals and Gals...  [cry]

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Hot Ice followed by Rumpus in the Harem, Commotion on the Ocean and Rip, Sew & Stitch are my worst Shemp retreads, I don't think "Pals and Gals" is quite as bad as some of the other Shemp retreads (I give "Pals" a 4/10).


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