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Which Three Stooges short have you watched the least amount of times?

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Desmond Of The Outer Sanctorum:
I guess I'm too recent, and casual, of a Stooges fan to have a good answer to this.

I've seen every short (not necessarily in its unedited entirety) at least once. There may be a handful that I've only seen once, but I couldn't tell you which ones. Some of the later Shemp remakes are the ones I've most likely not bothered to revisit. Plus I'm sure I haven't managed to cover the whole Curly era a second time. It all doesn't have that much to do with which ones I like the least.

I've seen all the Besser shorts several times, because (1) I find that era interesting, and (2) there aren't very many of them!

Least number of times?? Hmm. It has to be one of the Besser shorts. Probably either Sweet & Hot or Horsing Around.

Any of the post-stroke Curly shorts, it makes me sad to think what these shorts could have been if Curly was at full health.. :-[

After purchasing Volume 8 I actually enjoy most of the Besser shorts, Moe and Larry really step it up for their age at the time during those shorts.  Also, I don't consider Sweet and Hot a stooge short because it is a musical, sort of like Woman Haters.


The ones I have watched the least are "The Entire Joe Besser" Era.  Thought they were the least funniest.

Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra

Woman Haters, Three Loan Wolves, Triple Crossed-don't like the way Larry's treated in the latter two.


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