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Which Three Stooges short have you watched the least amount of times?

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Would have to say "Horsing Around",and its follow up,whose name escapes me.Those were automatic turn offs.Horsing Around ushered in a sad time for the Stooges.Not only was it the beginning of the Joe Besser era,but also of the Stooges sitcom era.Because of Besser's demands,his character,etc.,almost all of the shorts done with him pretty much resembled TV sitcoms,and pretty bad ones at that.Except for some of the remakes,which were a little bit better.Know am in the minority,but there were a fair number of Curly clunkers too.Ones with Shemp were the most consistantly good.

Dr. Hugo Gansamacher:
There may be shorts with Joe Besser that I have never even seen. I think that the only one of the Besser shorts that I have watched more than once is Sweet and Hot, because it has Moe's wonderful German psychiatrist character in it, from whom I take my alias. 

Dog Hambone:

--- Quote from: QuinceHead on June 23, 2010, 10:49:02 AM ---Got another question for ya -- which Three Stooges short have you watched the least amount of times?

--- End quote ---

I mentioned this a few years ago & got ganged up on, but I still don't care much for I'LL NEVER HEIL AGAIN and YOU NAZTY SPY. I usually just skip over them. I understand what they were up to with bashing Hitler (before the USA even got directly involved with WWII), but I just don't find them very funny or entertaining.

Also, SWEET & HOT (sorry Hugo). It just seems like mostly a vehicle to feature the lady singer.   

Sweet and Hot was so bad even Besser acknowledged its crappiness.

As for which short I have seen the least, it would probably be some of the "missing 60".

Not only did I see "Quiz Whiz" the least amount of times, I've never even watched it in it's entirety! Great to know if it's on this website, those of us with "dial-ups" can watch it! So far only 3 websites with big movie  collections use Realplayer. Why aren't there more? ???


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