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The Shocking truth:'s most famous troll

Dunrobin · 18 · 11395

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A new, instant classic from the King of Stooge Trolls, posted on the discussion page of the Fan Club/.net group on Facebook:
Don Blumlo I don't want to use my real known name at this time. The long-timers at .net know who I am. If this admin wants me to use my real known name here, he can go ahead and block this one. If this admin doesn't want me around whatsoever, he can tell me to take a flying leap and I will. By the way, nice Facebook. does deserve one.

From ISLIPP himself: Don't let their anti-hype of me or the way they set up their forum that's named for me, sway you. I'm not all that insane and I'm not a true troll. What I am more than anything is a victim of circumstance. To back up what I say, I haven't posted there under any name in ages and Metaldams still makes an occasional dig at me. Last month in one of the threads about the Volume 8 collection, he posted that in my comments there about the shorts, I praised Moe's performance as a mean father in the short "Sweet and Hot"-and of course that I was insane. If you look for yourself under the "Sweet and Hot" comments, I clearly did not. I have actually always said that it disturbs me a bit because I my dad was scary to make angry. Metaldams is the loon now.

In 2000, in my mid-late 20's, I started posting at the board that had back then. Metaldams and shemps#1 was posting there and Dunrobin had a much earlier incarnation of I was a total internet newbie and I didn't know I should have somehow gotten more seasoned before I joined. I could say something with good intent but it came off to make me look bad. I hadn't even wrote many personal letters in my life. I do admit that I could have thought a little more before I posted.

But not many posters wanted to be understanding of a total internet newbie (which I did explain). Especially a poster by the name of sickdrjoe. A few months after I started posting there, he started as well. He decided right off the bat that he didn't like my total newbiness and he probably took my posts that came off as goofy (in a stupid or bad way) to mean that I was that kind of person. So he attacked me mercilessly and often. I kept defending myself but he kept up the harassment.

Now, sickdrjoe had already been posting at and a lot of posters at liked and respected him for his wit and knowledge. So he already had popularity from the start. They started out not liking his harassment of me and they would ever-so-lightly admonish him for it. They didn't want to risk jeopardizing their relationship with him by dealing him heavy admonishment.

A few years later, I was still around on the various boards we posted at and Metaldams cruelly started a private "club" of a message board against me (also kinda-sorta against C3) called "Ihateslipp". They made sure to keep me out. It died out years ago. 1 or 2 years ago, documents were posted at that supposedly contained all the comments on this board. On of them was sickdrjoe saying- I kid you not- that if you harass someone constantly, everyone else around will eventually believe your spiel about the person and side against them.

That is PRECISELY what happened to me, courtesy of sickdrjoe. But by the time he said it, he could say anything and the others would still love him. They were under his spell. Anyway, little by little, he managed to turn the whole board(s) against me. And now that I really think about it, I think he used me to do it. I always wanted pure peace and I wanted the good rapport with posters at the boards that everyone has a right to go for.

Now they will tell you that I did crazy things. It's true that I faked my death twice (suicide and killed by gunshot). I was not making a joke out of suicide. Nothing about the situation was a joke to me. I thought they would just stop using my name in a derogatory manner and I could start fresh under a new name. Is that so crazy a reason to do something as crazy as to fake my death twice? Unfortunately, they learned my writing style and always recognized me. Also unfortunate is the fact that some people thing that multiple usernames or one username after another ALWAYS = troll. Not in my case. When Dunrobin used to be on my side as the war lingered onto his board, he suggested that I try to start over with a new username. I did that without any shenanigans and I was recognized and fingered. They thought I was up to no good so things went downhill.

The board was shut down and they got me banned from the one at Numskull, the admin, said he was banning me because it was me vs most everyone else and while he saw nothing wrong with my behavior, he couldn't just ban most everyone else. Nowadays, even HE has the mistaken impression that I am a true troll, which was mostly not my doing. But back to Threestooges,net- I was first banned when sickdrjoe picked on me again and kept saying I was taking shots at him where there weren't any. Dunrobin didn't like that I was countering sickdrjoe and being his (Dunrobin's) concept of shrill and whiny when Dunrobin asked me to stop. Imagine that- he let sickdrjoe go on like he was while he called me shrill and whiny and demanded I stop! Why should I have stopped trying to deal with sickdrjoe's treatment of me, especially after he had been terrible to me for years and made me sick of it? That was the start of Dunrobin's swaying against me, thanks to sickdrjoe, shemps#1 and Metaldams. There were a few times that I was a regular on that board and they tried to get me fighting with them so i might get banned.

Once after my initial banning, I got a "final chance" at posting there. But this was long after my feud with shemps#1 started. He claims sickdrjoe never swayed him. I think it was my Christian talk, since he is an atheist. I won't go into details, but I innocently brought a matter about him to Dunrobin in a private message. It was early on a Thanksgiving. I was threatening to take a certain justifiable action myself. I specifically told him that I would not start until soon after the holiday and that there would be no trouble or anything for him to worry about on that day. But nevertheless, he was offended about what I presented to him (which I didn't intend) and he said he was angry that I presented it to him on that holiday. Never mind that I said nothing would happen until soon AFTER the holiday. Anyway, he decided to ban me permanently. As always, I was a victim of circumstance.

Did I actually bring any of it on myself? Maybe a little of it. Thus I'm an almost total victim of circumstance. My mere persistence in trying to put and end to the besmirching of my name (sometimes they even used my real name too) and my earlier-ended persistence in trying to make a good start for myself and get that rapport was bringing it on myself. If I had it all to do over again. I would have left when sickdrjoe first surfaced there and started attacking me. That would have made him seem like more of a villain on their eyes and no part of my bad posting history would have ever taken place.

I'll have you know that I was a global moderator on a pro wrestling related board for 3-4 years until it died out and shut down last year. I am a good, respectable and at least half-sane person. But I will never be that way to Metaldams, shemps#1 or Dunrobin. They continue to crap on me just by keeping that forum on the board and of course Metaldams does his occasional digs on me. I tried to put it aside and offered to treat Dunrobin to a meal (he lives downstate from me), so we could talk about things in person and he could see how I really am in person, but he declined. Screw them. All of them. Some Christian Rob is. He's much more anarchist than Christian.

But long live the 90% of that isn't about me or shemps#1, which continues to be a great site and source of Stooge info. I just want to get the truth ou about me. I was far from the only one that got unfair treatment by them though, although my case is the worst (and I don't brag nor falsely try to upstage the others). If you are interested in knowing about other cases, send me a private message and I'll privately send you the info. I have more shocking revelations.

No one can embrace self-righteous insanity like our boy Eric!   ;D

H/T 2 Seamus

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This is unbelieveable.  I can't believe what I just read.  Did you folks just read that?  Rob turned down a free meal!
- Doug Sarnecky

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This is unbelieveable.  I can't believe what I just read.  Did you folks just read that?  Rob turned down a free meal!

As shocking and hard to believe as that may seem, it's true;  I did turn down an offer of a free meal from Eric a few years ago.  Such a thing has probably only happened a couple of times in my lifetime.   :o

No doubt I was unduly influenced by the infamous evil trio.  You have a lot to answer for, Doug and Jim!   >:D

Offline Blystone

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I sure picked the right moment to come back, although it wasn't really my own choice. That's Slipp all right, check out his English grammar: "I hadn't even wrote many personal letters in my life." Then he goes into a lengthy defense of his fake suicides, an episode I remember very well.

Also, his inane comment that Rob is "more of an anarchist than a Christian." It happens that the early Christians were anarchists, with respect to the Hebrew establishment (the Pharisees). Being an agnostic, I have no dog in this fight— I just thought I'd point out what's actually in the New Testament about Jesus's attitude toward "the authorities" of Jerusalem.

Slipp doesn't include me in his list of villians, though. I guess that's because for quite a while, I insisted that he ought to be cut some slack (me having been the "good cop" moderator).

And I do remember the clown guy... called himself "Dirty Clown" or "Evil Clown" or something like that.

Not to get too far off-track, though, I believe that there's definitely such a thing as "moderator burnout." That's because I've experienced it! So my current site is only about music and includes a few classic old film comedy clips and cartoons, and that's it. In spite of our disagreement, something I learned from Rob is that if you want your presence on the web to be exactly what you want it to be, then you pretty much have to run things yourself.


Now I'm going to go back into "radio silence" mode on this board, although I'll keep looking in here (no surprise to the old-timers, I'm sure; I always have, even after I quit moderating). I might post something occasionally, but I'm not getting deeply involved again. First and foremost, my schedule doesn't permit it, and that's not going to change.

If I was ever going to accept a free dinner from Slipp, I'd bring along a "taster," like Octopus Grabbus used.


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Here's is my reply to Eric on Facebook and his response (and mine after that, for the sake of completeness:)
Robert Davidson Poor Eric - everyone's always picking on you without reason, yet you valiantly defend your honor against their outrageous slanders - in excruciating detail, as always.

You are a "at least half-sane person"? One would have to stretch the definition of sanity to the breaking point to justify that claim.
Yesterday at 10:00am · Delete Post

Don Blumlo When did I say "everyone's always" picking on me? Never. But the "without reason" part? There is no reason to ever pick on someone. You, a supposedly admirable message board Admin, advocates "picking on"? I guess you do, because my very first ban on your board was me being attacked and fighting back with you on THEIR side. Like I said, some Christian.

To answer some things said on your board about yours innocently:

Rich, crazy stuff. Basically an attempt to clear his name that only succeeds in putting the stamp on his weirdness.
Hey, Johnny-come-lately, wise up. There are message board administrations out there that are crooked and villainous. This one is on the dividing line leaning toward the bad side, at best.

"Yeah, I faked my own death twice, but c'mon, what would YOU have done?"
I did not ask and don't care what anyone else would have done. I already said I should have just left long before and I would if I had it to do over again.

King of Stooge Trolls
That was Ward Robey, probably. Actually, I've considered sickdrjoe a troll. He should be in the running too.

A troll is a troublemaker. If I ever really turned troublemaker it was back on the old 24*7 board when I just gave up trying to play nice with Metaldams, shemps#1 and other long-timers that are long gone now. I remember 2cool ran that board, and he and I were on good terms. So I popped in to say hi. Sickdrjoe heard I was there, so he came over just to pick on me and turn another board against me. He succeeded. Everyone (except 2cool) eventually told me I wasn't welcome there, even though 2cool welcomed my presence and it was HIS board. Then even he eventually turned against me, so I just gave up and went a little nuts.

I also remember I did pop back in after my initial banning at .net just to tell you off, Rob. That was the only time you could really say I caused trouble at your board. The few times that I tried to sneak back and make a new, friendly existence for myself there would not count because I did NOT mean to cause trouble. My intentions were as pure as Seamus' was when he started posting there.

Dunrobin: I did turn down an offer of a free meal from Eric a few years ago.
Yep. Your loss too. We have 2 good Italian restaurants not far from where I live. But I don't feel like treating you anymore. You still choose to mock me, make fun of me and "put my rants up for all to see"". Again, some Christian you are. Your wig needs serious combing too.

Dunrobin: No doubt I was unduly influenced by the infamous evil trio. You have a lot to answer for, Doug and Jim!
Flippancy is not the best policy. You truly did change for the worst years ago and Jim seemed to take over the board. He voiced gripes in other public forums then used them to write those shabby posting guidelines and he was given those 2 off topic forums that he writes (or used to write) for. What, was too full?

I do agree with most of your bans, like that Chad guy. Good thing he didn't see your whole political forums on that board longer ago. Most of Jim's got a big thumbs down from me. Since you agreed with them though, you do have corruptness in you. Why do you suppose it seemed to start when Jim started running wild on that board and when you sided with the others as you first banned me? Can you answer that? I can. They rubbed off on you. Isn't that influence?
10 hours ago · Report

Robert Davidson Eric, the only thing that changed is that I gave up on making excuses for you. Any attitude that I have towards you is generated by your own, un-charming self, so quit blaming others. You are a pathetic fruitcake, and the fact that this has been going on for a freaking decade is proof enough of that. Go away and get a life.

This is certainly turning into an interesting month, with first Pils and then Islipp turning up.  What's next?

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More of what? Not much more of me. Okay, I've been drawn in again by the reappearance of Slipp, but... no! This is my last comment on the subject. There comes a time when one should look forward, not back (except back at classic comedy and jazz).


Something that's occurred to me in the interim since I quit moderating the board here is that fans of wild slapstick probably aren't the most stable people in the world, anyway. None of us will ever be nominated to the Supreme Court— and that's for sure, "Judgey-Wudgey!"

So whenever somebody shows up who's really over the edge, it's not really much of a surprise, now is it? But dealing with them can get to be too much of a strain on the old grey matter (especially if you're barren of it).


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Sir Doug, I tip my hat (and also my head), but I really do have to bow out. Working two jobs and flying around more than I'd like is no fun, but I don't have any choice.

Maybe I could sell Brighto?

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Sir Doug, I tip my hat (and also my head), but I really do have to bow out. Working two jobs and flying around more than I'd like is no fun, but I don't have any choice.

Maybe I could sell Brighto?

Well hey, best of luck to you.  I just ended the two job thing myself this past fall, so I know what that's like. 
- Doug Sarnecky


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Well, it was great seeing you back, Pils. When you get a chance sometime in the future, I hope you can visit us again. Good luck with your jobs. I know how hard it must be for you. Working one job is already tough on me as it is, so I can only imagine how hard a second job must be.

See ya around!

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Moe:  Get that troll!

Larry:  What troll?

Moe:  The troll that's been posting for the last ten years!

Larry:  Oh, that troll!

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Moe:  Get that troll!

Larry:  What troll?

Moe:  The troll that's been posting for the last ten years!

Larry:  Oh, that troll!

Now THAT is funny!   :laugh:
- Doug Sarnecky

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Damn it, I seem to miss out on all of the good shit lately.  >:(
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Just had to say Wussup, since I am (or was) one of the moderators of this particular board. Rob, Jim, Tom, Doug, etc. hope you are all well. Been a long time since I've posted anything Stooge related but you can catch me often over at the Laurel and Hardy Forum where I am the resident reviewer. But I'll try to come round here every so often.

Reading the above Slipp material: geez, has it really been ten freaking years since our first encounter? Nice to see he hasn't changed - or maybe not so nice.

I ought to post a more recent photo than one 7 years old. I've gotten heavily into car work and as a result now feature tattoos down both my arms and elsewhere; in other words I look like a typical garage guy, sort of like Jesse James without all the Sandra Bullock opprobrium.
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Hey Bruck, it's great to see you! Yeah, it's been a Decade of Slippocity. There are three constants in this life: Death, Taxes and Eric making an ass of himself.
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I found this site again quite by accident. It's been many moons since I had the pleasure(?) of reading the "Islipp Classics." God, what memories! When I still worked nights, when I still had a little hair, when I was still fairly healthy. I've only read three of the threads, but I've had to stifle my guffaws. And those blasts from the past: Bruckman, Shemp Shady, Sweet Canadian Girl, Metaldams and the one and only Sickdrjoe!

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I found this site again quite by accident. It's been many moons since I had the pleasure(?) of reading the "Islipp Classics." God, what memories! When I still worked nights, when I still had a little hair, when I was still fairly healthy. I've only read three of the threads, but I've had to stifle my guffaws. And those blasts from the past: Bruckman, Shemp Shady, Sweet Canadian Girl, Metaldams and the one and only Sickdrjoe!

Sweet mother of.........Jamison!  Yeah, I read these SLIPP posts occasionally when I want nostalgia as well.  Back then I'd have the energy to spar with the guy hours on end.  Today, not so much, but this does make for some strange reading.

Hope you stick around.
- Doug Sarnecky

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A quick tip-o-the-hat to Pilsner from me ... I still got those lovely 101 mp3s you posted long ago (wish I had them all) ... I keep them in a folder marked "Pilsner Downloads"

a few notable entries are ...
Maggie Get the Hammer (There's a Fly on Baby's Head)
The Hopi Indian Song (1906)
Kitchen Man
Nagasaki (Popeye singer tune)
... and a plethora of others I cherish
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