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Tribute to Curly Music Video

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Just a video i edited together in windows media for fun. Tell what you think  :D
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 12:32:04 PM by jka12002 »


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  • Guest
well i disabled the embed option and gave credit. But if they want me to remove it then i will.
Besides i meant no disrespect to the stooges, i made this out of love for them.

Offline RICO987


  • Guest
arrgh some company taking advantage of the copyright shit. the tread is pointless now.

Well the video works on my main page for some reason....
My youtube page

Offline Rich Finegan

What does WMG stand for?

Apparently they don't stand for much!

But WMG is Warner Music Group.

Offline RICO987

arrgh some company taking advantage of the copyright shit. the tread is pointless now.

Well the video works on my main page for some reason....
My youtube page

I just tried it- blocked there now too!

Offline mankey8284

I can't view it either :(
"I'm trying to think and nothing happens!" ~Curly
"I lost my ba-lance." ~Larry
"I'll knock your head right through your socks" ~Moe
"There I am pretty as a picture. Yeah, of an ape" ~Shemp and Moe
"Is that the sun up there? I don't know I'm new in town" ~Larry and Curly
"You'll never know just what tears are, till you've cried, like you've made me cry"
"What stupid, imbecilic fool put that u--I did! Oh, am I dumb" ~Larry
"What a day." ~Curly
"Who is it?" ~Larry
"Do you know what that paper was? Hot?" ~Moe & Curly